Marriage: Special or waste?

Chaos Jackal

Legend of the Past
Caution: By no means this topic intends to insult married people. If anyone thinks different, then please leave this topic.

So discuss! What do you think of marriage? Is it a special, life-changing occasion? Is it just an old custom? Why?
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

An old custom. Marriage does nothing but complicate people's lives. Unfortunately, it's a necessary evil.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

The Typical Single Response ^^^^^

Marriage is a good thing because it serves as a moral fence for individuals. Marriage is a bad thing because it is a moral fence for individuals. Righteous individuals will grow in their intangible bounds with others. In consequence, the dingy will follow subsequently.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

I for one couldn't really give a response to this kind of question (special or waste). Personally, I don't think anyone who isn't married (being most of the people on this forum) can really give a legitamate determination of whether or not it is a "waste", because obviously they will never know until it happens.

Sure, most of us can imagine though. Answering one of your questions, I can probably guess based on general knowledge that a marriage is indeed a life changing event. If you are ceremonially, and consequently becoming emotionally 'one', then of course that is going to give birth to an entirely new lifestyle that will also pose many new challenges. Then you add in the factor of possible children coming into the picture, and that's where almost anybody could say (even if you don't have kids) that your life undergoes big changes. I wouldn't mitigate the process as just an "old time custom" because it's not just that. I mean, the ceremony in itself may be custom, but I think even the deeply passionate and genuine love a couple share's is basically a "marriage" by itself.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

WOW is all i can say. Am i one of the last few who were raised old school or something? So much hipster this and that. The horrible line of thought now in the generation is awful!

First off, i think there should be a little form to fill out. Just stating with each and every post of the users age and if they are married or not.

Just because you see, does not mean you know nor can say anything about it. And this is not just a "well, everyone has their own opinion". No, its a have you been married/are married and what is it. If you are single and choose to be single, then you will obv have a biased opinion.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

r3skyline said:
If you are single and choose to be single, then you will obv have a biased opinion.

Being married means you're just as biased as those who aren't. I don't think there's a large majority of users on a Pokemon TCG forum that are happily married or are even in love (call it what you will), so it's not "us young people trying to be hipster" as much as it's nobody knowing what the hell they're talking about.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

Why does my wife blame me for everything?

Because she's a woman.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

Some Loser said:
r3skyline said:
If you are single and choose to be single, then you will obv have a biased opinion.

Being married means you're just as biased as those who aren't. I don't think there's a large majority of users on a Pokemon TCG forum that are happily married or are even in love (call it what you will), so it's not "us young people trying to be hipster" as much as it's nobody knowing what the hell they're talking about.

Considering the most obvious fact for this thread...

Marriage. Special or waste?

Kind of hard to NOT be biased.

To answer the original question with my opinion.

Marriage is an awesome special bond. YES all marriages will have ups and downs, but thats the beauty of it, because you get to experience it with that special someone. You wont be alone and will always have that rock to depend on no matter what.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

r3skyline said:
Considering the most obvious fact for this thread...

Marriage. Special or waste?

Kind of hard to NOT be biased.

Well why did you call us out for being biased lol

Just because we're not married doesn't mean we want to abolish marriage in it's entirety.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

PDC said:
Why does my wife blame me for everything?

Because she's a woman.


Anyways.. Marriage is important to anyone Christian, so this is gonna be a biased thread based mainly on beliefs. (not that marriage is only important to christains) *Gatr will just shut up now*
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

Jay said:
The Typical Single Response ^^^^^

Great, except I'm not single. Getting married is largely a waste. If you love someone, then just be with them. Save your time and your money; if your relationship goes south, breaking it off is a lot easier to do without going through a potentially messy divorce. If it doesn't, then all the better. Unfortunately, our society chooses to bestow benefits on the title of husband or wife, so if you want to take advantage of them, you might have to just get married.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

Some Loser said:
r3skyline said:
Considering the most obvious fact for this thread...

Kind of hard to NOT be biased.

Well why did you call us out for being biased lol

Just because we're not married doesn't mean we want to abolish marriage in it's entirety.

Because how is a SINGLE person to respond to a topic about marriage? lol
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

Way to be original, Chill.
Marriage is iffy for me. I'm atheist, and it impacts me more than a Christian (in a sort). Christians in my area will generally hold the same views and they can be quite radical. To them, a fellow churchgoer who lives life a bit loose is on a highway to salvation, while a fellow Christian who lives life a bit loose is asked to come to church every now and then.
But in their eyes, an atheist who lives life a bit loose is not to be trusted. That's probably why I've been in the same relationship for a year and a half. I do love her, but to be honest, I don't see it lasting much more.
Marriage isn't something to just jump into like an fps without any forethought to it at all. It's your life. I live by this motto everyday. It's my life. I disappointed my parents with my career choice, and that probably won't be the last time I disappoint them.
I'd rather be the much more happier guy in my group of friends at the ten year reunion because, unlike them, I lived a little. I explored my options, and thought crap out. Do I have as much money as they do? No (well, yes, but that's because I'll be having a higher level of pay. but for the sake of the point, I move on). But will I have someone who may change their mind or personality and leave me, taking half of my s*** with her? No.
Point is:
Marriage is okay, but don't jump into it. If you're at an age where you'd be an average college student, don't do it. The age one should marry would probably be around 25 and up. It's your life. If people are forcing you to do things you aren't ready for, or things you do not want to do, then flip a certain finger and do what you want.

And, r3skyline, there's your bias claim being shattered.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

r3skyline said:
Because how is a SINGLE person to respond to a topic about marriage? lol

I am single.

I for one think Marriage can be a very enriching experience. There's a quote (I forget who) but it's on relationships, and he/she said "If both of you agree 100% of the time, then one of you isn't necessary." Nobody in the world is perfect, everybody makes mistakes. Having a partner moving forward in life can make it much easier when you mess up. You have somebody there to comfort you, and who will (almost) always love you, no matter what. Further more, this person can point out your flaws, and help you change yourself into a better person, and you can do the same back to him/her.

I do agree with Haunted Water, however, when he says that marriage is not something you just jump into. There's a reason that they make you say "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in health and in sickness." at the ceremony. This is the one and only person you are (hopefully) spending the rest of your life with. That's an extremely big decision, and something to think about for a long time. That being said, if you find the right person, marriage is definitely more than just an old tradition from my point of view.
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

r3skyline said:
Because how is a SINGLE person to respond to a topic about marriage? lol

Oh, okay, so I guess just because my viewpoint is different than yours, and I'm not married, I'm not allowed to discuss this topic. I'll be quiet now.

oh and teapot I didn't know you were single, how bout we go out for some drinks sometime, my treat ;)))))))
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

From what I have seen. Your guys' answers have been what you think marriage could be and not what it has been.

How are you guys not understanding? To truly answer his question you actually need experience in this. Yes you can have a view, but unless you've been in it, can you legitimately answer the question of , "is marriage special or a waste".
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

r3skyline said:
From what I have seen. Your guys' answers have been what you think marriage could be and not what it has been.

How are you guys not understanding? To truly answer his question you actually need experience in this. Yes you can have a view, but unless you've been in it, can you legitimately answer the question of , "is marriage special or a waste".

No, I understand your view. It's just that the main attraction of this site is children of a sophomore-ish age in high school and younger. Saying that only married people can truly answer this question seems really pointless. If he wanted opinions from only married people, he would not have asked this question on a Pokémon site. Further more, just because I have never been married does not mean I can't have an opinion. I've seen my parent's marriage last for 20 years, and I've also seen people be perfectly happy as they are single, like my grandmother who got a divorce. Just because I've never experienced it doesn't mean I can't give an honest answer.

As it stands, this thread was to discuss our opinions of marriage, not who can and can't properly answer the question in this thread based on their current experiences. It would be awesome if we could keep this thread on the topic it was intended to be. :)
RE: Marriage. Special or waste?

r3skyline said:
From what I have seen. Your guys' answers have been what you think marriage could be and not what it has been.

How are you guys not understanding? To truly answer his question you actually need experience in this. Yes you can have a view, but unless you've been in it, can you legitimately answer the question of , "is marriage special or a waste".

It honestly doesn't take experience to know what marriage is like lol. I can form my opinions by observing other people's relationships. For example, my parents got divorced, my grandparents are "life partners", and my aunt and uncle are happily married for almost twenty years. Not only that but my girlfriend and I have talked about our plans for the future and agreed to save marriage for later. I've seen and heard countless people's stands on marriage and I can form my own opinion off of theirs.

Just because I'm not married does not mean I don't have an opinion or experience on the issue. That's like saying someone can't argue gun control because they don't own a gun or they can't discuss obesity because they're not fat.
How about you explain your views on the main topic in more than 2 lines, rather than continuously bag on whether someone else who is single has a meritable view or not. You seem to be the only one married who has posted so far, and yet you have the least thought-out response.

Some Loser said:
oh and teapot I didn't know you were single, how bout we go out for some drinks sometime, my treat ;)))))))
