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Which of these do you think is the most playable?

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RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Flygon Lv.x x1 offers only on this please] and Gliscor Lv.x x1 and more

konter_j8902 said:
1x Absol G Lvl. X (Pack)
1x Mewtwo Lvl. X (Pack)
1x Dialga G Lvl. X (Pack)
1x Garchomp C Lvl. X (1x Promo)
1x Raichu Lvl. X (Pack)
1x Alakazam 4 Lvl. X (Pack)
1x Dusknoir Lvl. X (Pack)
1x Magmortar Lvl. X (Pack)
i liked these

do you have any ex's or cards like mistys or broks or other gym hero pokemon cards

also do you have any sleeves or JPN items for trade

I have Flygon EX too: But I didn't really do the EX series, thats the only one

RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Flygon Lv.x x1 offers only on this please] and Gliscor Lv.x x1 and more

i would kinda like that ex any merchendice??
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Flygon Lv.x x1 offers only on this please] and Gliscor Lv.x x1 and more

konter_j8902 said:
i would kinda like that ex any merchendice??

Well you can have that. It's just been sat in my folder for years. I don;t have any mercehdise, sorry. I only really collect the cards.
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Flygon Lv.x x1 offers only on this please] and Gliscor Lv.x x1 and more

i will get back to you about flygon x because i have a lot of offers on it can you just shoot me a pm with you offer and i will get back to you
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Flygon Lv.x x2 that i do not want offers only on these please] and Gliscor Lv.x x1

i have the dialga g lv.x and garchomp c lv.x both in perfect shape will trade for floatzel gl lv.x and flygon lv.x
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Flygon Lv.x x2 that i do not want offers only on these please] and Gliscor Lv.x x1

flygon x is worth both of those and more
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Flygon Lv.x x2 that i do not want offers only on these please] and Gliscor Lv.x x1

Please CML for Floatzel GL Lv X and Gallade 4 Lv X.
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Flygon Lv.x x1 offers only on this please] and

konter_j8902 said:
will u do
garchomp c x


Infernape DP
Mightyena PT
Raticate AR

How bout ..
my : Garchomp c x

your: Gengar SF, Infernape DP
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Flygon Lv.x x2 that i do not want offers only on these please] and Gliscor Lv.x x1

gengar is gone

RareCandyAwesomeness said:
Please CML for Floatzel GL Lv X and Gallade 4 Lv X.

i liked
expert belt x2 RH
Crobat G x2
Roseannes RH
i can do the gallade x for these
if that is ok pm me the details
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Gallade 4 Lv.x x1 and Gliscor Lv.x x1

I don't have japanese merchandise unfortunatly
anything else on my list you wanna check?
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Gallade 4 Lv.x x1 and Gliscor Lv.x x1

i also have these but do you have any unlisted x or ex cards
2. Aggron Ex (Ex: Sandstorm)
3. Wailord Ex (Ex: Sandstorm)
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Gallade 4 Lv.x x1 and Gliscor Lv.x x1

yeah I have DX rayquaza ex (x2)
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Gallade 4 Lv.x x1 and Gliscor Lv.x x1

well wailord ex is one of the three most valuable ex's and is worth about the same as a lux x so i really want to trade it for one of those and you dont have anything on your list i want sry
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Gliscor Lv.x x1 also have EX'S including Wailord EX

Bump Trade with me
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Gliscor Lv.x x1 also have EX'S including Wailord EX

CML for Wailord EX, please don't over price it cause its worth like around $26 and down now. And its not as big of a want cause I have one already, I don't mind trading a lv.X but can't be a metagame X.
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Gliscor Lv.x x1 also have EX'S including Wailord EX

SotH said:
CML for Wailord EX, please don't over price it cause its worth like around $26 and down now. And its not as big of a want cause I have one already, I don't mind trading a lv.X but can't be a metagame X.

Ho-oH LEGEND 1st Edition
Dialga G lv.X
Glaceon lv.X

can you find anything else so i can get one of these preferably the hooh
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Gliscor Lv.x x1 also have EX'S including Wailord EX

CML for Tyranitar EX delta, Dragonite EX delta, and Flygon ex PK
RE: Updated With NEW LV.X'S including Gliscor Lv.x x1 also have EX'S including Wailord EX

flygon ex

gallade 4 x LMK
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