Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I'll give it to Discord. A wickedly devious plan to turn everypony into their polar opposite of their Element of Harmony (expect Twilight), and tricking Rainbow Dash into breaking the rules.

Equestria is line of a big ol' storm of...chaos.

Now, with their wings and horns back, they're going to have to regain their Element of Harmony (and for everypony expect Twilight), snap out of Discord's hypnotic control, and beat him.

Can't wait for Part 2.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Hereis a link to the episode

I have noticed that the animation is much more dynamic. The colors are also a bit different and it has a little different look to it. But to get into the episode itself

This one was amazing. Discord is great, the way he moves and how he talks is amazing, I want more of him....alot more.

Pinkie....oh my god Pinkie is so hilarious in this episode xD. The chocolate rain part was so funny. "You said it sister" xD. I can tell we are in for MANY more pinkie quotes :D.

The part with Discord and Fluttershy was also pretty funny. How nice and sweet Fluttershy is is sometimes a little to much and how Discord just gives up is funny.

CMC are awesome in the begin. There arguing hasn't changed one bit lol

Over all an amazing episode.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I believe Discord will regret giving back the wings and horns back. Because Twilight will probably now conjure a spell to try and snap everypony out of it as Discord would be unaware maybe, whipping up chaos.

Since Twilight was never affected by Discord's plan, she's "normal", but now has to deal with the "opposites" of each Element of Harmony.

I found it kind of stupid, one pegasus, even though it's Rainbow Dash, holds the balance of Cloudsdale.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Twilight couldn't stop the cotton candy clouds so how would she stop him now?

And that was to fool RD into going back...
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.


I know that...I feel like there could have been other ways to do that.

And...Twilight did take care of the cotton candy clouds, by using Rainbow and AJ's talents to take care of the issue. It may not have been done with magic, but Twi did take care of it.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Oh wow what a great premier!

My favorite part was Discord's conversation with Fluttershy, and Fluttershy acknowledging that she knows how weak and defenseless she is, it really reminds me of a lot of, well, me. I know my flaws and am quick to let everyone else know! My spirit pony through and through.

Discord is a really good character too, and serious Celestia is scary looking.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Yes....but SHE didn't stop it. She had to use her friends.

Discord saying go back to where it all began makes me think that we are going back to the Everfree Forest Ruins next episode :p

CMC may be a big part of the next one.

Also alot of lack of Spike....ALOT. I don't mind Spike but he is kind of lame...just a little.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Spike has nothing to do with the Elements of Harmony, cat. That's why he wasn't really in the episode much.

During the episode it was said that they'd "go back to where it all began". So, does that mean the final battle with Discord will happen in the ruins in the Everfree Forest, going back to Part 2 of the pilot?
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I don't think we can infer that from the riddle he posed.

Applejack, after the group heared Discord's proposal, repeated the riddle including that part and Twilight said the maze was the answer, because you go around twists and turns and you end up back where it all started again.

So I think that was just another clue for the maze being the answer personally.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I guess Spike didn't really have anything to do with anything...but he could have at least been at the castle with them...

Also the vision AJ saw is interesting. I'm sure it's just going to be some kind of thing taken out of context like they come up with some plan to fool Discord BUT what if it is true? Maybe they will split up for a little of this season and then later in the season be friends again? That would be pretty interesting.

I'm anxious to see how this plays out...
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I really thought the wheel was set in motion right at the end of Part 1 with Rainbow fleeing towards Cloudsdale. I still think this was just an illusion that would have happened if they never were able to stop Discord. Notice how everything was all chaotic?

That's my two cents.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I noticed it the second time I watched it how the building in the back was in the air xD. I have watched the episode 4 times now. Mostly so that I can add more to the Hangman list but also to see the real details.

Hangman is being updated as I type this...for those that have tried it :p
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

OH GOOD CELESTIA the premier was great! I don't have the Hub, but I happened to (coincidentally, actually) stay over at a friends house who is tolerant of my Brony-ness and recorded it for me. Friendship really is Magic, folks. Now, for my thoughts.

Well, I am quite pleased with the premier. I'll be honest, I was expecting the second season to be not as good as the first, because they were trying to make it better knowing their main audience. I was so afraid that it wasn't going to have the same magic quality. However, as the episode progressed, my fears evaporated, and I knew that Season 2 was safe. =D

I noticed that Twilight's voice changed a little from Season one. I don't know if this was just me or if anyone else noticed it, but I definitely found a change.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Decmaster, I agree, the first thing I noticed was Twilight's voice was different, but only slightly. Season 2 is looking to outclass season one, if the episodes are of the same quality as this last one.

We sure do talk in spoilers a lot.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Well, I think it's safe to talk in spoilers, we may have bronies who haven't seen the episode, but I highly doubt that.

I never paid attention to the change in Twilight's voice really.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.


seesin too
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.


Put 'em up, put 'em up, put 'em up! This GIF I find to very funny. I just love Rainbow Dash to bits.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.



anyway the premiere was awesome

can't wait for saturday for more flutterbitch
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I love it when Rainbow Dash tries to fight stuff, I think she does something like that in the second episode (season 1). Fluttershy and Pinkie Pies characters are hilarious, I can't tell what Pinkie Pies character does, is she just depressed? Rarity being Gray is awesome.

Off topic:
I want to make a gif of the Scrabble Showdown commercial that was playing during the premier with that person dancing behind the word Churro. Those commercials were so weird.

Edit: We should get a new poll.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan - Season 2! Is everypony excited?
