Finished Mafia XXXV: Pokemon Card GB3: Team GR's Last Stand

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I'm not going to try to defend quaking but if he is lynched I don't see his ability doing much at this point as we all should have 1 card on us, revealing what the scum has probably won't reveal that much to prevent it from being an OP ability.

If scum want to keep those support cards hidden they won't even try to touch him or push for a lynch on him.

He could still be scum with an ability that benefits scum if he's lynched, I suppose.
This is also a possibility as to why he would try to lynch himself which would be a horrible scum move
Lynching yourself is also a scum move when all seems lost because it shortens day discussion, which is pro-scum.
Btw, does anyone else have their FP Effect description bolded, like in quaking's claim?
OK, it's irrelevant if the FP Effect description is bolded or not for all of us townies or not because quaking is almost certainly the lynch today an it'll be revealed in the flip, but just in case there's a bombshell dropped and a scum claims, then it could be useful if they don't know. In case they weren't given fakes or something.
OK, it's irrelevant if the FP Effect description is bolded or not for all of us townies or not because quaking is almost certainly the lynch today an it'll be revealed in the flip, but just in case there's a bombshell dropped and a scum claims, then it could be useful if they don't know. In case they weren't given fakes or something.

Fair enough.
Ah, I caught up at last! You guys sure talked a lot in 16 hours :U

I'll compile my quotes and answer them right now.
So I've been told I should contribute but I don't really want to vote on Day 1, I guess, so I'm going to go ahead and do exactly that.

Apparently I should comment on the state of the game too? I mean, I'm not actively following it, so I don't have much to say.
This is Excal's first post and definitely the one that was the driving force behind their case. It's suspicious, as many others said, because it implies that Excal has some sort of outside communication, and her partner told her to contribute.
Note to self: Don't do anything, you're suspicious, you're dead.
Well this sure got me involved.

##VOTE: PikaMasterJesi

So if we're pointing fingers at who's suspicious, I'll do the same, I guess?
Here's a bandwagon. While Excal is a new player, and we should give her the benefit of the doubt, it's suspicious regardless becuase she's sheeping.
Mobile interface really catching me off guard, having irl things to do, messenger chats to be in, and trying to find some kind of decent lie to use?
This is probably sarcasm, but we should still try to take sarcasm seriously. In Mafia 33, Celever was scum and said that he was scum in thread, so we shouldn't take sarcasm lightly.
Not responding with an actual answer to avoid laying suspicion on existing suspicion doesn't seem like an awful play to me, to be honest.
Here, Excal thinks that ignoring questions is townie when under suspicion. Like Celever said earlier, being honest is the best way to get suspcion off of your back, so this seems scummy to an extent.
Being entirely honest it doesn't seem like I should ever care if people want to constantly vote for me on Day 1, I won't care because I won't be able to really "play the game" due to (seemingly) screwing myself over. Like going in with Mercy and expecting to not be targeted.
This is more fluffy sarcasm, with a hint of ATE sprinkled in. Did I mention that all of Excal's posts so far have been sheeping or fluff?
Yes. I cast some suspicion on myself. No, that isn't anyone else's fault. No, I'm not whining saying "I don't like it get me out".

Being new is hard, you don't remember rules and whatever you do makes you super suspicious because why not, and I'm not paying that much attention due to the fact that I've been spending too much time in group chats about games I've yet to buy to keep my mind on this.

Final thoughts: I'm suspicious, cool, shoot me. Mind games are fun, too. I think that I can get away with things because no one knows how I play due to this being my first game.
There's still more sarcasm and fluff. I think the last sentence is pretty suspicious, because it seems like Excal wants to lie and manipulate, which, as I learned, is awful for a townie to do.
Okay, first of all, I'm now supposed to like a post? I thought that was against the rules for whatever reason.

And actually, the whole reason why I slipped and said I was told to contribute was due to Jesi tagging me, and still not understanding the rules, I asked her what I'm supposed to do, since she said I should contribute to someone, and vote for someone.
I've pretty much just been reading posts and kind of aiming for whoever has the most "suspicion" because that's just what other people are doing.

To be honest, I don't actually know what I was thinking, I guess? Apparently being sarcastic (which wasn't even meant) was a bad play, and you can notice that if you have any experience at all in this game, I think. So why would I do that? Because I'm completely clueless.

There, hopefully that clears things up?
Here Excal, tries to clear up the initial suspicion on them, but they also admit to sheeping, which comes off as scummy
The mobile interface is fun. @~@
More fluff.
Quick question though, it's still a possibility to lie to answer questions and stuff, right? Or can I not even bother to answer them? Feels like it gives away more.
Then again, it seems like if you do one simple thing, half the forum points guns at your head.
Excal admits to wanting to lie again here.

So the main points on Excal are as follows:
-Fluff posting
-Eagerness to lie
-Possibly slipped that they were in a QT

One last thing to note is that Mia has been Excal's biggest defender thus far, so if they flip scum, there's a good chance that Mia is scum too.
So I've been told I should contribute but I don't really want to vote on Day 1, I guess, so I'm going to go ahead and do exactly that.

Apparently I should comment on the state of the game too? I mean, I'm not actively following it, so I don't have much to say.

Mobile interface really catching me off guard, having irl things to do, messenger chats to be in, and trying to find some kind of decent lie to use?

Yes. I cast some suspicion on myself. No, that isn't anyone else's fault. No, I'm not whining saying "I don't like it get me out".

Being new is hard, you don't remember rules and whatever you do makes you super suspicious because why not, and I'm not paying that much attention due to the fact that I've been spending too much time in group chats about games I've yet to buy to keep my mind on this.

Final thoughts: I'm suspicious, cool, shoot me. Mind games are fun, too. I think that I can get away with things because no one knows how I play due to this being my first game.

Uhm, no. Mind games in Werewolf are extremely risky and most often than not they hurt the town by painting a huge target on a townie's back. And that includes sarcasm.

Now, I still feel like you slipped, but:

Jesi and Excal know each other IRL. I feel like it's plausible to assume that Jesi would tag Excal for no other reason than the fact that he's a friend of hers, and she wants him to come play the game.

This sums up my dilemma. I'm not voting for you /yet/. But the next scummy thing you do, I'm getting a case on you.

Jesi didn't ask how to scumhunt, she asked what method we should use to scumhunt from here. Quaking changed what she said, and this resulted in even Jesi being confused when Vom rode on quaking's reasoning.

This. You completely turned her words around and took advantage of her reaction.

You're becoming EM now.

Oh, trust me, it takes a lot more levels of non-sensical and off-topic posting to become EM. >.< (And sorry, but that's the usual stuff you see. He improved in a game but went downhill the next one).

Agreeing isn't buddying.

Quoting because it's true and I wish I could have said it myself. :v

One last thing to note is that Mia has been Excal's biggest defender thus far, so if they flip scum, there's a good chance that Mia is scum too.

... ... Mia has barely posted. Try again.

I'm not voting for you, just because:
a) A hammer is a possibility and we could use the time.
b) I'd like to see what other stuff you come up with.
Luis, here was the post that made me say that Mia was defending Excal, but then she said that he was scummy in the post below, so idk.
The case on ExcalAura4D is extremely weak and barely constitutes as a case; moreso as an attempt to get pressure off of her and onto someone who perhaps won't know how to respond due to this being their first game and conveniently giving her an opportunity. Jesi is starting to panic already, even though she's nowhere near the majority, which is not a good sign for her.
Actually, Mia is indeed his biggest defender. Celever only said that quaking's case is better. Mia is the only one calling the case on Excal "extremely weak" with no explanation, as well as ignoring my request for why she thinks that.
Excal hasn't displayed an "eagerness to lie". He's just clarifying that it's within the rules to do so. Come on, quaking. You made a similar assumption about Jesi just a few hours ago. Asking about something isn't the same thing as doing it.
My reasoning for calling Jesi's case on ExcalAura4D extremely weak was due to the circumstantial evidence of the case (For all we know, Jesi might've said "hey, the day's started, come post some things" over skype or something.) and it being made by a player who was on her back foot and mildly panicking, so the circumstantial evidence was extremely weak, as Jesi was looking for every out to try and take out someone before her.

However, ExcalAura4D's responses over time, particularly the one where he said he could get away with things have soured my opinion of him somewhat. However, I'm getting a general vibe of annoyance from him, which isn't too surprising given his position, so I'm not going to pursue him yet.

Will comment on the quakingpunch case later.
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