Finished Mafia XXXV: Pokemon Card GB3: Team GR's Last Stand

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Mint could as easily be a reluctant double agent in the flavor and still be technically aligned with scum.

##VOTE: quakingpunch73

At this point I'm seeing quaking's defense as a form of reverse psychology. Claiming he wants to be lynched while having a defeatist attitude and admitting he has looked scummy would make us intentionally think there's more to his role than he claims (and we already have, suspecting he's a bomb or has an OP role or has a role that benefits scum when he's lynched), and it's going to make us hesitate to vote for him --- an attempt to buy time and a lesser attempt to spare him in the expectation that he could prove his role in the future. In addition, there was that uncharacteristic AtE.

This is also a possibility as to why he would try to lynch himself which would be a horrible scum move

It isn't horrible when it's possible that the scum would benefit from his lynch (like simsands postulated) combined with the fact that there are way too many votes on him now that would be more trouble to remove from him than just giving up on him and bussing him.

Depending on his flip, we get some ammo against Jesi (whom I still do not find trustworthy for reasons I've stated in my previous post) and Celever tomorrow.

Reading over Excal's posts, I believe him to be newbie town. The desire to not get lynched because he wants to stay in the game is almost exactly what happened to PikaMasterJesi early on in WWXXXIV; Excal might have internally panicked at the first sign of pressure/desire to get him off the game, and went the arrogant sarcasm route in defense (people do react differently in defense). A coached newbie would most likely be told not to do that, hence his reactions read genuine and unplanned to me, which are signs pointing to newbie town.
Stay on topic, you guys. All posts from this point forward should pertain to the game in some way.
quakingpunch73 is at L-1.
Adding to Reinforce, the fact that after everything he then comes out and says it was all part of his plan?

I don't buy it, may as well just lynch him.
Dope banner by Jesi


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Ok, Excal's post has finally gave us a good answer to why she avoided the question. Simply put, they broke the OC rule and were afraid to be banned from the game. Btw, don't worry, you are new, noone is going to ban you forever on such a mistake (pretty sure it happened to other players here, which Im not going to name but they are more experienced. just don't do that again).
Oh and btw @ExcalAura4D , now you can see the benefit of not finishing the day too early. For one thing, you managed to explain yourself, as well as getting people to read you more as town than scum.
(just answering your question of why not to hammer).
Depending on his flip, we get some ammo against Jesi (whom I still do not find trustworthy for reasons I've stated in my previous post) and Celever tomorrow.
Oh good, looks like people are already preparing to get on me if my D1 case ended up catching the wrong player! :U

Excal's explanation was good. I thought his case was generally pretty shaky and I never really commented on it at the time because I wanted to see how things would play out. I think it's worth looking into the people who were really pushing his case, especially if quaking flips town, because I believe there was at least one scum on his lynch.

Anyway, now that Excal has got the opportunity to respond, I kinda feel like all the loose ends of the day have been tied up, and I think we've got 48 hours left. I wouldn't be against a hammer now, unless someone else comes out with a useful discussion point.
I'm hoping to get some decent analysis of posts done before the day ends, so I'm against hammering just now. That said, since the quaking lynch is pretty much sealed, I'm unsure whether revealing any further analysis during this Day is a good idea, as it feels like it'd be more helpful for the scum rather than town. :/
In that case, let us end the day. Although it is kinda annoying that some players haven't said anything.
I'm hoping to get some decent analysis of posts done before the day ends, so I'm against hammering just now. That said, since the quaking lynch is pretty much sealed, I'm unsure whether revealing any further analysis during this Day is a good idea, as it feels like it'd be more helpful for the scum rather than town. :/
Kind of depends if you think you're in danger of getting killed tonight. Now that you've said you've got analysis under covers, you could hypothetically be in some sort of danger. IDK though, your call.
The scum would have to be pretty inexperienced to presume I don't have analysis under covers. :p

Hmm, I'm unsure. Probably doesn't matter if there's a hammer or not, I guess.
Oh good, looks like people are already preparing to get on me if my D1 case ended up catching the wrong player! :U
And? Why wouldn't you expect so? It's normal by now that whoever is the main proponent of a lynch goes under scrutiny the next day, regardless of the alignment the lynched player flips. The connotation I might have implied is negative, but likewise, you can also obtain positive points under your belt. If he flips scum, people would be more easily accepting of your opinions and posts. If he flips town, you will get looked at as possible scum. Either way, the next day, people would be talking about you. Why would you feel bothered? I'd think a major reason you'd be bothered is if you're not confident of your standing or alignment, maybe?

@bbninjas, Hmm, if your analysis has relevant information/opinion regarding the quaking/Jesi/Celever/Excal situation, what's the harm in sharing it? Who knows, if you get the analysis/response of other players, we might get some useful revelations.
Whoops, quote tags got messed up.

Oh good, looks like people are already preparing to get on me if my D1 case ended up catching the wrong player! :U

And? Why wouldn't you expect so? It's normal by now that whoever is the main proponent of a lynch goes under scrutiny the next day, regardless of the alignment the lynched player flips. The connotation I might have implied is negative, but likewise, you can also obtain positive points under your belt. If he flips scum, people would be more easily accepting of your opinions and posts. If he flips town, you will get looked at as possible scum. Either way, the next day, people would be talking about you. Why would you feel bothered? I'd think a major reason you'd be bothered is if you're not confident of your standing or alignment, maybe?

@bbninjas, Hmm, if your analysis has relevant information/opinion regarding the quaking/Jesi/Celever/Excal situation, what's the harm in sharing it? Who knows, if you get the analysis/response of other players, we might get some useful revelations.
Whoops, quote tags got messed up.

And? Why wouldn't you expect so? It's normal by now that whoever is the main proponent of a lynch goes under scrutiny the next day, regardless of the alignment the lynched player flips. The connotation I might have implied is negative, but likewise, you can also obtain positive points under your belt. If he flips scum, people would be more easily accepting of your opinions and posts. If he flips town, you will get looked at as possible scum. Either way, the next day, people would be talking about you. Why would you feel bothered? I'd think a major reason you'd be bothered is if you're not confident of your standing or alignment, maybe?
It's Day 1.

...that's all I need to say. Connect the rest of the dots yourself.
@bbninjas, Hmm, if your analysis has relevant information/opinion regarding the quaking/Jesi/Celever/Excal situation, what's the harm in sharing it? Who knows, if you get the analysis/response of other players, we might get some useful revelations.
bb's playstyle is really good. He waits on bombshells until they are relevant and useful, so that good cases don't lose their effect from being built up gradually over the game, but rather for the good case to be a WoT when it's appropriate for the WoT to be posted. The lynch won't change, and if bb posts his cases and analyses now, tomorrow, when it would actually be useful, everyone will have forgotten about it and some won't be interested in rereading.

I tried to adopt his policy with quaking, since I didn't analyse his posts until a couple days later when he'd posted more. And hey, it worked.
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