TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: I like it more than its evo -- RHYDON added! (8/16)

I'm not sure if I'm correct or not, but for Rugged Hide the attack should probably end "that attack does only half the damage to Rhydon" instead of "divide that damage in half". I cite Kabuto here as a reference.

Although, I could be wrong. There might be a neo card I don't know about.
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: I like it more than its evo -- RHYDON added! (8/16)

There is one, DNA. XD

Very nice Rhydon art, btw... though I can't help but feel that drilling should deal 30x instead. It would be roughly 60 damage with 4 pokemon total, which is already slightly a crowd.
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: I like it more than its evo -- RHYDON added! (8/16)

There is one, DNA. XD
...I actually used to run that card in a very old deck of mine. Dangit, how did I forget :p
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: I like it more than its evo -- RHYDON added! (8/16)

Those were Photoshopped?! :-o

Good job i thought they were real :)

Well Good Luck on finishing this cus i like the fact you have a Energy Symbol for each Type in the video game :)
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: I like it more than its evo -- RHYDON added! (8/16)

Thanks for the comments, guys. I really appreciate your feedback!

And I think I agree, Zyflair...30x is a better amount. Thanks for the suggestion. :)
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: I like it more than its evo -- RHYDON added! (8/16)

Those pages on the first post aren't real? Jeez, man, you got me good...
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: I like it more than its evo -- RHYDON added! (8/16)

Printed with perfection. That's how I'd describe it.
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: RHYDON and AMOONGUSS added! (8/16)

@DNA: Did I really get you? But yep -- they aren't really printed.

@Zyflair: "Printed" to perfection. :p


Thanks to DNA for this bad boy.
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: RHYDON and AMOONGUSS added! (8/16)

I noticed you changed the cost around a little bit. You removed the Poison attack costs completely. Of course, I'm not complaining - this is one cool mushroom.
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: RHYDON and AMOONGUSS added! (8/16)

Did I? Yikes -- I put what I had in my spoilers document. I think I must've only seen the Grass symbols when I typed it up.

I edited it. =) But Wikia is having server issues that seem to happen every few months where the images take forever to update. Hopefully all will be good tomorrow! Although I think you're able to see it if you add ?action=purge to the end of the URL.
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: RHYDON and AMOONGUSS added! (8/16)


DNA strikes again! Thanks brah.
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: ROSERADE added (8/17)!

Looks like with Roserade's attacks and energy cost, it's a really nice way to...


...pick your poison.

RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: ROSERADE added (8/17)!

Is there a reason why we're using grass energies to inflict poison and poison energies to inflict sleep? XD
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: ROSERADE added (8/17)!

Daring to be different! XD

Yeah, good question. Add this to the group of TCG-related business that doesn't make sense.
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: ROSERADE and AGGRON added (8/17)!


DNA strikes again. This blank was a pain to make -- I had to do the minimized border to fit the attacks. Normally it's not too much of an issue, but with the texture on the Metal blanks...yikes! :p
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: ROSERADE and AGGRON added (8/17)! Let me know what you think!

Aggron's a BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAST; I love seeing the guy in full swing. Sorry the attacks were such a pain; I just love seeing Aggron being totally awesome like that...

Is there a reason why we're using grass energies to inflict poison and poison energies to inflict sleep? XD
That's my fault. I think I might have done it backwards when writing it. :p
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: ROSERADE and AGGRON added (8/17)! Let me know what you think!

Roserade and Aggron are awesome!

Do you think I could do the spoiler and possibly the art for Dragonite whenever you get around to making it? (Unless you have other plans)
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: ROSERADE and AGGRON added (8/17)! Let me know what you think!

Roserade's hiding something. Its gotta be a pro at hide and seek. Awesome card, for both CMP and DNA.

And Aggron's still kicking behinds and taking names. Again, great card.
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: ROSERADE and AGGRON added (8/17)! Let me know what you think!

Aggron and Rosrade look amazing! Awesome job, CMP and DNA! Anyways Aggron looks incredible and has one of the best looking artworks I've seen so far.
RE: Neo Redux: Halfway done! UPDATE: ROSERADE and AGGRON added (8/17)! Let me know what you think!

Landslide is awesomely broken. I would definitely play it in unlimited with conjunction to hand discarders (Lass would be a pain along with constant milling).