• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Mina's Thread! [H]: LOTS! [W]: LOTS!

LeonTheGreat: Saw only 1 Mew prime, and that's not enough for 1 Darkrai EX FA.

Infinity: Those are only low wants, and some of them I don't need anymore :p (Just me being lazy not updating -_-") And only want Minst cards ^^ But what other cards are you interested in?

B0bert012: I'm getting Kyurem in another trade :/

Sorry, for late answers everybody! I was crew at Desucon 7 (a cosplay thingy) all weekend so didn't have any time to log on :p
LeonTheGreat: I'll PM when I've figured out what I have.. I'm moving to a new place, so I've already packed them...

Hi! :)

I have:
SW #33 (reverse)
SW #36
SW #59
SW #75
SW #108
SW #114
SW #120
SW #131 (Gardevoir LV.X)

GE #9
GE #18
GE #23
GE #33
GE #59
GE #62

MD #92
MD #97 (Garchomp LV.X)

LA #7
LA #9
LA #21
LA #26
LA #27
LA #121
LA #146 (Uxie LV.X)

SF #22
SF #30
SF #37
SF #49
SF #50
SF #51 (reverse)
SF #64
SF #65
SF #69
SF #100 (Regigigas LV.X)

PT #66

SV #145 (Garchomp C LV.X)
SV #147 (Staraptor FB LV.X)

CL #8
CL #10
CL #33
CL #36
CL #37
CL #39

BW #6 (reverse)
BW #20 (reverse)
BW #56

EP #3
EP #35
EP #56
EP #62
EP #63 (reverse)

NV #5
NV #10
NV #13
NV #26
NV #40
NV #47
NV #67
NV #72
NV #80
NV #88
NV #89
NV #92

DEX #38 (Raikou EX)
DEX #103 (Entei EX FA)

I'm interested in:
Raikou EX FA
Darkrai EX FA
Blastoise ex FRLG
5x Bianca EP (1x reverse)
Skyarrow Bridge reverse

Some kind of trade? :)
1x Empoleon Lv.X (Diamond and Pearl, #120/130)
1x Infernape Lv.X (Diamond and Pearl, #121/130)
2x Dusknoir (#2/130)(1 rev.holo)
3x Electivire (#3/130)(2 rev.holo)
2x Empoleon (#4/130)(1 rev.holo)
1x Infernape (#5/130)
1x Lucario (#6/130)
all from DP base set
i have
26 from noble victories
47 from noble victories
63 from noble victories
92 from noble victories
3 from emerging powers
40 from emerging powers
69 from emerging powers
and last but definatly not least i have sl 3 from CoL
Hey again, could you CML for the following-

Mewtwo EX
Zekrom FA
Mewtwo EX FA
Raikou EX FA
Darkrai EX FA
Tornadus EX FA
Shiny Chandelure ND

Could you CML for your Mewtwo EX? I have 1 Tornadus EX unlisted too.
Hello again.

I'm interested in your Kyogre EX Full Art, Tornadus EX Full Art, Regigigas EX Full Art. Would you do?

Stormfront: 64 87 92
Legends Awakened: 9 134
Call of Legends: 6 (10 RH) 11 14 22 24 28 29 (33 RH) 34
Black & White: 6 56 108
Emerging Powers: (35 Thundurus) 62 63
Noble Victories: (60 Chandelure) 63 64 67 72 (84 Cobalion) 92
Next Destinies (38 Kyurem EX)

Regigigas EX Full Art
Kyogre EX Full Art

Let me know what you think.

Edit: I'm also interested in your X3 Bianca. Edit: Never mind on that one.
have from your wants
CoL 8
EP 62, 63
NV 67

from you i want
shaymin EX
both lugia lengend peices

can we work out some sort of trade if so please cml if you need anymore
I have:
COL - 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,11,12,16,22 and most of the rares I think.
EP - 40, 56, 62, 63, 69
NV - 5, 10, 26, 40, 47, 63, 67, 72, 80, 82, 84, 88, 99 (Terrakion FA)
UL - 3, 18, 25

For your:
Groudon ex x2
Kyogre ex FA
I have:

Platinum: 40, 66
Black and White: 56
Noble Victories: 5, 10, 26, 47, 61, 63, 64, 67, 72, 80, 82, 88
Dark Explorers: Raikou-EX

I'm interested in your Groudon-EX's, Full Art Tornadus-EX, and Full Art Regigigas-EX. Can we work something out? :)
Sorry for not answering! But I'm currently moving and won't get my cards until august 1st.. :/ There was a problem with the new house, so we have to stay somewhere else until then.. I'll respond to everyone then, and send a PM when i do.
A brand new look has been added to first post :D
Update schedule:
Friday: Add Dark Explorers and Dragons Exalted. Update all of the "Special Ones" (EX's, Full Art's etc.).
Saturday:None. BIRTHDAY TIME :D ~*.*~
Sunday: None. Big, big, big test on scholl on monday.. Gotta study my a*s off :(
Monday -> Thursday: Updating wants and haves on all parts, as well as adding both haves and wants of older sets.
Friday + Saturday: Polishing :3

Changes may be made through out the week,
Hi, could you CML for any Dragonites or anything else you might want for:

1x Articuno ex (FireRed and LeafGreen, #114/112)
1x Tyranitar ex (Unseen Forces, #111/115)
1x Rigisteel * (Legend Maker, #92/92)