News about 11th movie and rumor of a new pokemon.

I think they are releasing this movie the same date as the last movie. Maybe its just a tradition.
Sweet so there is a possible 5th generation in the works. I had a feeling about the 5th generation since 2005. I hope this is true because I can't wait for the release for the movie so we can see the secret Pokemon.:)
I doubt the Pokemon Platinum thing will be the 5th generation...Why would it been in a stupid magazine if it was being talked about at the official site, Serebii or Pokecommunity. And I don't think WMP has gotten any word of it...
shaymin is not a 5th gen pokemon; it belongs to the 4th gen. Its an event pokemon and does not have an official record yet---thats why they r being so secretive about it!
so, if i were u, xxashxx, i wont be getting so cheery just now!
If this is true though it will be pretty sweet for the 5th generation.:)
They're gonna do a fifth generation...I just hope they redo the second generation first -_-
xxashxx said:
If this is true though it will be pretty sweet for the 5th generation.:)

Okay first off, I doubt it will be a 5th gen pokemon. Remember before the 10th movie came out? They said they were releasing a new pokemon but it turned out to be Darkrai because he hadnt been officially released yet. And neither has Giratina so I have a feeling it will be him.
Bonsly said:
xxashxx said:
If this is true though it will be pretty sweet for the 5th generation.:)

Okay first off, I doubt it will be a 5th gen pokemon. Remember before the 10th movie came out? They said they were releasing a new pokemon but it turned out to be Darkrai because he hadnt been officially released yet. And neither has Giratina so I have a feeling it will be him.

If these Pokemon have not been confirmed yet then they may make them part of the 5th generation. That is what I think will happen.:)
offffffff!!! NO....u dont understand u??

These pokemon are already 4th gen. They just have nt declared them officially yet!
shakir99 said:
offffffff!!! NO....u dont understand u??

These pokemon are already 4th gen. They just have nt declared them officially yet!

Sorry I did not know they were part of the 4th gen. I know some things about the 4th generation but I don't have a poster showing all the Pokemon like Nintendo Power usually sends out. I have only some of the Pokemon names memorized and not many. Only they ones I have seen in the show and maybe a few others. It may be easy for you guys but I am a bit slower on trying to figure out every new Pokemon that is coming out. Don't freak out because I only know part and tid bits of the 4th generation. I don't even have D/P yet. or a DS yet. Take it easy.:)
sorry, if i offended you!!!

....hey, u r serebii fan. u can go there and check out the dp-pokedex--that should improve ur pokemon knowledge.
shakir99 said:
sorry, if i offended you!!!

....hey, u r serebii fan. u can go there and check out the dp-pokedex--that should improve ur pokemon knowledge.

Oh yeah I did not think of that because I use the Hoenn one a whole lot more because I don't have D/P yet.:)
Why is everyone worrying about the 5th gen? I've noticed a pattern that actual Pokemon games (This do NOT include Ranger, Mystery Dungeon, or a third installment, like Emerald or Crystal or Platinum Versions) only 2-3 years. Sure I found out about Diamond and Pearl in 2005, but if there were any signs of a 5th gen, they would be around some time next year.
Whatever..... I don't want to start a flaming war, but Diamond and Pearl weren't on the USA official site until February this year. Unless your from Japan, you have no way of actually knowing.