money for a kid

Once a week I pay 3 dollars to play in a tournament my league holds. 3-0 gets 4 packs and 2-1 gets a pack, and I've never done worse than 2-1 so it's at least a discounted pack, at most a hugely discounted 4 packs. I don't buy packs aside from that, but I will be getting a few of those tins with Mewtwo/Darkrai EX when they come out.
Yeah I do those too.

To get cheap EXs, those tins are the best bet. Lol I will probably by a tin case.
Martini said:
^You gotta be kidding... My friends say it was just luck... 0-0
I can take a pic if you need it.

I also found that dropping the packs works too. If it falls flat, Its a holo. If is doesn't, its a normal rare.

My tests show that this is about 87%- 88% correct.
That's amazing... How hard did you throw it??

I'm going to try the dropping the pack thing some time this week, seems cool.
This is a how to afford Pokémon thread, not a how to weight packs thread O_O.
I'll just buy two Mewtwo tins, since I have one already, don't plan on playing Darkrai next format (and if I ever do decide to, they'll be cheap), and Rayquaza is just above unplayable.
Well, the school I go in let's me do after-school jobs. Earns about 15 bucks an hour. Imagine if that's you cleaning up for 2 hours for 4 days in 4 weeks. That's a lot of cash. $o$ Someone do the math for me, too lazy. :/
I'm assuming you work four days during a four week period, working two hours per day? At fifteen dollars per hour you would earn $120. If you work four days per week you would earn $480 in a four week period.

I agree that purchasing singles to create a deck is cheaper than buying booster packs. You are guaranteed the cards you want as opposed to hoping to pull them. Unfortunately competitive decks might still be expensive for most young people, however if you save up for your "dream deck" it will feel great when you finally purchase it!
I noticed whenever I buy a box for $20.00 like a theme deck or a box with 4 packs and a promo I tend to get at least 1 good rare in the sets that the boxes provide. That is how I got my Latios ex Salamence Delta and best of all my Articuno secret Ultra rare XD. FR/LG.:)
I am TERRIBLE at hand weighing. Seriously. Every time i try i get junk.

Usually i'll just buy singles on ebay and sell old cards to make funds.
Hand weighing does not work, no matter how many coincidences there are. Your hand can not tell differences in weight of a tenth of a gram.
alexmf2 said:
Hand weighing does not work, no matter how many coincidences there are. Your hand can not tell differences in weight of a tenth of a gram.

It worked for me when I compared 8 Swift Justice dark ascension intro packs. One of them was noticeably heavier. Therefore there is a foil. Unfortunately, I got a crappy rare, and a foil common. WTF man.

Ok, it was Magic, but same applies here.

Hand weighing isn't guaranteed though.
I know of a surefire way to afford to actually play Pokemon TCG. I only need to spend $23.98.

Buy 2 theme decks.

Note I never said that you had to win, nor did I say that you had to play against people who played competitively. That's what my bro and I do. I only buy theme decks, and all I use are theme decks.

It's only when you want to become competitive that you have to start paying a lot, but as a base price to play the game, $23.98.

You could also go cheaper and buy the Trainer kit for $12.99, if you don't mind playing 30 card decks.
Not only that but then if you get enough doubles you can trade for something even better if you find the right person to trade with XD.:)
I would recommend setting a weekly/monthly budget for how much you're willing to save and put towards your purchases. A bit of careful planning can go a long way. Other than that, you might also look into trades as others have suggested, although you should exercise caution if you do decide to go this route. Always research prices beforehand to ensure that you're not getting a bad deal. In any case, when I was younger, I would take up extra chores around the house to make some extra pocket change for the things I wanted, so it's worth asking your folks about this option too.
Lol. I know the BEST way to get pokemon cards.

Don't think about Pokemon at all. Think about academics and social skills. Do good in both. Get into the best school. Get a professional job that pays a lot, especially a medical doctor. Now you have all the money in the world to buy whatever you want, but probably by this point, you'd be in your late 20's, and you'd be bored of pokemon. So forget what I just said.
This is what I do to save money. Every week I get 5 dollars. Every week I get a pack. Almost every week somehow I get a lucky pull. Then, when a pre release is coming up, I save for 5 weeks and then I go to the pre release. Prereleases love me. It's a great way to afford pokemon.
I am a collector so I do buy alot of singles since alot of what I need isn't in sets. With korean cards I have to buy boxes since singles are not sold anywhere. If I am getting english I will buy packs it's nice to get a surpise plus alot of people I know try to complete the newest sets so they always need my singles.
If you have a lot of cards like me and that includes 18 or so copies of one Pokemon and all cards are exactly the same trade all your extras except for the Wizards cards because they are nearly extinct now, Then trade any doubles you have, commons. uncommons, rares etc and if you have the right cards trade for the better card or cards you do not have XD. Trading is priceless and saves you tons of money too.:)