TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

Loving Nosepass's Poke-Power. Genuine name too.
Keep up the great work bro.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

Thanks HoS! I often try and do a little research as I name the powers and attacks.

Continuing the "name a Pokémon and I'll make it trend"...anyone?
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

Is it still Hoenn? If so, I'd love to see a Gardevoir... if it's from any generation, I think Scizor would have to be the card I want to see most.
Very nice job on Jumpluff+Nosepass. The best part about these cards is that none of them are more powerful than any others, which I imagine is difficult to achieve.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

Yeah, you have very good choice in artwork. Good job!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

I'd love to see Skitty and Delcatty. <3
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

Gardevoir is one i would like to see, good job :)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

I love Wailord.

Not just because he's the biggest, but because he's really strong and huggable :3

Can you make Wailord?
What if I give you money?
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

Looks like it'll be Gardevoir first, then Skitty, and finishing up with Wailord! I'm not home right now, so I'll make them when I'm reunited with my iMac.

Any others? Figured I could make a top 10 list.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

ScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizorScizor :D

Please don't spam.~de
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

Sorry, Scizorliscious, but we're keeping these 10 Hoenn-only.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

Thanks. :D
Also, LOVE your cards. :3
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

A third generation top ten list? Yes please! Let me help. :D

(any forme) Deoxys

Feel free to pick and choose which one goes on the list. I'm not going to be greedy. (and take up seven spaces! o_O )
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, Jumpluff, Nosepass

I'll keep Swampert and Absol in mind, Decmaster! :) I already said no to Aggron, as I've yet to make a Stage 2 Metal blank, so that's a no to Metagross as well. I'm saving all of the little legendaries (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, etc.) for the end, and Deoxys will be released with all (or the majority) of its formes simultaneously.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Kirlia, Gardevoir, and Skitty

Skitty's Assist said:
(Skitty can make that attack even if it does not have the appropriate number or type of Energy attached to it necessary to make the attack)

You contradicted yourself. =P Plus, shouldn't the bolded "make"'s be changed to "Perform"? And, the font seems off for Skitty's Assist attack, except for the section in the middle, starting with "(You must…" and ending with, "… Skitty's type is still (C) .)" I don't think that that period needs to be there?

Sorry for all the mis-findings. They're great cards, and Future Distortion could wreak havoc on LostGar.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Kirlia, Gardevoir, and Skitty

Actually, Decmaster, that's how things were worded in the Neo-era...see Genesis Togetic's Super Metronome attack. The period does need to be there. The font looked off because it was unusually small. Thanks!

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Kirlia, Gardevoir, Wailmer, HSOWA!!!

Did you release those Pokémon near each other on purpose, or did it just end up that way?
I'm lovin' the Wailord there. Ohhh yeah.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Kirlia, Gardevoir, Wailmer, HSOWA!!!

Actually, Scizorlicous, I really didn't plan on making those two near the same time -- it was merely the order of requests! GoldenDP requested Skitty then Netherwing requested Wailord a few posts later. :p
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Kirlia, Gardevoir, Wailmer, HSOWA!!!

aw, i thought that there was a HSOWA card it would be a big sign that said censored and it would be dark type and its move names would also be censored