TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! SEVEN new cards! (7/4)

Nice as always, CMP.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! SEVEN new cards! (7/4)

Thanks bro! :)

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! EIGHT new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

I friggin love Solosis' Mitosis attack. GAHH SCIENCE NERD. XD
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! NINE new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

Haha thanks, Hyunbin -- science nerds unite!

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! NINE new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

Wow! lots of new ones, Cool! Great as always, CMP! I do have a couple questions though, Why is Sceptile's HP low? Also, Rufflet's Undaunted Flight to me seems like a PokePower rather than an attack.
I'm sure you have done your research, I'm just curious. :)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! NINE new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

Thanks BEnB!

Sceptile's HP are low because it has the lowest HP of any fully evolved starter and wanted to reflect that in the set. Its base HP is 70, lower than even some Stage 1 starters like Pignite (base 90 HP) and even Dewott (base 75 HP). I know Sceptile usually has at least 100 HP, but I wanted to make it more true-to-game.

As for Rufflet's Undaunted Flight, there is a card with a similar attack: Koga's Ditto. I wanted it to be something you had to activate rather than a power.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! TEN new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! TEN new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

Lol, Unkempt Vine, like it's supposed to comb them every morning. :p

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! TEN new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

Cacnea's and Tangela's eyes are... seriously creepy. O_O
Wait is that Tangela supposed to be underwater? XD
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! TEN new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

These are so epic. Keep up the awesome work!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! TEN new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

WOW! These cards look real! Nice work.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! TEN new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

Hey CMP, I love these cards. Keep up the awesome work... I really like the Marowak (especially the artwork and 2nd attack...)!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Happy 4th! TEN new cards! (7/4 & 7/5)

Thanks everybody -- I appreciate all your comments. :)

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: A rose by any other name....(7/7)

I like the Roselia, but I'm confused about the 'Power. If it IS evolved, do you take off damage counters 1.5x the amount the damage did to the defending Pokémon (so if it did 30 damage, you would take off 5 counters because both the 'Power and attack's effect are in play), or is the 'Power supposed to "override" the attack's effect?
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: A rose by any other name....(7/7)

Power overrides the attacks effect.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: A rose by any other name....(7/7)

When I saw the thread title, I thought it would be Jessie's Wobbuffet or something.:p
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: A rose by any other name....(7/7)

Haha nope -- I haven't watched the show in forever.

Updated with Krabby and Flaaffy on main post.

EDIT: Added Azurill and Happiny. Happiny was the 301st card uploaded to my Photobucket!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Ay bay bay, ay bay bay...(7/8)


Just a little backstory behind Meditite's Chakra Alignment -- in Hindu beliefs, there are seven primary chakras, which are essentially centers of activity for life force energy. Muladhara, or the root chakra, is represented by the color red and instinct/survival. Though not technically red, the Fighting symbol is close enough, and removing damage counters seemed like a good corresponding effect. Ajna, or the brow chakra, is represented by the color purple and is considered the third eye -- or the eye of intuition (fitting for gaining energy). As a fun little side note, Ardhanarishvara is the presiding deity of Anja, and Meditite and Medicham resemble the deity.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Babies and meditation...(7/8)

You should've mentioned karma...
