Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo Wins!

RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Daren said:
Flavor Text: Kingdra is widely known as the king of the sea. Being a horse fish, it can swim great distances in small amounts of time. The bubble jets that it controls aid its speed.

I found this very funny
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Umm... this is kinda hard. Since i dont really play PTCG anymore. Not that familiar with the Metagame.. Oh well, Here goes everything.

Jolteon Lv.X 110HP {L}
Level Up - Put onto Jolteon

Picture : Background is a field of Lightning attracted to Jolteon's Body .Jolteon's fur are all standing, sharp and pointy. You can see some electric jumping from one pointy fur to another. You can also see electric jumping out of Jolteon and onto the outside of the picture as Jolteon is volt tackling out of the picture frame

Poke-Body : Lightning Rod
Once during your turn, when you put Jolteon Lv.X onto Jolteon, you may move as many {L} Energy from any of your Pokemon to Jolteon Lv.X.

{L}{L}{C} Volt Missiles 60
You may move as many {L} Energy from Jolteon Lv.X to your Benched Pokemon in any way you like. If you do, You may put 1 Damage Counter on any of your opponent's Pokemon for each {L} Energy moved.

Weakness : {F} x2
Resistance : {M}-20
Resistance :

*Hoping i did well
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Ok so this is my actual card entry. Do not pay attention to the Rampardos card.

Vaporeon Lv. X 110HP {W}
Level Up (Put onto Vaporeon)

Picture: Vaporeon is in the middle of the picture and his head is looking towards the top right corner. He is underwater and there are bubbles around him. Sun rays can be seen coming from above the water. The fin on his head is coming out of the picture and so is his tail.

Poke-Power: Healing Dance
Once during your turn (before you attack), when you put this card onto your active Vaporeon, you may discard as many {W} Energy from your Pokémon and put them in the discard pile. If you do, you may remove 5 damage counters from all your water Pokémon in any way you like.

{W}{W}Aqua Reusal 50
Does 10 damage times the number of {W} Energy in your discard pile to each of your opponent's benched Pokémon.

Put this card onto your Active Vaporeon. Vaporeon LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous Level.

Weakness: {L}
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Ok, so I'll start scoring today.
Vencargo has immunity and decided to not enter this round, but he is still in. The winner of this challenge gets a special prize that can help or hinder another contestant.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

The new rubric:
Concept 5 points
Picture 5 points
Flavor Text 5 points
Attacks 10 points
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points
Overpowered or Underpowered/Grammar 10 points

No flavor text was needed for this round.

MS Eeveelution
Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 5/5 Sweet Job!
Flavor Text 5 points 5/5
Attacks 10 points 8/10 Shadow Haunt like Shadow Room and is hard to understand.
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 5/5
Overpowered or Underpowered/Grammar 10 points 9/10 Just improve on the grammar.

Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 5/5
Flavor Text 5 points 5/5
Attacks 10 points 10/10 Work with Aqua Stream great.
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 5/5
Overpowered or Underpowered/Grammar 10 points 10/10
40/40 Flawless

Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 5/5 I can see Shizurow doing this.
Flavor Text 5 points 5/5
Attacks 10 points 9/10 A little hard to read.
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 5/5
Overpowered or Underpowered/Grammar 10 points 9/10 Attack is full of wrong capitalization.

Kingdra King
Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 4/5 Strange for a LvX.
Flavor Text 5 points 5/5
Attacks 10 points 7/10 Pokepower weirdly written and the attack is way overpowered.
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 4/5 How much weakness, x3?
Overpowered or Underpowered/Grammar 10 points 7/10 Overpowered with no synergy with either of the Vaporeon. You should have stuck to the original one in the first place. It worked quite well.
Kingdra King, you are out.
Vencargo, please return for you no longer have immunity.
Daren, since you have won, you get to select the next challenge.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

I get to select the next challenge, huh? Sweet! I'll start thinking!

BTW: If I make it to the top 2, can I still use my Immunity Juice there?
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

What do you mean?
If you mean the the zero score thingy that Bippa handed out, those are useless here.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

I mean the thing that increases my overall score by 3. Yes, Bippa gave it to me.

Okay, I'm ready to produce my idea for the round. In this round, I have chosen 3 very unlikely Pokemon and you will have to choose 1 of them and make a Level X for that card. The cards are:

Lickilicky PT
Kricketune MT
Ambipom MT

The Level X will have to make these Below-Average level cards into playable cards and will have to have a lot of synergy
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Muddy68 said:
Kingdra King, you are out.
Vencargo, please return for you no longer have immunity.
Daren, since you have won, you get to select the next challenge.

Heh, I'm forgotten. I was about to submit my card.... is it really 8 pm eastern? I'm in France. :p

Spinda lv 31 60 HP {C}

Pic: Spinda in a rocky place with tall grass and volcanic ash falling like snow. A circle of grass is devoid of ash. Spinda is running around in circles. :3

Poke-power: Run in Circles
As often as you like during your turn, you may put a card from your hand on top of your deck.

[.] Cry for Help
Search your deck for 2 basic pokemon. Put one in your hand, and the other one on your bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.

{C}{C} Dizzy Dance 20+
Does 20 damage plus 10 damage for each card in your opponent's hand, minus 10 damage for each card in your hand.

Weakness: {F} +10 Resistance: __ Retreat: {C}

The power is a weird effect that has actually not been done yet.
Nice in something like Blastcatty or Rayquaza C. Finds an Uxie.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

Nice Daren, and I'll score you quickly:
And, you are really out because it has nothing to do with the round. It is metagame LvX. Sorry.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

wait, what?...

I thought the theme was for "the next great tech." Oops.

EDIT: Omg, I missed a round. >.<
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

score who quickly? Apophys or me?
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

Umbreon lv X 100 HP {D}

Poke-power: Night Calling
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck or discard pile for a pokemon that evolves from Eevee or its lv X card and put it into your hand. If you searched your deck, shuffle it.

{D}{C} Pursuit
If any of your opponent's pokemon retreated during his or her last turn, this attack does 80 damage to it.

Weakness: {F} +30 Resistance {P} -30 Retreat: {C}
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

D: woah i didnt even know the 4th round ended
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

Vencargo, you are still in.
However apophys, you are out because you missed that round.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

OKay cool, ive been away for a while (thats why i didnt post in the last Round)

Lickilicky Lv.X 150HP {C}

Picture: Lickilicky is seen reaching its tounge out. He it standing on the lower left have of the pic, his tounge is reaching out to the "HP" written on the card. There is drool dripping off his tounge downward. His hands r flailing in the air

(Poke-Body) Expanding Stomach
As long as the defending Pokemon doesn't have any energy cards attached to them, place 2 damage counters on that pokemon in between turns. If Lickilicky Lv.X is also Burned or Poisoned, the defending Pokemon is now effected by the status condition Lickilicky Lv.X has.Expanding Stomach stops working if Lickilicky is paralyzed or confused.

{C}{C}{C} Lick Off
Choose one of you opponents pokemon, if that pokemon has any trainer cards attached to it, discard and energy card attached to that pokemon, switch that pokemon with your opponents active pokemon, and this attack does 40 damage to that pokemon. If none of the defending pokemon have trainer cards attached to them, this attack does 40 damage to the defedngin pokemon and all coin flips during your next turn count as if it landed on heads.

Weakness: {F} x2
Retreat Cost: ****

Flavor Text:One lick from this chubby creature will leave the licked numb and fragile, unfortunatly, its greeting, similar to dogs, is licking whatever it meets in a somewhat friendly manner
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

Ambipom Lv. X 100 HP [C]
Level Up Card

Poké-Power : Anti-Effect
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may discard an energy card attached to Ambipom. If you do, ignore the effect of Ambipom's attack. You can't use this power if Ambipom is effect by a Special Condition.

[C][C] Supreme Collide 60
Ambipom does 20 damage to itself. Does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.

[C][C][C] Hand Collect 20x
Choose up to 4 Basic energy card from your discard pile and attached them to any of your Pokémon (You may put the energy cards in your hand instead). This attack does 20 damage times the number of energy card put in your hand in this way.

W - [F] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C]

Pic : Ambipom is standing on a tree branch, One of it's tail comes out of the frame towards the Poke-Body of the card. It's staring at the middle.

_ Exp : Body ... It can stop the effect of Supreme Collide which is self damage and Charity tail.. so the damage will be pure 80.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

Well, since its a Lv.X, like the previous round.So I assume there shouldn't be a flavour text. This round is also kinda hard. Very restricted. Oh well.

Kricketune Lv.X 110HP {G}
Level Up Pokemon

Picture : One of Kricketune's arm is pounting out of the card towards the direction of the HP area. The other arm is close to its body in like a playing an instrument motion ( kinda like playing a cello). In the Background, you can see shadow of Kricketune caused by a bright yellow light. Kricketune is kinda like in the spotlight.

Poke-Power : Lonely Melody
Once during your turn, when you put Kricketune Lv.X onto Kricketune, you use this Power. Count the number of {G} Energy attached to Kricketune Lv.X. For each {G} Energy attached to Kricketune Lv.X you may take that many Kricketune or Kricketot from your Discard Pile and put it on your Bench and treat them as a Basic Pokemon.

{G}{C} Encore 30+
If Kricketune Lv.X used an attack other than Encore during your last turn. This attack does 30 damage plus the amount of damage done by the attack Kricketune Lv.X used during your last turn.

Weakness : {R} x2
Resistance :
Retreat Cost : {C}
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

Daren, please post your card so that I can judge.