No More Summer Vacation?

Yaknow, in art today, all 8 of us, a mix of repubs, Democrats, and Socially independent follower, we all agreed Obama sucks, and someone brought this uup, they didn't believ about the 10 hour school days.

Obama would make American Supremacy and Liberalistic brainwashing go on, not moar math, not multiple electives, but "Democratic" crud.
Wow, I guess nobody values education anymore, especially people that go online. I'd like to hear the Mods views on this, considering they act more mature and don't whine, "They're taking away my summer...I want my family time...;[" I don't know about you guys, but I don't spend my summers with my family. Summer is mainly just relax time between school. I think if school is going to be extended, it should be done responsibly. The only way it could be extended IMO is if school started an hour or two later. I wouldn't mind that considering most kids have to wake up really early. That would substitute for that summer time that we're all just online, watching T.V. or doing nothing.

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
Wow, I guess nobody values education anymore, especially people that go online. I'd like to hear the Mods views on this, considering they act more mature and don't whine, "They're taking away my summer...I want my family time...;[" I don't know about you guys, but I don't spend my summers with my family. Summer is mainly just relax time between school. I think if school is going to be extended, it should be done responsibly. The only way it could be extended IMO is if school started an hour or two later. I wouldn't mind that considering most kids have to wake up really early. That would substitute for that summer time that we're all just online, watching T.V. or doing nothing.

dmaster out.

My point exactly.


Well kind of.

...anyways, I'd also like to hear the mods views on this, especially Spoon, since it hasn't been confirmed by a reliable source... yet.
I did some research on this, and like 42 said, the author of the article is known for stretching the truth. I live in Canada, so this won't affect me, but this is the most ridiculous thing I've seen in months. Barack Obama wouldn't do this. If anything, the most he would do is extend school by a few hours.
Juliacoolo said:
LOL. FOX is the most biased media station in america. It's owned by republicans, and it has been proven that they bend the truth. How is that reliable?

You are very off my friend. They don't call people in the Tea Party's "a bunch of racist rednecks" like MSNBC, CNN, etc. They are right-wing but that's not biased. That's the truth. Bill Oreilly has even complemented Obama, so it's not all anti-Obama. I could care less about Obama, he angers me so much, I really would rather have Mitt Romney.
For the record, extending school for a few hours is stupid. I've learned more on my own than in a class room. :/

Fact: Stupid people who don't like school will be stupid people who don't like school no matter what you do.

Solution: Heck, let them be stupid. I don't want to have to deal with them. If they want to live a mediocre life, for ever saying "may I take your order", be my guest. I don't want those idiots gunking up the schools.
I see no reason why you should not like stupid people. Unless you have some personal thing with them, they're just other people. A lot of my friends suck at school because they're not good at memorizing things and spitting them out (learning? Psshaw). But they're still smart people. I think this game is a good way to judge this. You may not be good at remembering facts, but in this game you can prove that you can think and strategize well.
Last summer vacation is actually when I got into the Pokemon TCG. If it wasn't for that summer where would I be now? I shudder to think of the possibilities.
This doesn't affect me personally, as I'm homeschooled, and I don't want to sound anti-Obama (or someone would come along and call me a racist) but I really think this is bogus. Eventually, Obama won't allow children to be homeschooled because he can't control it. We'll all have to go to school, despite our health problems (which is the reason I can't go to actual school) and in the end it will hurt us more than it will help.

I'd rather spend time with my family than at a school trying to be taught stuff I already know.
If this is true it could see a lot of resistance from amusement parks.
grasspokemonmaster said:
I knew Obama wasn't good. At least I'm not in the US. I personally think John McCain is alot better. He wouldn't have changed the holidays.

Mc Cain is another ball of wax you don't want to mess with. He is on the same line as Bush. Anyway. I wa watching KOMO 4 news tonight and the owner Ken Shram said this: "Quote" The school increase would be a dressed up version of Bushe's No Child left behind act./quote". He does not agree with this either and he is a person that is kind of odd most of the time but he hit the nail on the head which he rarely does. He also is wondering where are they going to get the money and time to do all this too. The government can't afford it and neither can we or taxpayers so why take aay weekends and half their Summer Vacation and shortened other breaks? It is not worth the time and doing this has nothing to do with what they have or have not learned. More time in school and less time at home. If it makes it to our voters cards I am voting no on this one.:)
I didn't bother reading the article or the rest of the thread.

But I can see this being both good and bad. Having less time for summer vacation would mean more time in school, which I'm assuming would mean higher test grade scores and hopefully a noticeable increase in generational intelligence.

However, I'm sure it will increase the number of dropouts and skippages because the people who don't want to go to school that much will simply not go. I'm sorta caught in the middle because those kids are losing out on education, but I'm sure the kids who want to go to school will gain more education. So I'm not really sure which would have the bigger impact.

I'm also guessing that means less culture, in a sense? If kids spend more time in school then that means less leisure time, which would mean I guess a less functioning culture because instead of kids going and hanging out with their friends and stuff they would be doing schoolwork. I'm not really sure if that is culture. I'm confused. And tired.

ElectroManiac said:
You are very off my friend. They don't call people in the Tea Party's "a bunch of racist rednecks" like MSNBC, CNN, etc. They are right-wing but that's not biased. That's the truth. Bill Oreilly has even complemented Obama, so it's not all anti-Obama. I could care less about Obama, he angers me so much, I really would rather have Mitt Romney.

This appeared after I loaded my response but I'd like to say that you are either delusional or stupid if you don't realize that they are biased. I don't care if you personally believe that they are truthful or whatever, but you've gotta be crazy if you can't see how biased they are.
Noob Sandwich said:
This appeared after I loaded my response but I'd like to say that you are either delusional or stupid if you don't realize that they are biased. I don't care if you personally believe that they are truthful or whatever, but you've gotta be crazy if you can't see how biased they are.

FOX news may be biased towards the right, but the other stations are biased to the left. If you're a conservative, you listen to FOX, if you're a liberal, you listen to the other ones. There's no other way to look at it. Don't say that the other channels aren't liberal-biased, because that would be dreadfully ignorant. They pushed Obama's campaign so much when he was running, it wasn't even funny.
They pushed Obama's campaign so much when he was running, it wasn't even funny.[/QUOTE]
Nothing about obama is funny but his stupidity.:p
PokeChamp said:
Don't say that the other channels aren't liberal-biased, because that would be dreadfully ignorant.

I didn't, you dope.

And you are the one being ignorant by trying to say that Fox news isn't biased.

Tristan said:
Nothing about obama is funny but his stupidity.:p

Says the boy who hates spelling.
Noob Sandwich said:
I didn't, you dope.

And you are the one being ignorant by trying to say that Fox news isn't biased.

Tristan said:
Nothing about obama is funny but his stupidity.:p

Says the boy who hates spelling.

Calm down a little Noob Sandwich. Remember to be respectful in these types of discussions. Thanks for your cooperation.

dmaster out.
Noob Sandwich said:
I didn't, you dope.

And you are the one being ignorant by trying to say that Fox news isn't biased.

I really don't care about this thread, but I must defend the best news station eva.

Fox is biased, yes, but openly and without shame. Every news station on earth is in some form, whether directly or subtly, biased, and as such their news is affected. Every one.

....But I detest politics, so.... Bye.

EDIT: Oh, someone already said something like this....
I really do not find it a good idea, I mean weekend I go to church, and I go to pokemon tournaments, it would stink not to be able to do this stuff, because of Obama, and I like the summer too.