My Fish Died :(

... my beta fish died about 5 days after we got him... he wasnt very healthy when we got him. BUT HE WAS SO KEWL!!! HE WAS YELLOW!
Another one of WPM's fish found itself in a cave. Dark and scary, filled with fire breathing creatures, it slowly managed to find its way to the stars.
Kevin Garrett said:
Another one of WPM's fish found itself in a cave. Dark and scary, filled with fire breathing creatures, it slowly managed to find it's way to the stars.
Fish create fertile grounds, maybe we should plant orange flowers?
Hmm, this seems like another riddle...

I wonder what the outcome of it might be? Maybe another Jr. Mod...
The fish liked to swim on many levels and helped the smaller fish understand what was at each level and why.
I believe this is reference to the next Jr. Mod. After all, the riddle says "it slowly managed to find its way to the stars." Stars is clearly a reference to Four Stars, which involved new mods.

The orange flowers part I believe refers to the Expert User Group, as they used to be colored orange. Putting this together, a logical conclusion would be that a former Expert will become a new Jr. Mod.

The fish lived with "fire breathing creatures", which means the fish might be named after one. Hmm, I'll go look at the Expert list....

EDIT: Dragons are fire-breathing creatures....and we happened to have a former Expert named "dragon(9)". Putting it all together, I bet that:

Dragon 9 = second Jr. Mod
Orange, likes to battle, fire-breathing creatures - sounds like maybe dragon9 is the next Junior Mod? :O
I reckon we're looking for an expert. KG's post is a refernce for the fish to be helping others to become better at battling, and spoon said that the fish liked to battle alot. WE're looking at an expert being promoted to Jmod.

Like I said before, I think its ognna be D9.
CCloud said:
Orange, likes to battle, fire-breathing creatures - sounds like maybe dragon9 is the next Junior Mod? :O

That was too easy. ;p

Edit: Congrats dragon9.

dmaster out.
Well done dragon9. Congrats! Can't think fo anyone better for the job. I know you'll do great. DO london proud lol.
This is getting slowly over the top. I can't help but get excited. I'm not thinking about the J-Mods, I just want to take a crack at the riddle(s).
Next riddle should be done by WPM, IMO. KG and Spoon made that last one all too easy. WPM's are usually hard to hit right on the head. After "orange flowers" it was pretty easy to figure out.