One Star

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I think the moderator was already chosen...

I won't say the name because if I am right, then obviously, it is not *MEANT* to be said, because the name is not in green. And if I am right, WPM would probably stab me.

However, the person has mod powers, because he has been moving threads...And...He is a trade councilman. How can a trade councilman move threads from the TCG sections to the GBA and DS sections and vice versa, unless of course, that person had moderator powers...:O
Krucifier said:
I think the moderator was already chosen...

I won't say the name because if I am right, then obviously, it is not *MEANT* to be said, because the name is not in green. And if I am right, WPM would probably stab me.

However, the person has mod powers, because he has been moving threads...And...He is a trade councilman. How can a trade councilman move threads from the TCG sections to the GBA and DS sections and vice versa, unless of course, that person had moderator powers...:O

That is answered here
Mewstor said:
Krucifier said:
I think the moderator was already chosen...

I won't say the name because if I am right, then obviously, it is not *MEANT* to be said, because the name is not in green. And if I am right, WPM would probably stab me.

However, the person has mod powers, because he has been moving threads...And...He is a trade councilman. How can a trade councilman move threads from the TCG sections to the GBA and DS sections and vice versa, unless of course, that person had moderator powers...:O

That is answered here

No no. I know that. But they are not supposed to be able to move and lock threads in totally different areas than the trading forum.
Must be an error then. It's not 10806. I don't know how he moved it, must get Porygon to fix the permissions. >.>
Please announce the new mod, I am sick and tired of all those people who tries his/her best to impress everyone so as to be a mod.
Absol said:
Please announce the new mod, I am sick and tired of all those people who tries his/her best to impress everyone so as to be a mod.

I'm sure all the other members could not wait any longer to know who is the new mod but since it is WPM who is choosing the mod, then I supposed we will have to wait for the time to come...
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
Absol said:
Please announce the new mod, I am sick and tired of all those people who tries his/her best to impress everyone so as to be a mod.

I'm sure all the other members could not wait any longer to know who is the new mod but since it is WPM who is choosing the mod, then I supposed we will have to wait for the time to come...

Would you like to face a bunch load of n00bs, thinking that by following the rules, they can be mods? What's worse, they have committed 'crimes' before, after 1 week of good behavior, they think they should be banned.

This is not directed towards anybody, I probably exaggerate too much :)
Absol said:
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
Absol said:
Please announce the new mod, I am sick and tired of all those people who tries his/her best to impress everyone so as to be a mod.

I'm sure all the other members could not wait any longer to know who is the new mod but since it is WPM who is choosing the mod, then I supposed we will have to wait for the time to come...

Would you like to face a bunch load of n00bs, thinking that by following the rules, they can be mods? What's worse, they have committed 'crimes' before, after 1 week of good behavior, they think they should be banned.

This is not directed towards anybody, I probably exaggerate too much :)

Of course not, I'm sure many members here do not like people who are hypocrite...
Whoa, Who are you and what have you done with WPM! Just a joke. Nice, as you call it, "Science Fiction" article.
Water Pokémon Master said:
In this limited universe, only 1.5 years old, there once existed nothingness.
How old Pokebeach is
As stars began to appear, time began to turn, and space began to form, until the limited universe expanded into an even greater one.
I think its the expansion of the site itself.
At the cost of expansion, however, chaos became prevalent. The void that had once grown from nothingness became polluted and tainted with nescience and corruption. Intelligence was lost, slowly replaced by ignorance, and sometimes even fear.
N00bs spamming and breaking rules obviously
Several new stars took on new roles as red giants, helping to return the chaos to order. Unfortunately, the red giants could not hold their own, and were overwhelmed by the wickedness. The red giants conferred, filtering through the chaos for any signs of intelligence. Four new stars were discovered, but only three were able to find the scroll that was needed to guide them through the chaos and bring them to the positions they were meant for.
The suer-mods and the choosing of a new super-mod
Time and space continued to exist, until external corruption induced, and one of the red giants imploded on itself from its own arrogance. The chaos was beginning to take over, and although the minuscule loss was nothing to weep over, it necessitated the need for a new star.
Holy Star's berserko destroying of everything, and the need of a new mod.

As it has often been said, for every star that dies, a new one is born. The fourth star would need to find the scroll hidden within the chaotic universe to help return the chaos to order.

The new mod would have to report a lot of bad rule-breakers and obey the rules him/her self.

Well, that should clear things up a bit! 2 more days and this would've died!
-_- Krucifier's already done that. He, in fact, did a better job... it was in full sentences :/

In any case, it proably would've been better as WPM would HAVE to revive it. Thus showing that he has something useful to say.

Lieutenant Houndoom said:
-_- Krucifier's already done that. He, in fact, did a better job... it was in full sentences :/

In any case, it proably would've been better as WPM would HAVE to revive it. Thus showing that he has something useful to say.



Anyway. Pokebeach chat = Lies

: P
Let it die. I mean, this thread has been around for more than a month, and we have no new mod. Why did you have to revive it? There were others who had already interpreted it.
Wow K&A way to steal...

But yeeaaahhh...I am sure that if there was a new mod it would have been chosen by now...So uhmmm...

Can we all stop increasing our post count and ummm...Let this...Die?

Mmmmmmkay. Thanks guys...:p
ZOMG, this is still going ? o_O if you want to cut off the head, delete the first post. :F Or just lock it. :F If you want this to me immune to dying, stick his. :F
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