TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New Poison symbols....let's hear your input!

New dragon symbol?


Just a test, but I like it nonetheless. Might keep it.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New DRAGON symbol?

Well, I hate to not choose some of your work, CMP, but I think that I like Gliscor's poison symbol. It's simple and easy to know what it means.

And as for the Dragon symbol, I think I like the new one better. I don't know why, I just do.

Amazing work as always, CMP. Keep up the good work!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New DRAGON symbol?

CMP said:
Though everyone seems to like the second to last, I'm just worried it's a little too detailed and busy for an Energy symbol. That's why I'm kind of leaning toward one of the radiation ones....
You could do a skull but with crossbones.

And I like the Wing dragon symbol.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New DRAGON symbol?

I like the new Dragon symbol, but it just doesn't seem as, err, abstract or basic as most type symbols.
If you're going to go with a dragon head, I recommend making a symmetrical one.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New DRAGON symbol?

a few years ago, i made pokemon cards and for my poison symbol i used one almost identical to Gliscor's suggestion except mine had a poison barb with the "bubbles" coming up from one end. But personally i like all of them except the skull and cross bones because its a little overused in my opinion.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New DRAGON symbol?

Nekoban Ryo said:
I like the new Dragon symbol, but it just doesn't seem as, err, abstract or basic as most type symbols.
If you're going to go with a dragon head, I recommend making a symmetrical one.

Good points. To be honest, it was a result of boredom...I wasn't really trying to make a new symbol. This Poison and Ghost business just make me wonder about other types. :) It does seem a little busier than most symbols (and less symmetrical), something I do dislike about it. On the flip side, Dragon is a type that's kind of set apart from others, that regard, it fits. I might draft up a few other ideas. Either way, I've only made a small handful of Dragon types anyway, so it frees me up for possibilities!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New DRAGON symbol?

Although I love it, it agree it's too detailed and doesn't fit in well with the other symbols.
An idea I had for a Dragon symbol was a dragon claw (well hand).
It was a circle for the palm and three claws around it, kind of similar to the Metal symbol.

Btw, I friggin LOVE that you used that artwork for Zoroark's card.
The BW booster pack artwork is kick-***. XD
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New DRAGON symbol?

I almost did, actually. Had I made another version last night, I would've vectored out that Battrio symbol.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New DRAGON symbol?

AAA! You're making too many changes! I think the Dragon symbol is perfect as it is now!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New DRAGON symbol?

I agree with the symmetry point; it shouldn't be too far away from the other symbols artistically. I love the color though...
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! New DRAGON symbol?

See, I'm honestly not as worried about symmetry as I am simplicity. The Cosmic symbol, though obviously not a real type, isn't symmetrical yet belnds in perfect with the real symbols due to it's simplicity.

It's my hope to avoid a head-on, symmetrical Dragon symbol -- I don't want it to appear too close to Bug.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Another potential dragon symbol.


Fits it with the other symbols -- I checked. Doesn't look quite as sick as the other one, but I'd be happy with this.

Et tu?
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Another potential dragon symbol.

I think this one looks rather swell. I would just be afraid that it would lose detail when it's scaled down and more of the focus would be drawn towards the upper left rather than the center of the symbol.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Another potential dragon symbol.

That latest one, if you lose the far right "triangle" bit (assuming thats like a dragnos mane, or hair etc) and just keep the head, I think as Neko said, it'd scale better when smaller. Also simplifies it and keeps it in line with the other symbols :)

Just have to be careful as its very similar to Cheetah/feline :)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Another potential dragon symbol.

Thanks, asche. The wing isn't coming off -- it's either wing or new symbol. I've scaled it down, and I think it looks fine when smaller.

Also, my abilities to make a symbol of the caliber I want are pretty limited right now, as my only computer with Illustrator is pretty much shot. I've come up with a few sick ideas on paper, but as of now, I'm not able to transfer them onto a symbol.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Another potential dragon symbol.

That symbol actually looks excellent; I love it. Keep up the awesometastic work ;D
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Another potential dragon symbol.

Yeah, I like it. Looks good.

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Another potential dragon symbol.

can you teach me how to give holo effect to cards? :)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Another potential dragon symbol.

I prefer the old Dragon symbol, personally. It fits the Energy circle better and looks more akin to real symbols. The new one draws the eye's focus to the top left and I don't think that suits an Energy symbol. Cool idea nonetheless, I just think what you already had was perfect.