Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Tyraniking said:
Headcanon? Twilight isn't the only Unicorn whose talent is magic. I don't want FiM to be one of the shows where the main character is cooler and better than everyone else at a huge extent.

Well there is always "The Great and powerful Trixie" ;D
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I think Trixie was just used a character enhancer for Twilight for her to not to worry about showing up her friends with her magic.

At least, that's my opinion on the episode "Boast Busters".
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
I think Trixie was just used a character enhancer for Twilight for her to not to worry about showing up her friends with her magic.

At least, that's my opinion on the episode "Boast Busters".

:/ I really like Trixie.

I have alot of ideas for the show....I guess I have alot of headcanons and things that should come back. Owlicious :3
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

catutie said:
I have alot of ideas for the show....I guess I have alot of headcanons and things that should come back. Owlicious :3

I think that'd be interesting, but I still think Spike might be jealous, like he was in the episode with Owlicious.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Vulpix Yolk said:
Hey guys, who is up for a conspiracy theory? Ok lets take a look at Twilight Sprakle's parents.



Her dad is a kinda of dark bluish color and a interesting cutie mark involving a moon, her mom is a creamy white color with a wicked light purple striped mane and stars for a cutie mark. Now here we go, lets take a look at the "Great and Powerful Trixie"


Same color as Twilight's dad, stars on her cape, a slightly darker color than the purple in Twilight's mom's mane. White mane, magical powers. And in the brief few seconds where you see her cutie mark, you may notice the it also has a crescent moon, but instead of it having another moon like Twilight's dad, it has a wand, tipped with a star. Case solved, Trixie is Twilight Sprakle's Sister.

I posted this in the old thread, but it is pretty related to the whole headcanon and Trixie is being brought up. I would love to see Trixie reappear in Season 2, but I kinda don't see it happening.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Zenith said:
my headcanons mostly involve lesbians, not gonna lie.

So true, oh poor Lyra and Bon-bon, what has the internet done to you?
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I don't know, I like lesbians.

(I make the most intelligent posts)
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.


Lyra is the coolest extra, I don't care for Bon-Bon though, whenever she speaks her voice is so crackly and horrible.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Well I like lesbians too, its just that without the internet, those two seemingly innocent ponies would have been spared.

Also, I want to see a pony named Sugarcube, and have her be a long lost friend of Applejack back when she used to live in Fillydelphia. The memory of that friend repressed for some indeterminate reason but only Applejack's greeting "Mornin' Sugarcube" remains.

I know its a stretch, but a brony can dream can't he?
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Vulpix Yolk said:

Lyra is the coolest extra, I don't care for Bon-Bon though, whenever she speaks her voice is so crackly and horrible.

There are so many extras, but I like Octavia the most. She's so classical and sophisticated, yet has a treble cleft cutie mark and plays the bass guitar.

(Uh...I think...I'm not a music expert, but I think that's what she plays...)
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Octavia plays either the cello or the double bass. there is a lot of debate about this.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
I think that'd be interesting, but I still think Spike might be jealous, like he was in the episode with Owlicious.

:/ well that was an obvious statement....

Owlicious could come back in some battle....some....epic....battle :p

Also more Wonderbolts :D

Prince Blue Blood because of how Rarity reacts to him :p

/me goes to find clip

There we go....aaaaahhhhhh
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

catutie said:
:/ I really like Trixie.

I have alot of ideas for the show....I guess I have alot of headcanons and things that should come back. Owlicious :3

Owlicious needs to come back. In the episode, there was not even a hint that he left!
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Owlowiscious didn't leave, but his appearance in season two depends on how much time is spent at the library. Remember Winona and her appearance in, what, one episode? Since Twilight is the main character (of sorts), chances are higher that they'll show her chillin at the library, and Owlowiscious will be with her.

Also who doesn't love lesbians

Though I can't really think of any lesbian headcanon other than the obligatory Appledash.




I guess Twixie is kinda up there too.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Speaking of Wonderbolts, I wonder if we'll see new members in the ranks?
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I cried in the episode with Owlowiscious I was sad for spike. O.O
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

At least he didn't get drunk of of donuts with sprinkles on his jealousy rage.

Best moment in the show :p
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

PMJ said:
Owlowiscious didn't leave, but his appearance in season two depends on how much time is spent at the library. Remember Winona and her appearance in, what, one episode? Since Twilight is the main character (of sorts), chances are higher that they'll show her chillin at the library, and Owlowiscious will be with her.

Also who doesn't love lesbians

Though I can't really think of any lesbian headcanon other than the obligatory Appledash.




I guess Twixie is kinda up there too.

...sorry I'm exhausted I shouldn't be on the internet

also there were some new screens from season 2? I don't know if anyone posted them yet, they're floating around the internet somewhere...
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Does anypony know if there are going to be new extras in the second season? That would be awesome, I love the extras in this show, they are all so well designed and awesome, but they could definitely use some more, because in lots of shots, you will see the same extra 2 or 3 times. Here is this.

RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I sense they know our love for the extras they put in. Come on...Derpy is a character now xD. I'm sure they will have some extra that will catch our eyes