TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: A bull, geode, and the GenV Chansey (7/12)

Dr. Mason said:
Lovely aesthetic, but not mechanical design. Very few, if any, colorless costs on non colorless pokemon. And there is a good reason we only have nine types.
Very true, seventeen types would be completely unmanageable in the actual TCG.

Alvin and the Minezumis said:
I spy some cheeky Spanish there C-boy-MP buddy! Nice work all around!
Thanks, Alvin. Time to put down BW and spend some time faking!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: A bull, geode, and the GenV Chansey (7/12)

Awesome cards! I like Audino!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: A bull, geode, and the GenV Chansey (7/12)

A combination of Gill Sans Condensed Bold, Gill Sans Regular, Gill Sans Bold Italic, and Futura Std, all with varying widths and spacing. In the future, though, this is a question better suited for the resources and help sticky. :) Flameh made a font guide on dA for use with's not quite the exact placement/spacing I use, but it's a pretty good basis of where to start. Feel free to PM me or ask in the stickied thread if you have any questions!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Buizel and Lillipup (7/13)

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Buizel and Lillipup (7/13)

I think I will start following this thread.

I honestly believe that recreating all 649 Pokemon in Johto-style TCG cards is a giant undertaking, but also a very noble one. Johto was probably one of the best eras in the history of TCG remaining so even to this day. The cards have always been so...aesthetically pleasing.

And yet even with all the new cards you make they still remain as good as ever - the pictures are simply astounding. My personal favorites are the Arceus ones as they have their attacks and abilities in Latin, which I'm sort of a sucker for.

I'm going to love to see what you come out with next!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Buizel and Lillipup (7/13)

Thanks DNA...what you said really means a lot! Believe it or not, I'm nearly halfway done!

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Old and new! Lapras and Cottonee (7/13)

All of the artwork that you have looks so real. Underground Expedition is back xD (Glameow)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Odd number gens! Lapras, Wurmple, and Cottonee (7/13)

On the faking grind...

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Odd number gens! Lapras, Wurmple, and Cottonee (7/13)

Wow, you've really been putting out great work! Just one question on Drifloon's first attack– I would think the parentheses at the end should read "(You can't use this attack if your opponent's Bench is full.)" Should it not?

Really nice work on these cards recently. I love all of them. ;D
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Drifloon and Vanillite (7/14)

Thanks, Scizorlicious! And you're absolutely correct -- you seemed to have caught a WotC error that I didn't! I copied the text from Neo Destiny spoilers of Dark Haunter, which is definitely an error. I'll fix it. :)


Special thanks to DNA for providing the spoilers for Vanillite!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Drifloon and Vanillite -- thanks to DNA! (7/14)


I'm going to stop looking for silly tiny mistakes in things (like I normally do) and just enjoy the set for what it is. (Besides, any tiny mistakes I found weren't even worth mentioning.)

I love Vanillite, especially since it looks like the shiny coloration in that picture. If you need me to do any more spoilers, you need but ask.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Drifloon and Vanillite -- thanks to DNA! (7/14)

Thanks DNA! :)

If you do find tiny mistakes, let me know. I've caught a lot myself (that I haven't bothered to fix), but I love having a second eye. When all's said and done (hopefully ~6 months if all goes to plan), I'll try and fix stuff hahah
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Drifloon and Vanillite -- thanks to DNA! (7/14)

Agreed. It's ADORABLE! XD
The artwork is so simple but it's so cute.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Drifloon and Vanillite -- thanks to DNA! (7/14)

Thanks, Alvin. Time to put down BW and spend some time faking!

Argh, that there be a difficult task, mi amigo.

Ice cream is win buddy.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Drifloon and Vanillite -- thanks to DNA! (7/14)

Wow, a lot of new cards! All of them look great! That Lillipup is to die for, I mean just look at that cute little face... awww... But now after reading Charganium's post about wanting to eat it, I see it a totally different way. It looks like it is holding the apple out in front of itself and is saying," Please take the apple instead, I don't taste good." LOL
That made my day. Thanks CMP and Charganium!

on another note(and probably a little bit more on topic): You would think that Pokemon would have caught that mistake on Haunter's attack, wouldn't you?
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

Thanks guys -- and Alvin, faking > BW. :p

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)


Buzz. Nice cards there, and again your spoilers are intriguing and intelligent.