Finished Murder V: The Fifth Generation

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RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

8 CoG votes for Nod3 vs 2 for 7Lucario7Master7.
6 Lynch votes for Froslass vs 3 for Zekrom.

Has anyone seen or heard from The Minority Game lately? Because this would be a great redux.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Snorchu said:
@Joeypals!!, it's a solid argument. For the sake of sanity, I say we only vote for either Froslass or Zekrom. Otherwise, we might have a repeat of the last two lynches, and no one wants that more than the murderer.
"You're right. It is very tiresome indeed to have all of our efforts go to waste. Since my initial guess turned out to be incorrect, I will have faith in Glaceon and the others. Let's hope you aren't wrong as well..."

Vote: Froslass
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

8 CoG votes for Nod3 vs 2 for 7Lucario7Master7.
7 Lynch votes for Froslass vs 3 for Zekrom.

Here is a list of people who have yet to vote let alone post. Many of these are known to be active here.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Night 2 Ends 6/23/10, 10PM EDT(An RPG)

Flare said:
Hmm.... with not much new in the clue department, I'd say we should stick with Froslass.

Vote: Froslass
Vote: Lucario
OOC: This is my vote.

Rampardos listened to Glaceon's reasoning and nodded. "With all the evidence stacked against him, I don't see a reason not to vote for Froslass. My vote stands," he said.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Snorchu said:
I'm not the one to determine that, but it does hurt the game if people sign up and then refuse to play.

7 CoG votes for Nod3 vs 2 for 7Lucario7Master7.
5 Lynch votes for Froslass vs 3 for Zekrom.

I here that.
Now, I can't seel these berrys.
Does ANYONE want berrys?
*slices a pecha berry*
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Unless if you want to lose like I almost did Murder III for trying to add plot, knock it off! Now, I am quite confident in my vote as it stands. 42C or Guy, is there any rule that states you have to give a note in some amount of time? Honestly, all leads are almost sucked dry right now. We have nothing to go on but CoG clues right now. I only have this to say: It is Day 3. Why is the murderer not playing an obvious game? I am not begging to be killed, but if you were the murderer, would you or would you not kill me Night 1 or 2 to let me not win 3 tines in a row? In other words, the killer is playing a n00bish game as of yet. Still, feel free to answer the question.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

"What if you're the murderer? It would certainly explain why you're still in the game..."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

As Snorchu pointed out, I am not based on writing style. (compare to Murder IV notes) The guy could easily be doing what I did with Nod and string me along. Either that, or he does not know most of us.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

"As if his word is law. And, as I pointed out, no one's writing style matches that of the murderer. If I were in your position, the last thing I would do would be to mimic the same style as before. You may as well be signing the note yourself.

I'm sure once we get more clues, things will become clearer."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

PMJ said:
"As if his word is law. And, as I pointed out, no one's writing style matches that of the murderer. If I were in your position, the last thing I would do would be to mimic the same style as before. You may as well be signing the note yourself.

I'm sure once we get more clues, things will become clearer."

It is true that no one's writing style matches the murderer's style exactly. However, there are some that come close, as well as some we have yet to see. I petitioned Guy and 42c to notify those who have yet to post here, so we should be able to see their writing style here within the next week.

By the way, I will be in Boston next Monday/Tuesday (6/28-6/29), which marks the start of Day 4 (and my birthday, on Monday). I will have NO access to the Internet during that time.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

^And on that note, starting on July 5th, I won't have access to the interwebz for 10 days because of Boy Scout Summer Camp.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Joeypals!! said:
Unless if you want to lose like I almost did Murder III for trying to add plot, knock it off!

At least i am TRYING to role play, as stated in the Topic (An RPG). whereas, none of you are.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

The universe imploding on it's self Me surviving 2 rounds, despite being the majority for both :D
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

fortegoddx said:
(What have I missed?)

The two top theories so far are that against Froslass (whom we have been trying to lynch for the past two days without much success) and Zekrom (as hinted by the CoG clue). In the Council are Nod3, 7Lucario7Master7, and Ice Espeon. charidude has been modkilled for posting at night... twice. Ice Espeon gave the first hint, and the majority is leaning towards Nod3 for the second hint. The voting is 7-3 with Froslass in the lead.

So, fortegoddx, I implore you to analyze both arguments and try to defend yourself from the lynch. Because despite being extremely active, you have not posted more than twice in this thread, a truth that might feed the theory against you (Zekrom). What we would like is a unanimous vote one way or the other, so we can avoid a repeat of the last two nights, where Froslass got the majority and the lynch went to those who had only one vote.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

^good summarization, and I just pwn like that :D.

I'm probably gonna get the lynch this time though... But, there seems to be TOO much evidence against me. Would I REALLY stack up that much against myself?
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

PMJ said:
"What if you're the murderer? It would certainly explain why you're still in the game..."

If Joeypals!! was the murdurer (again), then I would probably be dead already because I figured him out last game.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Hmm, with the random roll. How do we know if it's fair 'n square?
I trust you alright, it just seems like a waay big coïnsidence.

Vote: Frosslass
Vote: Nod3
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Hatman said:
I'm probably gonna get the lynch this time though... But, there seems to be TOO much evidence against me. Would I REALLY stack up that much against myself?
Glaceon laughed and took the slice of Pecha berry the Electrivire offered.
"If a little doubt is all you can muster, you're not getting out of here."
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