Finished Murder V: The Fifth Generation

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RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

^Indeed. If ALL of this is staked up, it miht aswell be you.
*eats an oran berry*
It apperes that all the evidence is pointed directly to you.
No other reasons can be explained. Can it?
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

What if the murderer is just trying to stall with me, so that he can kill off others in the night?
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

The Glaceon shrugged.
"Then we'll have to get him another day. Hey, Electrivire. You got more fruit?"
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Hatman said:
What if the murderer is just trying to stall with me, so that he can kill off others in the night?

A reasonable theory. May also explain the lack of additional clues.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

It could also be used as a setup to make people guess that the murderer was trying to stall.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Does Froslass get Protect? And does Protect block deadly weapons and such?
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

"Nearly all Pokemon can learn Protect. Given the fact that it blocks everything, I imagine one would be safe for a brief time following its use."

sillykyle! said:
If Joeypals!! was the murdurer (again), then I would probably be dead already because I figured him out last game.

"Are you sure? He knows how to play the game; he could simply be keeping you alive to throw suspicion off himself."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

10 CoG votes for Nod3 vs 2 for 7Lucario7Master7. That's a clear majority.
9 Lynch votes for Froslass vs 3 for Zekrom.

Four people have not yet voted, you know who you are, but I'll list them:

paddy185, who last posted in Day One casting a vote for Zorua (red blastoise).
Shoyru1444, whose only post was to sign up, as Gallade.
Tristan, who replaced 42 chocolate, made a fail vote on Day 2, then disappeared.
MS Eeveelution, who may need a replacement for this week as he announced his absence in his last post here.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Zyflair said:
The Glaceon shrugged.
"Then we'll have to get him another day. Hey, Electrivire. You got more fruit?"

All the fruit to your hearts content, my friend!
Take a pick.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Ahh, fruit. My mortal enemy.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

*nukes the fruit* I don't need food, I'm a ghost. That will be killed. Wut? ._.

RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Rampardos went to get some fruit from the Electivire when Froslass blew all the fruit up. Rampardos just turned and stared at Froslass. He sighed. "This is why we're voting you off," he said.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Nuke /nyook/ v.t. 1) To blow up with a nuclear weapon. The United States nuked Hiroshima. 2) To heat up in a microwave oven. Jory Caron nuked a ShamWOW.

Hatman, which definition best describes what you did to the fruit?
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

"Most likely the first," sighed Glaceon. "Either way, I'm not eating that anymore... can we lynch now?"
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Not yet. If we lynch to early, Arceus will unleash His fury. Wait nine hours, then we can lynch.

BTW, I just reserved a copy of Black at GameStop.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Hatman said:
*nukes the fruit* I don't need food, I'm a ghost. That will be killed. Wut? ._.


WHA...BUT I....EH....
I was just getting cusomers you fool!
Now, part of my lynch is because of this!

*Plants berry trees on a patch of grass neer the temple

Now, I have to wait about 3 days for this to re grow!
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Hey guys, don't lynch me, because I'm helping my dad with a BBQ this weekend, and I won't have a computer. Sorry.
And sorry about the fruit, I got a big microwave gun and pretty much made it burst into flames :p. It's my death wish. But then again, I'M ALREDY DEAD!

RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

^ the lynch is today.

Also, I will be gone days untill Sunday. Going about 130 miles to my grandmas house. IN.A.CAR.

Also, I will never forgive you for toasting my PRIZED Enigma Berry.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Hatman said:
Hey guys, don't lynch me, because I'm helping my dad with a BBQ this weekend, and I won't have a computer. Sorry.
Your logic is astoundingly 'flawful'... -_-
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