Ruling Misunderstandings and Mistakes.

a very very lame questions from me.

1) does any active pokemon under special condition effect like poison, burned, confused, paralyzed and sleep can retreat normally?

if yes, do they keep the special condition effect while on the bench?

2) in most competition or tournament, can i play cards from the base/classic version? because i heard from some people that we no longer able to use base/classic version cards in any tournament.

3) can we use mixture of cards from world championship deck and cards from normal version deck in a single deck?

4) attacks or poke-power/body which stated the word ''may discard/ may choose'', do we really need to discard/choose or we can choose not to?

5) in some cards, it stated in the weakness +30. eg: meganium fire+30. does it mean fire pokemon will deal double dmg + 30 more dmg to meganium or just normal dmg + 30 more dmg? same goes to some cards which stated resistance -30. does it mean the attack will reduce 30 dmg plus another 30 dmg?

sorry, i'm new to pokemon cards and 95% of my cards is from base/classic version.
lastlovesong said:
a very very lame questions from me.

1) does any active pokemon under special condition effect like poison, burned, confused, paralyzed and sleep can retreat normally?
Poison, Burn, Confuse, yes. Other, no.

if yes, do they keep the special condition effect while on the bench?
2) in most competition or tournament, can i play cards from the base/classic version? because i heard from some people that we no longer able to use base/classic version cards in any tournament.
Nothing that isn't EX-HP onwards is usable. Cardlists are found on the main page, which you should've already seen.

3) can we use mixture of cards from world championship deck and cards from normal version deck in a single deck?
Considering that World Championship decks are probably a) out of format b) made of paper/proxys, I doubt it.

4) attacks or poke-power/body which stated the word ''may discard/ may choose'', do we really need to discard/choose or we can choose not to?
Considering that the "may" part activates the power, yes.

5) in some cards, it stated in the weakness +30. eg: meganium fire+30. does it mean fire pokemon will deal double dmg + 30 more dmg to meganium or just normal dmg + 30 more dmg? same goes to some cards which stated resistance -30. does it mean the attack will reduce 30 dmg plus another 30 dmg?
Ignore everything you know, just follow the cards. If it has no constant term, double it. If it has a +/- number on there, follow that. Don't think about precendents.

sorry, i'm new to pokemon cards and 95% of my cards is from base/classic version.
Just throwing this out there, sticky threads are immune to the 2-week rule, but not to the DON'T SPAM rule
That's cause the rulings been changed, and the guy who made this thread hasn't been on for several months. It's still obvious that you can use 4 of each now that the letter is in the name.
Basic energies are always in rotation even if they haven't appeared for 70 sets. SO yeah, it's legal, despite the uglyness. Or not. Don't know what they look like.
I've seen it done before and It always confused me. Can you use the poke body of a pokemon on you bench?
I've read the Compendium but couldn't find an answer for my question, so here it goes:
I have Porygon (conversion 1) as my active pokémon and my opponent have Hoppip (weak: fire, resist: fighting) as his active pokémon. I use conversion 1 to change his weakness to fighting.

What happens? Do Hoppip's resistance is overrid by my conversion or is it only negated?
Hope my question is clear enough.
No iade what you're saying, but in the case when the weakness and resistance is the same, weakness is applied first, then resistance. I remember Doc saying something like that.
Lieutenant Houndoom said:
No iade what you're saying, but in the case when the weakness and resistance is the same, weakness is applied first, then resistance. I remember Doc saying something like that.
Thank you, you cleared things up. Just to give you the idea, I was referring to the base set Porygon. It has an attack called conversion that lets you change the weakness of the defending pokémon, if he has any. Hoppip was just an example for his weakness/resistance.
Lieutenant Houndoom said:
lastlovesong said:
3) can we use mixture of cards from world championship deck and cards from normal version deck in a single deck?
Considering that World Championship decks are probably a) out of format b) made of paper/proxys, I doubt it.

This is not legal in tournaments, but it's perfectly OK for those of us who don't otherwise have access to a whole lot of decent cards :) I play with a couple of friends, but rarely can buy new cards, so i can't trade for much good stuff. I use 4-9 WC07 cards in my current deck, but don't do tourneys, so it works out OK :D Just be sure to use sleeves, or your opponents can TGM your WC Empoleons :(
I would like to offer a few additions.
"Tyranitar from Expedition and Steelix from Skyridge.

They're Poke-Bodies allow them to change basic energy to Metal or Darkness, Rite??? But people misunderstood them and assume that the energy changing will reduce, or add damage. This is actually wrong. It only PROVIDES energy, but nothing else. No other effects will be given."
You forgot about the Base Set Electrode which allows Electrode to act as 2 energies.


Clefable EX and Togetic has this attack which allows you to use the DEFENDING's pokemon attack. You don't need the same energy type, just the attack cost."
The Mentronome attack is not uncommon, coming even from the Jungle Clefairy.

And now for my question. There are two (three?) types of Darkness/Metal Energy. One type of Dark Energy was a special kind that allowed +10 damage if the card was attached to a Dark Pokémon (in name or type), while another looked just like a Basic Energy card. (There was another which made non-Dark Pokémon take 10+ damage for each oppoment's attack. The Metal Energy was the same, only the Special kind reduced oppoment damage by 10 if the Energy was Metal and another card which made non-Metal Pokémon do -10 damage.

Am I allowed to put 4 of the Special Energy and any of the Basic Energy in the same deck, or am I mistaken?
If the card says special energy card (or doesn't, which I can't remmeber, but it has to have rules text) then that card is limited to four a deck. The old Dark energies require a new one to make sure you know how to play the new cards.
A new Dark Energy. When the text of a card has been significantly changed, you need to have a newer copy outside the deck to use as a reference so that you and your opponent both know what the actual text is.