TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

Okay, so Qwilfish's power activates on your opponent's turn, but it ends your turn. I don't get that.
Also, the word 'attacking' should be capitalized when referring to the Attacking Pokemon.

Edit: Oh, interesting...!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

Actually, DNA, in the Neo-era, attacking wasn't capitalized. See Light Piloswine and Shining Mewtwo as examples. Doesn't make sense to have Defending but not attacking capitalized, but that's how WotC rolled.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

CMP said:
@Yakkov: While I've done art for some of them, most of the art isn't mine. The "Illus." credit will tell you who illustrated the card.

No problem ^^ Just was curious :3

Keep up the awesome work =3
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

Wow the Dewott card is amazing. The art you chose for it could not have been better! I also like Qwilfish's Pokemon Power. Anyways, I'm a little confused by Dewott's Honored Way Out attack. So if somebody used it does the effect last as long as Dewott remains in play or is it supposed to end at the end of your opponents turn? The wording suggests that it would last until Dewott is KO'd.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

I would assume it lasts until the end of your opponent's turn, but you'd have to look at official rulings similar to Dark Forretress.

BTW -- keep a lookout for more cards to be released soon illustrated by me! You'll never guess which Pokémon I'm illustrating! And keep in mind, that's just a WIP. ;) The clouds won't look so bad, I promise!

I'm also thinking about hand drawing some art and scanning it it, since that's what I'm more used to. I almost majored in art, so even though I haven't drawn most of the cards for the set, I'm going to change it up a bit.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

Wow, I can't wait to see the cards you illustrate, CMP! Love the Dewott and Quilfish, they're ballin'.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

Thanks guys!

I just counted, and I still need spoilers for about 194 Pokémon -- sounds like a lot, but that's only 30%. That means that at least 70% of the cards have been typed out! If anyone wants to help out with attacks and such, I'd really appreciate it! Just let me know what Pokémon you'd like to do just in case it's one I've already done.
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

I'd love to help make some spoilers for you CMP. Are all the Pokemon listed in your first post the ones that have spoilers, and any not listed Pokemon still needs a spoiler for them?
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

Awesome, Bippa -- thanks! Unfortunately, the list in the first post isn't indicative of the spoilers I have made. Best idea I guess would be to just choose a line or two you'd like to make spoilers for and I'll let you know if I need them. Sorry there's not an easier way!
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

@Bippa: Awesome, thanks!

@benny: Thanks bro! Which Pokémon would you like?
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

How about Slaking and Ferrothorn's lines?
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

@47bennyg: Sounds perfect!

@Bippa: If you could PM them to me that'd be great!

I really appreciate this, guys. Thanks a ton! :)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

I've got a faves list somewhere in my profile so if you want to approach me personally with anything on that faves list (there's a top 10 plus an honorable mentions list of about 30), I can do that. In the meantime I can also try to write some spoilers for those - I have actually been writing spoilers for fake cards for a few years now and I'm quite confident in my ability to write them. (Making the actual cards, though, I can't really do on my own without help from a site or program. Derp.)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

Mind if I make spoilers for Alakazam or Golem, CMP?
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

@DNA: I've got everything in your top 10 covered, but I could definitely use an Aggron and Cinccino if you feel inclined. :)

@Cris: I actually have spoilers for both of them -- I'm done with all of the Kanto monsters (except for the Eeveelutions). Thanks though! Any others you might want to tackle? :)
RE: Neo Redux: A full year in the making! UPDATE: Qwilfish and Dewott (7/28)

Is Absol taken yet?