Mew's Workshop - We died. Maybey another shall come soon...

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RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

Try this:
I think thats what he uses.
One thing...
It keeps your userbars and lets other people use them without giving you credit.
I just saw speedhosts UB's on there.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

i know i found it! it like just changed my life of the ub's!
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

The shop can now do animated Avatars and Typing UB's! I will have some up soon.



Typing UB.


Animated Avatar.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now does Animated Avatars and Typing UB's. Now O

Yep', I use UB animator.Have we got any customers or what?Also, can you put my name in workers rather than part time.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now does Animated Avatars and Typing UB's. Now O

I've put your name in workers.
Be patient! Customers will come. Especially since Space & Time aren't doing any trade.
Can you put pictures in UB's?
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

um zzdark how do you do the typing ub's?
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

I do them in The Gimp, and it's quite complicated.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

Yes gimp is complicated. The animated avatar however you can download a program designed specillly for them.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

You can't get the animated avatars and typing UB's anywhere else.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

Yes, you can get typing ub's anmd animated avatars else where but that is a program I downloaded.(Not Gimp) I think it was photoshop CS3. Anyhow can you guys level up my pokemon in my sig?
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

ok just wondering
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

We've got loads of posts but no customers! Come on guys!
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

1. Sugimori or Sprite: A big pict like the one like u have. Blazapoloise
2. Text (If applicable):
3. Frame number: ???
4. Comments: I want a nice background for it.

When it shifts,
1. Sugimori or Sprite: --
2. Text (If applicable): Samvid's Blazapoloise
3. Frame number: ??
4. Comments: Bold handwriting.

When it shifts again,

1. Sugimori or Sprite: no pict
2. Text (If applicable): The newest pokemon of all (below that) #(and the no. after the last pokemon(including sinnoh))
3. Frame number:??
4. Comments: Bold handwriting.And same background for all

No probs if it takes time.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

I'll do it, but could you provide a picture of Blazapoloise? I'll maximise it a little so its like a Sugimori picture, and It'll take time, i'll have it done quite soon though.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

Urm.. I can't really put pokemon in the UB's coz' it isn't working.Are you supposed to put it in as a logo layer ?Coz' when I try, the images don't come up/don't load.

RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

You put them in as logo layers.
You've got to press a button next to the picture to get them on.
PS: If you want me to make a animated avatar with blazapoloice, I would have to get permission from whoever made it. (Unless you made it yourself)
Can you please tell me what pokemon are in blazapoloice so I could make it? (if you did'nt make it yourself)
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

i think there way blaziken , blastoise, and i think that is it. colors of blastoise
head and feet blaziken and the rest all blastoise parts....well from what i saw that's what it looked like, (used to be in his avy)
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

Ok i'll try that.


Um I'm no great shakes at splices, if anythings wrong, tell me! *Looks at his own terrible attempt* (I'll have a go, and if anyone else wants a try go ahead).

I'm making the thing itself now
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

OK well I made the fusion here it is...I made it he wants this one here it is...


It is just the final one.
RE: Mew's Workshop: Brand new shop. Almost everything you can think of. Now Open.

Thanks charizard!!!
Thank you so much.