No More Summer Vacation?

I have been done with school for about 6 years but yeah that is not good especially when we had a full 8-10 week for Summer Break and now it is only going to be 5 or so weeks. If I were still in school. I would probably skip the remaining 4 weeks and go back on the first Monday if I was allowed too. If I have kids sometime in the future and if it is enforced by the time I have kids some day I would keep them home for the full 8-10 weeks so they get their full Summer break and also on weekends too.:)
ElectroManiac said:
Also, instead of changing the times, they should be changing the curriculum. If you make an A in a public school, you are only C material in a Private school. Asians are smarter then us, because we are lazy and we a slackers. They have drive, will, and the bar is always raised. Our bar is constantly being lowered on us. If we fail the test once, that should be it, not re-do it until we get it right. Life isn't like that.

Yeah, and it's not like Japan has shorter summer vacation. They have no summer vacation. They go to school year round.

I don't think that would be a bad thing at all. everyone is used to this "tradition" of summer break... now I was a nerd so I would have loved to go to school year round especially if it made it more like what the Japanese do. So if this isn't a rumor (but probably is) then I am jealous of whoever gets to experience it. T^T
Haha *points at the Americans*. Just kidding honestly. However I do believe having 12 weeks of straight holidays is bad for your education. We in the UK only have half that and as a result are generally quite good in school. Then again it is just obscene to completely cut summer vacation. What is there to look forward to?

I always look forward to the summer and that drives my determination for good grades. Good grades= Dubai :D.

I will call this a fake as Obama hasn't got the rights at all to imprison you. It violates your human rights. Instead of spending extra money on the extra days of school you can say feed the poor in Africa. That is a more sensible and viable option.
I knew Obama wasn't good. At least I'm not in the US. I personally think John McCain is alot better. He wouldn't have changed the holidays.
grasspokemonmaster said:
I knew Obama wasn't good. At least I'm not in the US. I personally think John McCain is alot better. He wouldn't have changed the holidays.
McCain is better? Well I don't know... He's pretty old and if he died while being president, Palin would become president... Then Obama is a way better choice.

Anyway I don't think this whole idea is going to make it through, don't look at the all the bad things, he does good things too.
This will never make it through summer used to be for kids to help out on the farm.

And I got news for obama he can blow it out his ear because it won't happen
I love it hearing this kind of stuff, actually. It makes me happy. Why? Because the liberals constantly argue that Obama is "trying his hardest to fix the economy". Then, we hear how he wastes time trying to pass this junk... yeah, he's working extremely hard on the economy. -_-

I find this bill insulting; for one, kids already have to study for most of their lives anyway. Taking away summer vacation is like making you work slave-labor for no money: it's just not right. Children need free time to enjoy life, not waste it away studying their entire lives. This bill does more than make children mad: it in fact is a death-knell to well needed family time.

Of course, the real joke is that this will never pass. Not even the liberals would pass such a stupid bill in their right minds. That's why this is insulting. Obama is wasting our time with stupid bills like this one. He's already tried to pump his dumb healthcare reform down our throats, and now this. Bogus stimulus packages also come to mind.

I'd honestly like to hear a decent argument in favor that Obama is actually trying to fix up the economy. I haven't heard one yet. I'll wait until you can prove me wrong.
Obama is just wasting time to try to make himself look better it is like he is stalling or something

And I agree with pokechamp most definatly.
There's no way this is true. Also, Asians have a completely different culture than us. My uncle was there for a while, and knew several of these students who had an insanely high GPA. Guess what's funny about that, they had NO lives at all out side of school. All they knew how to do is work. It's really quite sad.

Not to mention, not everyone is good at math. :/ People are good at different things. It shouldn't be expected that everyone on the planet has some hidden mathwiz inside of them that a couple extra hours of work will bring out. Trust me, I've tried for years to like math. I've wanted to like it. I've spent a long time trying to get a better understanding of it. Guess what? I STILL hate it, and I STILL am only average at it. XD Assuming everyone is good at one or two things is stupid. Let the Asians be good at math. Who the heck cares?
Yeah, not everyone is a math wiz. (I am NOT one of them). Summer is a time to relax. Unwind with friends and family.

Would you want to spend that time in school?

I didn't think so.
ElectroManiac said:
Also, instead of changing the times, they should be changing the curriculum. If you make an A in a public school, you are only C material in a Private school. Asians are smarter then us, because we are lazy and we a slackers. They have drive, will, and the bar is always raised. Our bar is constantly being lowered on us. If we fail the test once, that should be it, not re-do it until we get it right. Life isn't like that.
There is a reason for that. I'm asian, and asians take ducation a lot differently then most americans. Compared to americans, Asians study with friends a lot more. There parents are a lot more involved in their academic lives too. I'm, not at all saying that asians are better, or that all Americans are like that, but it's a general statememnt. I think that if there is a true problem in a childs education, summer school should be enforced. The kids who already ace school shouldn't have to suffer for others.
From what I've read guys, this isn't clear yet. Obama does not want to take away summer vacation, he simply wants to cut back on it. What do most of us do all summer, anyway? Study, or take naps on the couch and watch television? And from the news article, he simply wants to keep schools open on weekends, not force kids to go to school then. It says, "He's proposing to have schools stay open later during the week and open on the weekends so students will have a safe place to go."
I quote that directly from the article.
And I still haven't heard this from a reliable source yet.
42 chocolate said:
And I still haven't heard this from a reliable source yet.

If Yahoo isn't a reliable source, I don't know what is. I guess is it doesn't matter either way, though, seeing as this will never be passed...
PokeChamp said:
If Yahoo isn't a reliable source, I don't know what is. I guess is it doesn't matter either way, though, seeing as this will never be passed...

Maybe the newspaper, national news (but not Fox), or a website ending in .gov?

Plus, the author of the article makes mountains out of molehills, according to this person:
42 chocolate said:
From what I've read guys, this isn't clear yet. Obama does not want to take away summer vacation, he simply wants to cut back on it. What do most of us do all summer, anyway? Study, or take naps on the couch and watch television? And from the news article, he simply wants to keep schools open on weekends, not force kids to go to school then. It says, "He's proposing to have schools stay open later during the week and open on the weekends so students will have a safe place to go."I quote that directly from the article.
And I still haven't heard this from a reliable source yet.

Well even if the law does get passed which it is not then the teachers will hate it to and then the schools will be a ghost town ready to be broken into and who in the right mind would stay at school unless you live in a bad area in town. If this happens you will have alot of whismer useing uproar
42 chocolate said:
Maybe the newspaper, national news (but not Fox), or a website ending in .gov?

Plus, the author of the article makes mountains out of molehills, according to this person:

Fox news not reliable? That's a laugh. Probably the most truthful radio station on air. At least they don't kiss up to Obama all the time like, oh I don't know, CNN and the others?
PokeChamp said:
Fox news not reliable? That's a laugh. Probably the most truthful radio station on air. At least they don't kiss up to Obama all the time like, oh I don't know, CNN and the others?
LOL. FOX is the most biased media station in america. It's owned by republicans, and it has been proven that they bend the truth. How is that reliable?
All news stations are not reliable. All are known to stretch the truth. FOX and NBC are the major networks who stretch the truth from the opposite party. (Correct me if I'm wrong).