News about 11th movie and rumor of a new pokemon.


Aspiring Trainer
"Giratina and the Sky Bouquet" is a possible title for the 11th Movie and it is known to contain 5 pokemon: Giratina, Regigigas, Dialga, Palkia and possibly Shaymin.

Dialga and Palkia are shown again because the fight over who is the 'god' pokemon isn't over.

The rumor there is a undiscovered new 5th generation pokemon in this movie may be false because there are so many pokemon staring in it already and sinnoh saga is moving slower then hoenn. Thus why the first 4th gen pokemon Munchlax was revealed May 2004 before the 7th movie (second advance series movie).
Dawnfanboy said:
The title isn't right, it's supposed to be Shaymin, not Giratina. I think

No its confirmed to be Giratina. There is still no proof that Shaymin will be in the movie. Duh.
Dialga and Palkia are probably not in the movie...they arlready got their own movie. Besides, five Legends is too many. We are 100% sure that Giratina and Regigigas are in the movie. Shaymin is rumored, but I hope its in the movie. It is likely that Shaymin will be in the movie, because first off, they haven't revealed all the hidden legendaries yet. (And they do that through movies.)

I do agree on the possiblity of a 5th gen. showing up in the movie. We saw the first 4th gen. in the US in 2005, and DP came out in 2007. Assuming that the 5th gen. will come out in 2011 and this movie will release in 2009 in the US, it seems to be reasonable.

Funny, Shaymin and Giratina are in my username. Maybe I'll add Regigigas in my username, lol.
they are predicting Shaymin because the title has the word bouquet in it. I heard the teaser trailer showed Dialga and Palkia as well, but I dont think they will play major role in the movie-they may make short appearance though. And I also dont think they will show a 5th gen pokemon this soon......i think they will make another pokemon movie with sinnoh pokemon(maybe featuring creselia or heatran or rotom---there r too many legendaries in this gen!!) and that movie will feature 5th gen pokemon.
Rotom isnt A legendary shakir99 -_- Anyways Dialga and Palkia are in the movie and by the looks of it, they are still fighting.
Ka'Mewie:- said:
wont there be darkrai?

No because Darkrai was in the last movie and died in it. Well not really but sort of he did. But no this movie so far only has Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, and Giratina in it. Doesnt anyone check the pokebeach site updates?
Can somebody give me a link of that movie page or any info that you have ? ---- has some info...but just that they r featuring Giratina, Regigigas, Dialga, Palkia and may even Shaymin. Its supposed to come out on July next year.

The teaser trailer is available at-------

but i could not watch it since all of it is in Japaneses, of which i understand nothing.
Icy Buizel said:
Rotom isnt A legendary shakir99 -_- Anyways Dialga and Palkia are in the movie and by the looks of it, they are still fighting.

I know rotom is not classified as a legendary pokemon, but its like Unown and Unown had a movie of their own. I would even say that its more legendary than Unown---because-

* When Rotom is encountered in the game, the music is the same as legendary encounters although it is not classed as one.
* Rotom is the only non-legendary Pokémon that does not use the standard wild Pokémon battle music.
* Rotom has the same height and weight as the lake trio(legendaries).
* It is the only Generation IV Pokémon not in the Sinnoh Dex that is neither legendary nor an evolution of a Pokémon from previous generations.

I got these points from Bulbapedia. heres the link-

So, you see Rotom can have a movie of its own.
icy buizel said:
No because Darkrai was in the last movie and died in it. Well not really but sort of he did. But no this movie so far only has Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, and Giratina in it. Doesnt anyone check the pokebeach site updates?

[sarcasim] thanks for spoiling it without warming[/sarcasim]
i really think Shaymin is in it. Besides the banquet thing, what about the flower explosion in the trailer?? That sure have something to do with Shaymin! says it so I'm believing it is Giritina...and the movie ahas launched.
I edit my post and put in sources but then I edited it again and delete them!>_<

But yeah serebii news achive may 2004 show munchlax being reveal and pocketmonsters and bulbanews plus pokebeach are sources
They said on that the full title won't be told until this spring. So, that's probably when we'll find out if Shaymin is in the movie. (Hope its in it!)

P.S: When Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai was first revealed, was the movie titled Dialga vs. Palkia? If it was, Shaymin has a huge chance of being in the movie.

Mark your calenders for:

July 19, 2008!

(Shaymin's spotlight day!)(Hopefully.)