THANK YOU ATS. As many people have been saying absol G LV X destroys lostgar and can be easily added to many sp variants. The deck can get gengars out quickly, but if you play it smart you can force them to have to play a seeker, judge, lookers or something of the sort. When they are forced to do this they can not play things like bebes, collector, or twins, and that will hurt them if they have to do it turn after turn. The same thing goes for palkia LV X and omastar they take time and resources to set up, and that effects how many gengars they can get on the field. If I were to play the deck I would simply tech in a one one line of donphan prime and one fighting energy. This would be relatively simple to do and get on the field, and would be a great counter to absol G LV X and other darks.