Eon said:Why is Rainbow Dash on the cover of a BW manual?
The product description (kind of, Google Translate):
"New Pokemon for the first time in two years of" Pokemon "boasts sales of more than 160 million in total series"
"Capture Guide full of Black & White 2 ".
Transcribed their own illustrations, the information that is withheld, easy-to-understand explanation for beginners.
Full color version
So basically yeah, this is a BW capture guide with Rainbow Dash on the cover. Along with a lamb and a chicken.
The heck is going on here.
Rainbow Dash said:No idea. I guess Pokemon is just trying to catch more attention for the games?
Eon said:I doubt it's an official guide book. There's no way that would happen on an official book. But it's pretty funny anyway.
Vulpix Yolk said:That guide book is pretty great.
I just bought 6 blind bags from CVS, and got some neat stuff. I don't really know what wave they are or anything, but I got a Crystal Rainbow Dash so I am pretty happy. The other ponies I got were Applejack, Lemon Hearts, Firecracker Burst, Roseluck and Pepperdance. They came in Pinkish Silver bags with all of the mane 6 on them. If anypony knows what wave these are they should totally tell me. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to merchandise.
MonsterHunter909 said:I laughed at this! It's perfect for you Rainbow Dash
MonsterHunter909 said:I have one question Where did you find the cool avatars and sigs? Bronies 4 life!
[video=youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14[/video]MonsterHunter909 said:I'm assuming the elements of harmony will be used in the first 2 episodes again.