OLD: The Fake Card Resources and Help Thread

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RE: BW Blanks

Nev'mind. I highlighted them and moved them to my pictures. It works. Now I just need to see if they fit paint. (THEY FIT! THEY FIT!)
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Okay so...I tried my hand at making a blank...its a bit low quality I think but I'm not to sure.
Any way Special Energy blank from BW3 Hail Blizzard.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Recoloured BW HoloSheet if anyones interested/needs it:

Needs to be played with via filters and opacity alot. (resize to your illustration windows size for the best results before changing any filters)

i.e. the rare grid-like background cards (zekrom for example) needs a darken filter and playing around with opacity. Shows enough colour and the lines.

The others are the usua multiple layers playing with multiply / lighten / color dodge / color burn / etc
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help


Just for fun (since the actual card is so highly sought after). But I figured someone might want to use it -- Aki or asche, perhaps? Since you're actually card illustrators. :p
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Emerging Powers have new reverse holo's I read on the front page. That is gonna be a real pain to sort out.... 9 variations of the type cards, on top of the trainer ones and thats -if- theres only 1 of each (thinking of FRLG and 4 different reverse holosheets, etc)
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

All diamond&pearl blanks uploaded @ http://aschefield101.deviantart.com/gallery/31325592 (inlcudes new SP pack)
RE: BW Blanks

^He just doesn't get how to use them. I am having a hard time saving them, my computer Anti Virus software won't let me save them...
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Hey guys!

New, better Redux blank releases. Complete with transparent background to allow for easy faking (and no white border)!

Today's releases are Bug and Dragon!

Hopefully I'll be able to release a few types each day. Let me know if there's any you'd like me to release next -- barring Rock, Darkness, Ground, and Metal, I think each blank is done. =)
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

I plan to start a new set using e-reader style blanks, but all I find are low quality, and I can't find any tutorials. If anyone knows where to get that, it'be great :D

EDIT: CMP and his AMAZING Neo Redux blanks. Makes me wonder if I still should make an e-set ... :D
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

I'm really new to fake card making, so could someone tell me how I get started on photoshop? I don't even know how to copy and paste the card picture or symbols or anything. I'm also really confused on the text. Thanks!
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Hey bros I am having an issue. How does one apply a holofoil to a picture that already has a background on it (like Gliscor did with Xous's Keldeo)? My cards are lookin' kinda bland and stuff.

Also, Nekoban Ryo: Sorry I posted that question in your thread, I kinda spaced and thought it was the random help thread cause I see you there a lot, lol.

Anyway I have noooooo idea how to utilize the instructions you gave me. Can you kinda elaborate? I'm using Photoshop CS5.

(To clarify, or for anyone who else wants to help, I need to know how to make a holofoil pattern that I can select using Photoshop CS5.)
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Put the holofoil over top of the Pokemon and erase the holofoil that covers the Pokemon. Or, select the entire Pokemon after placing the holofoil over it, then press Delete.

I don't know for sure that's how Gliscor did it, but that's how I would have done it.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Just look what SPM3 said, I usually paste it on and then erase over the Pokemon image.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

pokemonjoe said:
I'm really new to fake card making, so could someone tell me how I get started on photoshop? I don't even know how to copy and paste the card picture or symbols or anything. I'm also really confused on the text. Thanks!

To start, you'll need the proper fonts (which can be found in the first post), a symbolsheet (found in numerous places...from this thread to dA), and blanks (same as the symbolsheets).

Then, you'll need to either save the blanks to your computer and open them in Photoshop, or simply right click on them in your browser and, in Photoshop (on the menu bar at the top) go to 'File > New,' which will open a new document the same dimensions as the blank. Then just simply paste the blank into the document. You can either use 'Edit > Paste,' or just use your normal CTRL+V (or Command + V if you have a Mac) shortkeys.

When you only need certain parts of a picture (like for symbols), you need to use the marquee tool:


And select what you need. Be careful, though, because there are layers in each document in Photoshop, so make sure you're selecting the proper layer. Take a look at websites online to have this explained better.

As you text, you need to use the thext tool, seen as the T on the toolbox...


It'll bring up a menu with fonts and such. There's font guides available in this thread and on dA, but let's get you started with basic stuff like this before we delve too much deeper.

Hope this helped! =)
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Nekoban Ryo said:
I've started making some, but they're not great quality. However, they should work fine for printed fakes. Here's what I have so far:


Actually, if you're going to PRINT your fakes, this Water texture will work better. When it prints, it will blur more, so you don't have to worry about the distortion due to the sharpness. I actually used it when I printed this fake.

Delta Nite said:
I plan to start a new set using e-reader style blanks, but all I find are low quality, and I can't find any tutorials. If anyone knows where to get that, it'be great :D

EDIT: CMP and his AMAZING Neo Redux blanks. Makes me wonder if I still should make an e-set ... :D

I have to upload my e-card blanks sometime Delta, they are high quality ones :)

PMJ said:
Hey bros I am having an issue. How does one apply a holofoil to a picture that already has a background on it (like Gliscor did with Xous's Keldeo)? My cards are lookin' kinda bland and stuff.

Also, Nekoban Ryo: Sorry I posted that question in your thread, I kinda spaced and thought it was the random help thread cause I see you there a lot, lol.

Anyway I have noooooo idea how to utilize the instructions you gave me. Can you kinda elaborate? I'm using Photoshop CS5.

(To clarify, or for anyone who else wants to help, I need to know how to make a holofoil pattern that I can select using Photoshop CS5.)

HoloSheets need a few layers.

I personally use the following layout :
  • Pokemon image (with transparent background)
  • HoloSheet 1 (color dodge 75% opacity)
  • HoloSheet 2 (color dodge 75% opacity)
  • HoloSheet 3 (multiply 40-50% opacity)
  • Background Image 1 (random filter so the one beneath shows, adds some depth to the image)
  • Background Image 2
What the above means is that the pokemon itself is cutout and has a transparent background, via cutting out the bits I don't want first basically, which I'm sure you know how to do. (If not its a case of using the lasso tool, theres 3 so need to find which suits you best) I use an old version of Photoshop so for me its the far left toolbar, 2nd row, 1st icon (I use "polygonal lasso", find it alot more accurate for rendering images)

The holosheets themselves then don't require any cutting out, other than into a box shape so it looks like it belongs. (marquee tool and pressing delete on the bits you don't want)

The first holosheet needs the filter changing to color dodge and opacity 75%, the 2nd is a duplicate of the 1st. The 3rd holosheet instead of color dodge, needs multiply @ 30%-50% opacity. (The filters and opacity you can play with, it depends on the darkness of the background image really.) These filters and opacity are on the far right side in your layer list @ the top. (both drop down options) or you can double click each individual layer and choose the options on that window.

Now ofc the above is just how I do it, it just ensures the main top pokemon image gives off enough of the original image and doesn't mean you comprimise anywhere.

You can ofc do it the way Glis does by literally moving the holosheets above the pokemon image, lowering the opacity to see beneath, then cutting out the image (again with lasso tool)

I hope that made some sense PMJ :)
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Updated and larger e-Card blanks + Diamond&Pearl Blanks now @ my DA page should anyone need them.

Click the image(s) to go to their relevant page(s) :

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