Marriage: Special or waste?

Agreeing with Mora here, these morals are just some good values to keep. She gave a bunch of great reasons to support her claim of how these values can help, and they can help you in a bunch of different ways. Waiting for the right moment when you know you want to be with this person in difficult, but by waiting you will truly know.

Elite Stride, you are right about when you said "Christianity isn't morals". That is not all it is, its a lot more. But, it is a faith that contains morals, such as abstinence, and those morals is a pretty big part of Christianity.

omahanime, you might of mis-interpreted what I was trying to say. I am happy to hear that this relationship between you and your spouse worked out well, but I just meant relationships where the party has some trouble with staying abstinent or responsive with each other, and then certain problems start occurring. I'm not the one to tell these people that they have made dire mistakes that can ruin their lives, but following those are just some of my morals I use as a Christian. And I'm also not saying that if you aren't a Christian, you don't have reasonable morals. Anybody can have morals, you just need to set the bar a follow it. Just wanted to get that straightened out.
Inb4 most of the people posting on this thread against marriage end up getting married at some point in they're life.
Haunted Water said:
Personally, theducktamer isn't a bad person. Although, I didn't pick up a good vibe while reading her post, because it contains a lot of loaded language and I felt the same way that CCloud is saying.
However, that's probably one of my insecurities talking there...

I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in anyway, Haunted Water. Making myself seem superior to others was not my intention at all. And after reading my post again, I can see how it could be taken that way.

And I am agreeing with many of the posts made here. Any person in the world can have morals, regardless of religion. I did not want to make it seem like I thought only Christians have those kinds of morals because that is simply wrong. I just wanted everyone to be aware of that's mostly why I, in particular, have those morals. But I know other people with way different backgrounds who live the same way and they're beyond amazing people. :)

My mom moved out of the house with my dad at 16, got married at 19 and had me at 21. Her and my dad were having sex before they were married. They are still married and are extremely happy; it's one of the strongest marriage bonds I've seen. So you definitely can have successful and happy marriages without 'no sex before marriage'. They are incredible people, but really wanted to raise me with different morals because they did have struggles in their younger lives and wish they had waited or had done some things different.

Again, I am sorry if I came off wrong on my original post as it was not my intention to put myself or my morals or my religion above anyone. :) All of this is just my own opinion and everyone has different thoughts and views which is why our world is such a great place.