Lost World Stadium - In New Set? Ultra Rare?

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I have not seen a lot of information on this yet...

Early on, it looked like Lost World would be banned in the U.S. (eliminating it from the 2011 World Championship)

Now... it kind of looks like it will be in our February Set... Anyone have any spoilers?

And... if it is part of our next set - does anyone have any juicy inside information as to what rarity it will have? (Ultra-Rare like Time-Space Distortion?)
Unfortunately I think we have to wait until late january to findout.

Offtopic: Hypno..do you know when the north olmsted pre-release is?
I think any "inside information" as of now is just rumors. Personally, I'd assume it's either Uncommon or possibly Rare like most Stadiums, but we'll have to wait to see.
It's pretty much for sure coming out. Why have in Japan them running a deck for a whole year, and then at worlds, they cant even run decks they've been testing.
^They play a different format anyway.

I think its extremely unlikely that lost world will be super rare. Why? Because PI has been doing their part to make sure the best and most playable cards aren't super hard to get. Like giving us Uxies, spiritombs, and claydols for free. I think it will likely be a regular stadium. Now whether or not it gets banned is a different question. Personally I think they will make it 8-9 pokemon instead of just 6 so that it matches the Japanese format ratio. Or they will erratta it to 8-9 after it becomes clear lost world is breaking the format.
Lost World is going to be in the next set and there is no way it will end up breaking the format. We have too many good decks right now as it is. What rarity it will be, however, I cannot say. Probably it'll be a regular stadium, but there's no way of knowing.
hmm.... It'll probably be an Uncommon. I want it to be a Secret Rare though so it'll be a bit harder to get. Lots of people want it so it would be cool to have it as a secret rare so it'll be more exciting if you pull it out of a pack. =D
I guess I'm still not convinced...

If Pokemon USA is considering banning Lost World in order to keep from changing the format too much, why not just prevent its use by not releasing it in the US (?)

If it had so much success in Japan... dominating their format... it seems like it should dominate ours, too...If it is allowed to enter the format, that is...
They have a HGSS-on format, IIRC. It's smaller, so the smaller format means less different metagame decks, one of which happens to be LostGar. I think that unless we have a mid-season rotation (which probably won't happen), Lost World will not reach the level of dominance in the US that it has achieved in Japan because we have 7 more sets to work with for now.
In any case if it does get released we will have to change accordingly.
It's more then likely that Nintendo will print a card to get stuff back from the Lost zone in future sets.
^Na. I like this interesting idea of Lost Zone, which is mostly out of play. Don t you understand? Out of play, where you can t get it back. If there is a way, it would be too much like Discard pile.

By my opinion, Lost world will be released, but instead of uncommon, like other stadiums, it would be a rare. If it was Ultra rare, people would lost interest of buying the packs (There is nothing much competitive besides this card, which is broken). If it would be uncommon, players will just get some boosters and they already got to the top of their lists: 4 Lost world. But, with this card as a Stadium, it will be harder to get it.

As for the impact to the meta, I will say that it will be big. It will outspeed most every decks to get into competitive with Luxchomp (which by my opinion will crush Luxchomp, because of the Lost zoned Lv.X). Yes I have tried against it. It will limit Gyarados to use impersonate, feared of getting some Magicarps Lost Zoned. It does not need a lot of Trainers to support, which destroy Vileplume.

Finally, the "why" japanese are getting owned by this card. It is, again, by my opinion, because the lost of BTS, which enables the play of Stage 2 decks, as their Stage 2, main attackers, will get Lost Zoned. Is the Rare Candy law have already been applied? Then, this is worse.
Vilegar won't die. If the LostGar player has just 1 T/T/S in their hand, Mew's KO'd.

Edit: 900th Post
^Well, some people run Mew, but some go for the HP, the ability to use Cursed Droplets to send a Pokémon to the Lost Zone (due to Gengar Prime's 'Body), and Gengar LV.X's Level-Down.
Mr.Ferrari said:
It's more then likely that Nintendo will print a card to get stuff back from the Lost zone in future sets
That would totally and utterly defeat the point of having a Lost Zone. Thy may as well call it "Discard Pile #2" if this happens.
A Stadium card that will be released in the next English set, and was already released in Japan's Lost Link mini-set.
Its effect is as follows:

"During a player's turn, if this Stadium card is in play and that player's opponent has 6 or more Pokemon cards in his or her Lost Zone, that player may declare himself or herself the winner of this duel."
You know.... I don't think this card is as broken as you guys make it seem. Cause if you get Flygon RR out then everytime they try to play it just Sand Wall it out of there if you get a chance to. Then you can Regice LA to get rid of the Pokemon in your hand. I don't know.... Or maybe Giratina lv.x to try to make them have to discard it if it ends up being the only card in their hand. Or Flygon lv.x's Wind Erosion to maybe get them discarded while it's still in their deck. (There's WAAYYY more, I just don't know them off the top of my head) xD To me it doesn't seems like that big of a threat cause no matter how good it is there's always a way around it. But that's just my opinion....
You do know you DON'T play the stadium till you're ready to win. So, flygon won't do anything.

Also, that will suck if it comes out as a SR. Imagine how much the deck will be. Gengars will be like, $30, LW will be like, $30, mew will be so high.
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