TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Zoroark, Haunter, and Ghost Energy!

Thanks bro!

Looks like the next vote'll be the tiebreaker...and then I'll be able to continue. :p
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Zoroark, Haunter, and Ghost Energy!

Yeah! Unova won! lol Krookodile!!!!! lol
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Zoroark, Haunter, and Ghost Energy!

This is so far one of the best fake sets i've ever seen.
A Collection of Pokémon Fanart from all around the globe. And the new types look surprisingly aesthetic. Finally, the references in the card texts are also interesting to read, such as Kingdras Maelstrom. But how you printed that cards and booster packs?

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Zoroark, Haunter, and Ghost Energy!

@ramsey: Haha -- I already had the Pokémon planned out, ramsey. Sadly, no Krookodile (I still haven't made a Ground Stage 2 blank, anyway...). Sorry bud! :)

@Renoir: Thank you -- that means a lot! :) I actually didn't really print the's all done through the magic of Photoshop. But's our little secret!

EDIT: Truth be told, I've never been a fan of the Poison-type energy symbol. I've thought about changing it, but never thought it'd be worth it. However, after the Ghost-type symbol update (40+ cards needed updating), the 20+ I'd need to do for Poison seem like cake. Therefore, I'm asking for your opinions on the fate of the symbol. I determined that either the Biohazard symbol or Radiation symbol would be good candidates, as both are easily recognized as poison-related warning signs. I think both would be a much more obvious choice than the current symbol, but I'd like your opinions. When able, I'll put up some mock symbols to get a better idea of how they'd look. Please try and vote -- thanks!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! NEW POLL: Determine the fate of the Poison Energy symbol!

I personally prefer the biohazard symbol. Not only do I think it looks better, but it just makes more sense than the radiation symbol. I mean, is Ekans radioactive? I think not. However, both Ekans and Grimer are biohazardous. Also, the pointed tips of the biohazard symbol make me think of fangs, which several Poison-type Pokemon have.

Also, the biohazard symbol marks cases containing discarded needles. The Weedle and the Nidoran lines are named after needles.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! NEW POLL: Determine the fate of the Poison Energy symbol!

All good points, bro! Thanks for the input. While I am leaning toward the biohazard symbol as well, I should've prefaced the post saying that though most Poison Pokémon aren't radioactive, the symbol is still highly related with things that are toxic. It may look better on a 24-pixel sphere as well (just because it's so much simpler), but I guess I'll have to make the symbols first (which I cannot do until I'm back at school). :)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! NEW POLL: Determine the fate of the Poison Energy symbol!

You should realllly make thouse stage 1 ground cards lol hehe
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! NEW POLL: Determine the fate of the Poison Energy symbol!

I would prefer the biohazard symbol, too. It's just fitting. But radioactivity also looks fine, but in my opinion that is just too specific.

So far, i want to know for what reason this set was named Neo Redux? I mean, actual this is an expansion over the horizon of the GSC-era and no reduction. Or is it a hidden reference to electrolysis or other physical phenomenons?
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! NEW POLL: Determine the fate of the Poison Energy symbol!

Hmm...while I'm with you on the biohazard symbol, I'm worried it won't look good on small (24 and 27 pixel) symbols. In any case, I'm home for the weekend and not near my computer with the Redux stuff on it, so I won't be able to mock up the symbols for a few days.

"Redux" is a word that actually means "brought back" or "restored" - it's usually used in literary works and movie titles. It doesn't have anything to do with a reduction. :)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! NEW POLL: Determine the fate of the Poison Energy symbol!

Oh, i didn't knew that. Learned something. Viewed with that background information, the name is fitting perfect.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! NEW POLL: Determine the fate of the Poison Energy symbol!

The current Poison Energy symbol has grown on me. It would be a shame to see it disappear.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! NEW POLL: Please vote!

Thanks, Char -- I'm glad someone likes it. I'm just trying to ensure the symbols are as instantly recognizable as possible.

New cards coming soon (tomorrow) -- I promise! I went home for the weekend for family stuff, but I'll be back at my Redux computer tomorrow.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New Poison symbols....let's hear your input!


Just threw some possible options together, with the original on the far left. Thoughts?
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New Poison symbols....let's hear your input!

I prefer the one next to last. I like how it's based on but not exactly the biohazard symbol. :)
Of course, the normal biohazard symbol looks good, too. The example is just blurry in comparison.

Either way, I think the strokes could afford to be a LITTLE thicker.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New Poison symbols....let's hear your input!


Thanks bro! I kinda like the second to last too -- I'm just worried people won't recognize it as the biohazard symbol.

I tried thickening the strokes on the biohazards symbol a bit...I think it looks a bit better now.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New Poison symbols....let's hear your input!

CMP, you asked me on DA for a little peak of my Poison symbol. Just for some more ideas, here's mine.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New Poison symbols....let's hear your input!

I like the next-to-last as well. It just looks the nicest, imo. As for Gliscor's, it just looks sort of like a chemical symbol rather than a poison symbol.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New Poison symbols....let's hear your input!

Can't wait to see a Salamence card or the 3 Dogs :D :D
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New Poison symbols....let's hear your input!

Though everyone seems to like the second to last, I'm just worried it's a little too detailed and busy for an Energy symbol. That's why I'm kind of leaning toward one of the radiation ones....
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New Poison symbols....let's hear your input!

CMP said:
Though everyone seems to like the second to last, I'm just worried it's a little too detailed and busy for an Energy symbol. That's why I'm kind of leaning toward one of the radiation ones....
