OLD: The Fake Card Resources and Help Thread

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RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Asche, can you at remove that "bar" for those SP blanks? It'll make them a bit more realistic until you're able to get the border.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Today's type are the Darkness blanks. I might just go in alphabetical order, unless any of you mention specific types you'd like to see.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Good question, asche. Restickied it.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

I have another question about fakes. Do you guys make them on the free version of photoshop?
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

I think as long as your version of Photoshop can read PSD files then it should work.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

A free version of Photoshop? Do you mean the web-based one? If not, it sounds a little illegal to me.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

There has been a Photoshop CS4 running around on free downloads, but that is definitely illegal. Dunno which version he's talking about though.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

I mean I just signed up for photoshop on photoshop.com and didnt buy or download anyting else. Is there something else I should buy/download, because I still don't understand it. I also can't find the toolbar thingy.
Oh, yea, the thing that I'm using apparently is express edit, but I'm not sure if that works for faking.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

If I recall correctly, Photoshop.com only lets you update photos and lets you do some small photo-editing with it (like Hue/Saturation, Red eye removal, etc.) That won't let you to make a fake card, sorry :[

EDIT: You can also use Gimp, which is a free program to make fake cards, although it's not quite as accurate.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Gliscor said:
If I recall correctly, Photoshop.com only lets you update photos and lets you do some small photo-editing with it (like Hue/Saturation, Red eye removal, etc.) That won't let you to make a fake card, sorry :[

EDIT: You can also use Gimp, which is a free program to make fake cards, although it's not quite as accurate.

ok thanks. Does paint work?
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Charganium said:
What Gliscor said: Photoshop or Gimp.
But Gliscor just said photoshop doesn't work. (Sorry if Im overlooking something obvious, Im really new to faking.)
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

You said that you used Photoshop.com. Programs such as Adobe Photoshop CS work.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

pokemonjoe said:
Is there something I can use then?

Unfortunately, if cost is an issue, GIMP is your best option.
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