TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

What, no mega-Combee? :p

This actually looks like it could be a great support deck in Neo era. Swarm the bench with Combee and keep a Vespy alive continually. Plus there's a chance you continually paralyze, which is always good. I love this card!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

These are so amazing it could be a real set! Are you planning to make all of them real cards those on the first page? I have already been watching this for a while and you continue to amaze me with each new card. Drifloon is my one of my favorite cards because of the artwork and background. Keep up the incredible work!

EDIT: I wanna make a Combee-Vespiquen Neo Redux deck =P
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

Again the attacks are awesome.
Question about Combee's attack though:
Was there an attack in the Neo era that had both the name and description text on the same line?
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

Thanks everyone!

@DNA: No 'roid-rage Combee here! :p Even with the low HP, that card would beast in the Neo-era! I can only imagine...haha.

@Rock Wrecker: I do plan on making them look like real cards ala the first page...however, they're all Photoshopped. I didn't really print any of them out!

@Hyunbin: I don't think there were any Neo-era one-line attack cards, but there were in other sets.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

Nice cards. Love the Vespiquen's PokePower. Also, why does it look like blood is squirting out of Vespiquen's back? ^^ Either way, nice cards and keep up the hard work. :)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

Thanks, FlamingDriscoll! It's not blood lawl -- I'm assuming it's using a move of some sort.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

I think it is using PowerGem on the Unown in the background.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

It's actually Combee in the background.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

That makes since, I thought they were Unown W, but couldn't figure out the randomness of it all. I thought that because of the lighting, their white eyes were a shade of yellow but now can see they are combee flying around. LOL :)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

CMP, I have officially been left in awe by your amazing fakes! Those are seriously some of the best fakes I have ever seen. Your talent for making fakes is commendable. Are you only focusing on the Neo series right now or do you ever plan on doing a different series?

I was just looking at the Zoroark you made and I hope you don't mind if I make a suggestion. I think his Poke-Power could be improved to fit him more, maybe something like this:
Cris said:
Zoroark EX (EX because he would be from the upcoming sets)

Ability: Illusion/Shapeshift (I'm undecided on the name :p)

Once during your turn (before you attack) you may attach any Pokemon from your hand to Zoroark EX. (This does not count as evolving Zoroark EX.) Treat Zoroark EX as if it were that Pokemon instead. It can't evolve, devolve, or use any Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or Abilities. During your turn, you may discard the Pokemon card attached to Zoroark EX. This ability can't be used if Zoroark EX is asleep, confused, or paralyzed. If Zoroark EX becomes asleep, confused, or paralyzed, discard all Pokemon attached to it.

It's very similar to Brock's Ninetails Pokemon Power but I think it really fits Zoroark EX. LMK what you guys think!

Edit: I removed the part of not needing the required energies.

I posted that in the "If you could create an Ability for thr TCG" a few days ago. Anyways I just feel like that Poke-Power would just fit him better, but then again that's just me.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

I truly appreciate the kind, kind words Cris! For now, I think I'll stay focused on Neo, but using different blanks is definitely an option when I'm done!

And while I do thank you for the suggestion, I don't have any plans to change attacks of any cards -- at least not until I'm finished with the set first. However, I do think the ability sounds fantastic, and something that could definitely fit a Neo Redux card. I would love it (and appreciate it!) if you'd like to make spoilers...I'd of course give credit when posting!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Combee and Vespiquen! (7/15)

Nice cards! And you made a Lillipup! Yeah!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Porygons! (7/16)

Now I know two of these are merely an update, but I think one big enough to include them...


Thanks to Alvin for the attacks.

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Porygons! (7/16)

I agree!
I also thought how much of a troll that Porygon-Z could be, especially against things like Gyarados. Stick a Combee on top of the Gyarados and knock it out. It's like Devoluter, but all that more evil. It's awesome.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Porygons and Shiftry! (7/16)

New holosheet. Looks better when you can actually see it haha.

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Porygons and Shiftry! (7/16)

Wow the porygon line looks amazing but the new holo sheet you used on Shiftry makes it look incredible! You never cease to amaze me CMP. BTW, what do you mean help you with spoilers? Sorry about the dumb question. :(
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Porygons and Shiftry! (7/16)

Thanks, Cris! I'm glad you like the new holosheet -- while Cascade's is awesome, the new sheet I used fits better with my blanks -- proper sizing, sharper "dots" and all that.

By spoilers, I mean the actual attacks. If there's a Pokémon I haven't done yet and you come up with attacks for it, let me know and if they fit with the set, I'll happily (and appreciatively) include them.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Porygons and Shiftry! (7/16)

Those spoilers on Porygon look vaguely familiar...

Nice cards buddy - love this update!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Porygons and Shiftry! (7/16)

Copy/Paste Magikarp onto a Wailord... Beast. I am a huge fan of any Shiftry, because the first deck I remember using was based around Shiftry ex PK. Fond memories.
