No More Summer Vacation?

Me too, I wont be able to do after school stuff, including the play, and if I cant do that, I shall commit suicide
My brain hurts after reading this...

One the one hand we have people who are screaming that they would not cooperate with this. Well no duh. Nobody likes the idea of having to work more, and saying that is just obvious. Did it ever occur to some of you that America is not the smartest and best country in the world? It wouldn't kill us to have a little bit more school (toss an extra hour a day in, or maybe just add another twenty days to the end of the year) Would this kill anybody? Absolutely not.

Secondly, Obama just recommended this. There is no bill saying that he wants us to go to school on weekends. Obama is an intelligent person, and it would take a huge mistake for him to be pushing this. Of course Obama wants a smarter America, but honestly America will do just fine with its current form of world-marketing...creativity.

Thirdly there was an outstanding amount of blind conservative/liberal bashing which was some of the most intellectually disturbing stuff that I have ever seen. FOX, CNN, NBC are all biased, and all of them do not say that they are biased. Obama has done all he can with the economy, and I am fully willing to back that up. How about we stop bashing Obama at the moment, see what he comes up with, and just let it happen.
DawnOfXatu said:
Obama has done all he can with the economy

How can you say that? He is wasting our time with "recommendations", useless stimulus packages, and he's even not in the white house at the moment because he is trying to make Chicago the next home of the Olympics, even though they were one of the first to be ruled out. With all this wasted time, how can you really say he is doing his best to fix the economy? I'd like to believe that his best interest is the economy, I really would; but his actions have spoken much louder than his words, and all hope is lost (lol, wasn't hope his main pusher in his campaign? Irony!).
There is no instant fix to an economic downturn, and anybody with even a little knowledge of the economy knows that. The only role of the government (as far as the economy is concerned) is to make sure that the economy doesn't fall apart, and when it does they can only make sure that things do not get worse, what Obama has done, is that he has stopped the downward turn, and has made it possible for the economy to turn around. Honestly fixing the economy is not something that can be effected by putting all of ones time into it. The economy doesn't fix itself when somebody is spending hours trying to fix it, and it is a Conservative view that the economy is in an essence good and self correcting.
DawnOfXatu said:
There is no instant fix to an economic downturn, and anybody with even a little knowledge of the economy knows that. The only role of the government (as far as the economy is concerned) is to make sure that the economy doesn't fall apart, and when it does they can only make sure that things do not get worse, what Obama has done, is that he has stopped the downward turn, and has made it possible for the economy to turn around. Honestly fixing the economy is not something that can be effected by putting all of ones time into it. The economy doesn't fix itself when somebody is spending hours trying to fix it, and it is a Conservative view that the economy is in an essence good and self correcting.

I never said there was an instant fix to the economy. Nothing worthwhile is easy to do. However, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't at least try to fix the economy, and start early in doing so. Americans are losing jobs and their houses as we speak. I haven't seen any attempt out of Obama to at least try in fixing the economy; no, what I see him do is waste our time with meaningless actions, such as he is doing at this very moment in Chicago, trying to make it the next host of the Olympics, when in truth they were some of the first to be ruled out for that position. He may have stopped the downturn, but he has not yet made anything get better for Americans. Basically, what I am trying to say to you is that I would like to see him stop wasting our time with healthcare reform, meaningless stimulus packages, etc. The most important thing right now is the economy, and America can get no better by increasing school hours when he could have been starting to increase the worth of the US economy.
The only way in which Obama can have any effect on the US economy is by buying out companies like GM, and further adding to the feared 'government takeover' which is something that conservatives have been raving mad about. It is not the governments job to fix the economy, it is only the governments job to preserve the economy, and if you think differently then you aren't thinking like a conservative. Obama has done all he can with the economy aside from literally plunging us into socialism, so if he wants to waste THREE HOURS picking up his wife and asking for the olympics to be in Chicago, then let him.
PokeChamp said:
How can you say that? He is wasting our time with "recommendations", useless stimulus packages, and he's even not in the white house at the moment because he is trying to make Chicago the next home of the Olympics, even though they were one of the first to be ruled out. With all this wasted time, how can you really say he is doing his best to fix the economy? I'd like to believe that his best interest is the economy, I really would; but his actions have spoken much louder than his words, and all hope is lost (lol, wasn't hope his main pusher in his campaign? Irony!).
Would you rather, Obama be cutting brush in Texas?
I don't understand why people are moaning that making them more educated is a horrendous thing. Trust me its not. I can't stress enough how being a burger boy is not your ideal job. All Obama is doing is making sure that America will become a better nation but shear ignorance will rebel against this. I understand people will drop out, who cares. Is it you that will drop out? If so fine it has no effect on people who want to make something of themselves. Anyway if people drop out it will balance it self out. Who else will be your walmart assistant or your shelf stacker?

All in all Europe and Asia are by far the smartest nation with a great education system. They don't have as many holiday as you because they understand the word 'Sacrifice'. You think your average millionaire messed about in school, didn't do individual studying, didn't listen? No. So really you should be thanking Obama for his proposal.

I myself am Pakistani. You have that stereotypical view that all Asians are hardworkers and they have no social life as their best friend's a text book. It isn't true. I have a good social life as a prioritise and am organised. I don't quite understand but maybe nations as Juliacoolo mentioned earlier value a good job, decent life, good pay and so on differently.
kashmaster said:
All in all Europe and Asia are by far the smartest nation with a great education system. They don't have as many holiday as you because they understand the word 'Sacrifice'. You think your average millionaire messed about in school, didn't do individual studying, didn't listen? No. So really you should be thanking Obama for his proposal.

Fun Fact: Bangladesh, Iran, Israel, all have at least double the amount of national holidays as the United States. The UK, Spain, France, and Italy all have more national holidays than the US, but not by a lot.

Don't blame the system, blame those in the system.
PokeChamp said:
America can get no better by increasing school hours when he could have been starting to increase the worth of the US economy.

With that, I assume your idea of making America better consists of playing video games, playing cards and picking up women.

Also to increase an economy's worth, the citizens must also contribute. You can't be spoonfed with everything you know. So, if American Citizens are all High School dropouts (theoretically), that would help the US economy.. how? By increasing fast-food servers around the world? Trust me that only makes a country fatter not richer.,
DawnOfXatu said:
Fun Fact: Bangladesh, Iran, Israel, all have at least double the amount of national holidays as the United States. The UK, Spain, France, and Italy all have more national holidays than the US, but not by a lot.

Don't blame the system, blame those in the system.

Hmm is it? I guess maybe its because America have it all at once really whilst UK and so on having it infrequently. But anyway my message was the same as you.

Maybe it is all down to mentality I guess...
I personally do not mind summer being decreased. It's not like we are completely busy during it. Obama should do this as soon as possible since the US is falling back educationally. I'm a junior right now in HS and I wish it was done earlier so it could have helped me.