Finished Mafia XXXVI: Werewolves of the Interspectaculars ~ Game Over! Congratulations, Interspectaculars!

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Because he is usually very active and aggressive in play. Kind of the opposite read I had on Vom last game.
That still doesn't explain why that is actually scummy. I don't think it's scummy that quaking has been a bit quieter and safer. In fact, I would say he has been too aggressive/forced recently (of course, that's just my opinion). Have a look at your own meta... have you changed and adapted after other games... improving? Have you gotten busier and as a result talked less or failed to build cases? I certainly have for both. While it could be a indication of alignment, there could be many other possibilities for the change regardless of alignment and as such being hasty is not wise.
That still doesn't explain why that is actually scummy. I don't think it's scummy that quaking has been a bit quieter and safer. In fact, I would say he has been too aggressive/forced recently (of course, that's just my opinion). Have a look at your own meta... have you changed and adapted after other games... improving? Have you gotten busier and as a result talked less or failed to build cases? I certainly have for both. While it could be a indication of alignment, there could be many other possibilities for the change regardless of alignment and as such being hasty is not wise.

True, but activity is a thing that does tell you often times when something may be wrong with a player. PP and Vom were different in their activity last game, and vwalla- PP was scum, and Vom was town. You can't base your read on activity alone, but you can't ignore activity as well. Together with the other scummy points of Quaking/PP this game, activity is a fair point to add, imo.
Quaking being less aggressive this game is completely understandable, seeing how he got lynched early thanks to being too aggressive last game, and then mentioned in the dead chat that he would try being less aggressive. Just saying. Though I don't think this changes the situation in any way.
No. He unvoted you. How did you get such impression?
It looked like he voted me (pushing the lynch that, due to the number of people on it, was the easy one), and then unvoted when he was pressured for it (being flippy). Was this not the case?

No. It was because he did not give any explanation when he said that you are a bad option for a lynch. He did gave reasons eventually, and among these reasons was one reason that no one else thought about. (the fact that no one attempted to suggest another lynch option other than you for a long time since the day has started).
Ah, k.

The points on PP look valid. If KX's case isn't going anywhere, might as well see if we found another scum.
Oh, finally,we get something happening around here in time that I could get on.

Right, so... to the people still worrying about Jabber, I'm very confident that he'll get cleared (and maybe stronger) if the scum see it fit to kill me for the stunt I pulled today, derailing what should have been an oh-so-easy lynch. Sorry, scum ;) And if Jabber gets killed instead (thus rendering me vanilla), well... His role and alignment will flip and he'll obviously be town, and we can be even more suspicious of those who'd pushed for his lynch because it was obviously a wagon guided by scum. But as we saw from his claim that he'd managed to show with scattered's case, all he can do is pass out an additional vote weight, so all you other town power roles are going to be safe with our sacrifice. Don't let it go to waste on apathetic town lynches.

Speaking of making an effort, PMJ's got a point on his case, I agree. These posts:

Right now, I'm keeping the vote on Jabber. I want a vote in play from me and Jabber is the player that most warrants a vote on them.

It is nearly always beneficial to have a vote in play at all time because votes are in no way permanent; I can switch my vote at any time during the day. This community just isn't used to that novel idea yet.

Your vote is the main form of your voice, not your post. By always having a vote in play, I can ensure that my voice is being heard.

People that decide "I don't want to vote yet" or "I'll vote later" are people that I think don't understand the purpose of a vote. If you're delaying your vote in the interest of avoiding a scum hammer, nine times out of ten the scum team avoids the hammer because they don't want to appear scummy (I've been scum in like 4 of the last 5 games I've been in and this has been the case EVERY time).

Ergo, I want my vote on Jabber right now because even though I think he's barely scummy, he's still my top scum read which warrants having a vote on him.

There's some sort of reverse psychology in play here but simply put, scum want to avoid being on town wagons too much for fear of a pattern developing against them, so that they won't get called out for having pushed or voted a player who turned out to be town (which they'll know of course since they know their teammates). In fact, this is how I got hinted as scum in Order in the Court as I recall, as I barely even placed votes. Scum tend to play passively, letting the town vote each other, so they won't get accused of having pushed or voted a town lynch, reminiscent of what the scum team did in the previous game.

So then, these posts of PP seem scum-like in that they're trying to showcase in a flashy manner that "Hey, I got a vote" or "I'm not playing passively" and that he's participating and voting. And since he himself has stated that a hammer is believed to be a scum sign and that scum would purposely avoid being accused of it, then he himself is doing that exact thing by having his vote placed early on and making an unreliable promise to remove or switch it later so that it's not a hammer vote.

But you don't vote for the sake of having a vote put on the board. You don't vote just so that the other players could see your name as a voter. You vote because of the person you're voting, and you believe they will flip scum.

And town don't delay their vote solely because of the fear of a scum hammer which is easy to see coming by counting. It's because town know how precious their vote is as the main weapon to defeat scum and thus are more careful with it, and want it to be placed on the best candidate to flip scum as much as possible. And the best candidate often is someone who'll only come up after a long day of discussion and analysis --- in that scenario, it's only natural that a vote won't be placed immediately and will only be done close to the end of the day. Well, I can't speak for everyone but that's what I do.

Planting a vote, especially on someone that he has stated in his own words that he doesn't even think is highly scummy, means your intention for voting isn't to eliminate scum. You're voting just for ensuring a lynch will occur. Not that that's a bad thing, we here at PB preach that lynch > no lynch. But we vote looking at the person we're lynching and the info we'll obtain from the lynch. In short, the quality and result of the lynch is what matters when you vote. You don't vote for the lynch itself. But you just want a lynch to happen, irregardless of whether the person you're voting for is highly likely or unlikely to flip scum. When you plant a vote... just so that it's there? That's what your priority thought appears to be.

And do you know who has a thought process like that?

It's scum.

##ACCUSE: Professor Palutena
Today had been much more relaxed compared to the previous day for most, although still stressful for those in the heat of the moment. At first, all seemed lost for the user Jabberwock, whose actions yesterday made things terribly grave for him. However, as the afternoon passed and the sun was burning out, the attention shifted to Professor Palutena, who became the final lynch target as the sun set over Onett. When the sky had turned orange, the voice behind the PA system turned on the microphone and made the day end call from the speakers.

“It's now sunset. I hope you're ready to reveal yourself, Professor Palutena…” announced the voice. Everyone packed up their devices and headed for the cafeteria once again, feeling worried about who they killed. The lynchee himself was probably the most worried of them all. To suddenly be told you were being killed, especially when you weren't originally being the one killed… It was truly a horrifying thing. As everyone entered the setup from yesterday and taking seats, the empty spot of Amber apparent to all, the cloaked being stood up and drew the same knife from yesterday, the blood stains on it still caked on.

“Well then? What are we waiting for? Get yourself up there!” called the figure. Instantly, a Koopa Troopa stood up and stayed still, wanting to see if anyone reacted to their identity. No one seemed to.

Professor Palutena revealed himself! He was:
You are Kooper Kamokawa, an obnoxious, screechy Koopa Troopa aligned with The Interspectaculars. Although not many people like you, they decided to let you battle for your side of the school anyways since your voice is a strong one.

Passive Ability: Senseless Rambling
As you are a loud person who likes to talk, you’ll often go off for hours about a single topic. As you also know, many people are unappreciative of this rambling and are often wanting to get rid of you as soon as possible. You will be lynched at L-1.

Active Ability: Food For All!
Even though people don’t like you, they know you for one thing: your obsession with food. For this reason, you have multiple of two lunches ready for whoever you want to give them to: the Carrot All Salad and Lettuce Date Sandwiches for Two. You may PM me the name of a player and the set you would like to use once per day, and they will be offered the lunch at night. If they decline, their vote weight will become zero for the next day phase.

Win Condition: Kill all who pose a threat to the Interspectaculars.
“...Anyone? No one cares? I'm important, you know!” screeched Kooper.

“In that case, we’re safe to end this quickly.” The mysterious person raised their arm and took Kooper's life in an instant, the others feeling sorrow and remorse upon her death.

Final Day 2 Vote Count
Jabberwock: 1 (Professor Palutena, simsands, King Xerneas, bbninjas)
GM Draclord: 0 (Reinforce)
Professor Palutena: 6 (PMJ, bbninjas, scattered mind, Jabberwock, Reinforce) L-1
PMJ: 0 (scattered mind)
King Xerneas: 0 (simsands)

Not Voting: Everyone Else

Night 2 will end on Friday, August 12, at noon PST.
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A mysterious figure snuck through the halls once again, taking a different route to find their target tonight. Drawing the same knife from his pocket that he had the night before, he stumbled upon his target: a young boy with a cap and long hair. He turned around to see the person and freaked out.

“N-No… what are you… no, no, fuzzy pickles!! I’m simsands! You must be looking for someone else!”

Simsands revealed himself! He was:
You are Ness Michelin, an outgoing, geeky 13-year old aligned with The Interspectaculars. You’re a loyal friend who always sticks by your friends’ side, but with your own life at risk amongst others, you’re scared you’ll never see them or your family again.

Passive Ability: “Fuzzy Pickles”
No matter how much you try to pretend it’s not there, you have a tic disorder, and it’s fairly prominent in your speech. At least once every three posts, you will be forced to have the phrase “fuzzy pickles” in your post somewhere. Failure to do so will result in your vote weight becoming 0 for the remainder of the day phase.

[b[Active Ability: PSI[/b]
You were born into a family strong with the ability to use psychokinesis, and as such can use them quite strongly. Once per night, you may PM me the name of a player. They will be put half-asleep by your PSI and cannot perform any night actions due to grogginess.

Win Condition: Kill all who pose a threat to the Interspectaculars.
“No, you must be looking for someone else… your girlfriend Amber. Lucky for you, you’ll be reuniting with her now.”


The boy was mercilessly stabbed to death through his bloodcurdling shrieks, and fell to the ground lifelessly. As the sun rose and others discovered his body, one managed to find a message scrawled on a scrap piece of paper:

??? said:
Restricted message. Unfortunate lynch. PMJ is suspicious.

With the shock of waking up to a dead body, the voice on the PA system came back on once again:

“You now see your friend has died, am I right? By now, you should know the routine.” Everyone solemnly walked back to their hiding spots, the realization of this war slowly sinking in. People really were going to die horrible deaths, and all for control of a high school...

Day 3 will end at noon PST on 8/16/2016. Majority is six to lynch.
The inactivity this game has been pretty bad, so today, the post count requirement will be five. Anyone who fails to meet this requirement will be subbed out.

Also, with Pokémon World Championships 2016 coming up, we hosts are wondering how many of you are going to be away during the time it runs. If more than five people will be away next weekend, the game will be put on hold from then until around Monday or Tuesday. Please let us know as soon as possible!
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