Finished Murder V: The Fifth Generation

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RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Rampardos sat down and shook his head. "I just can't wait for this day to be over..."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Hatman, we don't control the lynch. We merely control the probability that you get lynched. And you seem to have beaten the odds every time. o_0
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

"Who has not voted? It'd be nice to secure a lynch this time..."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Snorchu said:
10 CoG votes for Nod3 vs 2 for 7Lucario7Master7. That's a clear majority.
9 Lynch votes for Froslass vs 3 for Zekrom.

Four people have not yet voted, you know who you are, but I'll list them:

paddy185, who last posted in Day One casting a vote for Zorua (red blastoise), then forgot about us.
Shoyru1444, whose only post was to sign up, as Gallade.
Tristan, who replaced 42 chocolate, made a fail vote on Day 2, then disappeared.
MS Eeveelution, who may need a replacement for this week as he announced his absence in his last post here.

PMJ, does that answer your question? The weird thing is, the three who do not have an excuse are usually the most active.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Snorchu said:
Hatman, we don't control the lynch. We merely control the probability that you get lynched. And you seem to have beaten the odds every time. o_0
The results just outlandishly defied odds... -_-
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

I suppose this is the de facto end of the day. Don't forget to sign on to Mystery Gift and download the Draco Meteor Jirachi! Starting tomorrow, June 26, and running through July 16. Available in North America and Europe.

Here is the final tally for Day 3:

10 CoG votes for Nod3 vs 2 for 7Lucario7Master7. That's a clear majority, so Nod3 will give the CoG hint.
9 Lynch votes for Froslass vs 3 for Zekrom.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 3 ends 6/25/10, 10PM EDT (An RPG)

Oh, completely forgot I was still running this. I was supposed to end this an hour and thirteen minutes ago. >_>

Snorchu, vote count, por favor?

Edit: Oh hahaha you just posted it. Wow.

All right. Nod3 will give the hint tonight, and Froslass (Hatman) has been killed. Surprisingly, Froslass was not the Murderer.

Night 3 will end 6/27/10, 11PM EDT. Murderer, PM me!
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Night 3 will end 6/27/10, 11PM EDT(An RPG)

The murderer may also PM me.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Night 3 will end 6/27/10, 11PM EDT(An RPG)

The hint was too much, I knew it would reveal too much, CoG clue, the murder will be posted in the morning.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Night 3 will end 6/27/10, 11PM EDT(An RPG)

(triple posting ftw)

The murderer was careful tonight, killing Pokabu, AKA firepig, and left this note on his body:

"just what do you guys think youre doing
many more innocents will die if you keep thinking the way you are now
perhaps you should all go Home as i suggested

want a clue as to my identity? ti evah ydaerla uoy"

In other news paddy185 and Shoyru1444 have been replaced with the folowing people:
Freak :p and Darkrai's Nightmare in that order.

Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT(An RPG)

The text in red says: It have already you in reversing the letter order. Go Home... maybe meaning a fan of House? And that first line that says we are all wrong is just like what I did last game when I tried to throw people off with typing issues. The "i's" are a sure sign of bad grammer. My vote is staying put until goes through for what I said "yesterday".
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT(An RPG)

Joeypals!! said:
The text in red says: It have already you in reversing the letter order.
Umm.... you're supposed to reverse the entire sentence. It says "you already have it".
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT(An RPG)

My bad! Anyway, my vote still stays from Day 3.
Vote: Zekrom
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT(An RPG)

I take it nobody dares to mention the text color's of both that note and joeypals match?
But it probably is because the murderer is trying to frame joey. Joey, if you did write it. You are trying to hard :p

This time, we have always voted for the most probable one. Maybe we should take another line of thinking. As the note says.

I think the "i" is done on purpose. It's been mentioned so often that if it incriminates you, you would have changed it.

So I suggest we start looking for someone that has very few ties to the murder note, and has good grammar.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT(An RPG)

After looking around on the forums, I have one other suspect. Who? Well, the person made several grammer errors in a thread in a thread called "House". Why bring it up? Home has several synonyms, like house. So, the bold can be changed to "go House". This is probably going to look like bad evidence, but I now see that our assumptions may have been wrong all along. Now, back to the house thing. The person who made this post is:
red blastoise said:
I think ik became boring when his team changed. it was a good show before that tough.
See any similarities? Also, red text would normally scream me (only person who does red last time I checked, but look at red blastoise's name. The red is right there! This angle seems to fit the note and as for the CoG hint, Zoura can be viewed as either red meat or dark meat, types of meat people should stay away from. So, being a bit jumpy, but thinking critically, I am switching my vote.
Unvote: Zekrom
Vote: Zoura

Vote: Lucario
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT(An RPG)

"First. Utter fail for me with my parade, so sorry Hatman. :p

Second, I find Joey's interpretation very interesting, but the CoG hint has yet to be associated with rb here. I'll consider a bit for myself before further input."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT(An RPG)

(OoC) Hello everybody, I am in the game now.

(IN) I agree with what Joeypals is saying.

Vote: Zorua
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT(An RPG)

Zyflair said:
"First. Utter fail for me with my parade, so sorry Hatman. :p

Actually, that was me. I take full responsibility for raising suspicion against Hatman. But at least now we have a second note to go by.

Second, I find Joey's interpretation very interesting, but the CoG hint has yet to be associated with rb here. I'll consider a bit for myself before further input."

Here's a recap of the first note:
thats right, i killed empoleon

it really helps being unfamiliar around here, let me tell you. you guys don't have a ghost of a chance at catching me!

everyone should just give up and go Home.

if you don't, you will all See my rage Flare. you have all been warned.

42 chocolate provided us with this analysis on day 1, before he became staff:

42 chocolate said:
*Pokabu examines the note closely*
"Hmm, I see..."
*He begins writing his own notes on the murderer's note*
The Note said:
thats right, i killed empoleon

it really helps being unfamiliar around here,
Could mean New Pokémon (Fifth Gen), new member or both
let me tell you. you guys don't have a ghost of a chance at catching me!
Could mean ghost type, reference to team/group the member is in, or ghost-type weakness/resistance
everyone should just give up and go Home.
Could be referring to TV show (such as house,) or to region (such as Isshu, home of 5th Gen Pokémon.

if you don't, you will all See my rage Flare. you have all been warned.
See=Sea? Murderer is a water type? Flare=Fire? Murderer is Fire Type? Flare could also mean that 1. Flare was smart enough to include his name in the note, thinking that if we saw it there, we would never think him the murderer. 2. Flare is targeted next by the murderer.

H, S, & F=Capitalized. Could stand for:
HSF-Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Health Services Foundation
FSH-you know what, never mind.

*Pokabu speaks to no one in particular*
"I believe the murderer is one of us, from Isshu. That leaves me, red blastoise, paddy185, MS Eeveelution, Snorchu and fortegoddx."
Me-this is my first post in the first day, analyzing all clues.
red blastoise-no posts at all so far
paddy185-a bit quick to put the blame on Zorua, and never explaining why
MS Eeveelution-Suspiciously acted as if he knew what one clue meant. Perhaps he was the murderer and was trying to frame Frosslass?
Snorchu-Suggested suspects, but never voted. Not a likely behavior of the murderer.
fortegoddx-See red blastoise.
Also, unfamiliar meaning new member-the only new player here is 7Lucario7Master7, so he may be a likely suspects.

I'll say our best suspects right now are Tsutaaja, Reshiram, Frosslass and Lucario.

We already ruled out Froslass and Lucario, but we have yet to examine the rest of the 5-gen Pokemon in this game.

red blastoise - Capitalizes his words correctly in-game, and has been on the site since 2005. He fulfills neither criterion from the first note.

paddy185/Freak :p - As 42 said, he was a little fast to put the blame on red blastoise in day 1, without explanation. He voted for Zorua while the rest of us were pointing fingers at Hatman, and neglected to explain himself then as well. He then disappeared from the game, to be replaced this morning by Freak :p.

MS Eeveelution - Posts infrequently, and was quick to jump on the bandwagon against Hatman. He did say he was "new to the town" (goes with "unfamiliar"). Also, both 42 and Zyflair suspected him on Day 1 for the same reason. I was quick to defend him based on my experience of his playing style in Werewolf VI. But he may be hiding something else.

Snorchu - I do like to keep things in order, dispelling chaos where I can. I did grow upset when we couldn't agree on the lynches for the first two days, and I reconciled that by trying to organize the other players. Hatman may have been lynched by the majority, but I feel as if I personally had killed him. I cannot say more about myself without self-incrimination, and so I invoke my 5th Amendment rights.

fortegoddx - He refused to vote during the first two days, due to a "lack of evidence". He said he "didn't want to kill innocent people". But remember, this is the winner of Murder I we are talking about. He might want a second title, which would compel him to tell us to "go Home". Now, if I'm not mistaken, the primary theory is against his character, Zekrom, because he just might be "the kind of meat you don't want to eat".

I'm going to hold off on my lynch vote for now. Meanwhile, don't forget to wish me a happy birthday today!

Vote: Lucario
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT(An RPG)

Joeypals!! said:
After looking around on the forums, I have one other suspect. Who? Well, the person made several grammer errors in a thread in a thread called "House". Why bring it up? Home has several synonyms, like house. So, the bold can be changed to "go House". This is probably going to look like bad evidence, but I now see that our assumptions may have been wrong all along. Now, back to the house thing. The person who made this post is:See any similarities? Also, red text would normally scream me (only person who does red last time I checked, but look at red blastoise's name. The red is right there! This angle seems to fit the note and as for the CoG hint, Zoura can be viewed as either red meat or dark meat, types of meat people should stay away from. So, being a bit jumpy, but thinking critically, I am switching my vote.
Unvote: Zekrom
Vote: Zoura

Vote: Lucario

Now you've gone insane, and I'll explain exactly why.
Plus I'll add in an extra bit of my investigations..

Several errors? I only see one. And "ik" is a normal dutch word, so it was probably a typo. This is also an error from almost 6 months ago, seems like you really are trying to hard.

Joeypals!! said:
Name 20 pokemon whose pokedex entries are controdictory.

Ahem, this is an error by none other then YOU from a mere day ago.

House, what again is the first thing you see if you enter a house? the hall. Garchomp, it's the generation IV champion's strongest pokemon. It belongs in the hall of fame.

Red text screams just as much me as it screams you. Only it's easier to hear it screaming you.

Meat you don't want to eat, is something you don't want to mess with (which has also been mentioned in notes) and YOU have won murderer twice in a row now ;)

Sorry, but just as the electronics in the keyboard that has written the argument, it doesn't hold water.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 4 Ends 7/1/10 at 7:30AM PDT(An RPG)

Two things: One being I do not have spellchecker on my touch, the other being that the houses that I know, the first thing you see is the living room. I have not gone insane. If so, I would have killed Snorchu already. I have nothing else to say, except no one wants to mess with an evil fox and I am not trying hard, I am following clues. Oddly enough, I feel just like I did the day that everyone trying to lynch me when I was right in Murder III, sure that I was right, but nervous about being mistakingly killed.
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