Moderator Applications

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Ryukouki said:
After viewing this topic, here's what I think. Anyways, moderating is a BIG thing to do. In my opinion, giving a 13 year old kid power on any internet site is bound to be trouble. They get so mod happy they abuse their powers and ban the wrong folk. I've seen it happen so many times. 13 year olds are still discovering who they really are. Moderators should be, in my opinion, at least 15-16 before even being considered. By this point, they're in high school, they know more stuff, and can almost be socially acceptable. No one wants to be banned by a little wee 13 year old having his bad day.

Heh, I know my words won't have any weight whatsoever considering my post count. Thing is, I've been a lurker for like 3 years, only joining a few months back, when Zoroark just got released.

This is true. Although there are many smart and mature 13 year olds out there. The odds of finding one that can fill this position are probably 100:1. The majority should be chosen from experienced and labored people who have had jobs. Especially from those who are 16 and up since they also have to drive. I just turned 16 and got my license and it takes EXTREME repsonsibility to drive behind the wheel, combined with other high-school experiences.

Pretty much don't give a huge responsibility to a whining, immature 13 year-old, but rather to someone older or a 13 year-old who knows what the heck they're doing.
It comes down to trust too. Having a huge responsibility is established by trust and once it breaks its over.
XanderPitz1010 said:
This is true. Although there are many smart and mature 13 year olds out there. The odds of finding one that can fill this position are probably 100:1. The majority should be chosen from experienced and labored people who have had jobs. Especially from those who are 16 and up since they also have to drive. I just turned 16 and got my license and it takes EXTREME repsonsibility to drive behind the wheel, combined with other high-school experiences.

Pretty much don't give a huge responsibility to a whining, immature 13 year-old, but rather to someone older or a 13 year-old who knows what the heck they're doing.
I disagree, and agree with this statement. Gale, amt, and noobnerd are a few examples of young moderators who did.... appropriate jobs ^_^ The contents of submitted applications, and time will determine if a applicant is ready for the position. While many 13 year olds aren't mature enough, many are, and I don't think we should stop them from applying just for being a certain age. (Of course under 12 can't because of that law)
I was a mod on another Forum, and it is a big responsibilty, even though the other site was way smaller, and had way less members. However, I have met some 13 year olds that are a lot more mature then some older people. It all depends on the person really.

I'm not going to apply though, school is coming, and this will be too stressful for me.

Good Luck to all the applicants. :)
llavaa said:
I was a mod on another Forum, and it is a big responsibilty, even though the other site was way smaller, and had way less members. However, I have met some 13 year olds that are a lot more mature then some older people. It all depends on the person really.

I'm not going to apply though, school is coming, and this will be too stressful for me.

Good Luck to all the applicants. :)

thanks for the support of all 13 year olds who want to be mods
even me
llavaa said:
I was a mod on another Forum, and it is a big responsibilty, even though the other site was way smaller, and had way less members. However, I have met some 13 year olds that are a lot more mature then some older people. It all depends on the person really.

I'm not going to apply though, school is coming, and this will be too stressful for me.

Good Luck to all the applicants. :)

Yes, but maturity is a difficult factor to measure online.
Well you can get a rough idea based on how the person posts. You can look at a post and generally tell what kind of tone it is in and if there are logical flaws in how the person posts. Having good spelling and grammar also helps you look more mature.
dragonexpert said:
Well you can get a rough idea based on how the person posts. You can look at a post and generally tell what kind of tone it is in and if there are logical flaws in how the person posts. Having good spelling and grammar also helps you look more mature.

Well, yes, but it's definitely not as easy to do so online. Being behind a computer basically gives you an imaginary shield, if you get what I'm saying. I don't disagree with you, but this could still be a little tricky nonetheless.
It could be tricky. But you just have to observe the person on the forum. How his/her posts are helpful to members, how he/she reacts if other people are mean to him/her. As dragonexpert has mentioned you can also tell how they post and how their tone might be to other members. If you could see how the person is on the forum then you get some ideas on how he/she is mature. It also lets you know if they are right for the job of being a moderator of the forums.
I'm not wanting to sound mean, but along with a age limit, there should be a post limit too. Just because someone is above the age limit, doesn't mean they automatically should be considered. They should also have a certain post count too.
Yeah having a certain post count lets the admin know how well this person maybe active on the forums. Some people might also be guests and have read the forums for a couple of months or a year. Which means that they might have a small post count but they know how the forum works and all because they have been reading it throughout a while.
I'm not wanting to sound mean, but along with a age limit, there should be a post limit too. Just because someone is above the age limit, doesn't mean they automatically should be considered. They should also have a certain post count too.

That shouldn't have to happen. Many folks lurk and learn a lot about what happens on this site. It's not fair that they be restricted. They may also have a lot of experience in the moderation field. And besides, post count is just a number. Most people will end up spamming like insanity to get their numbers up. Hell, on, I became a moderator at 5 posts, and at 8, I was a super moderator. Now, it's been a year and look at me. I have a half decent post but I'm still pretty well known.
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
I'm not wanting to sound mean, but along with a age limit, there should be a post limit too. Just because someone is above the age limit, doesn't mean they automatically should be considered. They should also have a certain post count too.

Post count means nothing. Say the post requirement is 100. Now one member has 12, good quality posts; another person has 100 mostly spammy posts. Why should the member with only 12 good, quality posts be punished by not being apply to apply just because he has chosen to post fewer, but better posts?

On top of that it just creates a reason to spam enough posts to meet that requirement.
The problem is that now everyone 13 and older just says "I filled out the form, I have AIM/Skype, etc., so I have a shot."

I'm just touching off on what Guy89 said eariler.

Guy89 said:
These members that joined last week, you probably aren't going to get it either.
@Aero_Blitz: exactly. I hate it when people refer to post count as some sort of sign as to how good they are.
The moderating staff doesn't have time to dictate who's posts and spammy an who's aren't. While I personally doubt anyone with under 50 posts would meet the necessary requirements (Lack of activity, and possibly too new) there are a lot of mature, and active members here with low post counts. The actual post count number means very little if anything, what matters is the activity it represents, the dedication and loyalty of the member, and the quality of the person applying.

*Edit* SDB, how is that a problem? They're exactly right. Everyone has the same chance to get in as you do, as we are all given the same opportunity. We do not know the details of each others applications, nor would we be allowed to or be able to decide if they would, assuming we could see others' applications (Which wouldn't happen anyways), so we can't judge the chances for other people.
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
I'm not wanting to sound mean, but along with a age limit, there should be a post limit too. Just because someone is above the age limit, doesn't mean they automatically should be considered. They should also have a certain post count too.

Not really post counts, but some other sign, like activeness.

Most people are joining just to get the job and fade to darkness :eek:

Don't believe me? Take a gander at the member list:

Most people join and never come back.

EDIT; 1000th post w00t :3
Do you guys honestly think we won't take post count and quality into account? There's a difference between not being allowed to apply and not standing a chance even if you're allowed to apply. The age rule is here for an obvious reason, all other possible criteria will be used to filter the applications.

Also, to the kids complaining:

We could just as well not give people this opportunity and you'd have the same chance of become a mod as you have now: zero.
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