
I don't like Moltres-EX. Against Klinklang, you're only doing 60 and the possibility of a discard...60. Not 200 like Victini does. 60. Power Flame requires three turns to get going, if you decide to go DCE, but unless you have a Plasma Energy, you're not even OHKOing Cobalion-EX! Both attacks are really under-powered and aren't very helpful against the PlasmaKlang matchup. Sorry bro.
Serperior said:
I don't think too many decks need to go too far out of their way to tech a Bouffalant or at least something non-EX to take out Klinklang.

Husdon, we have landed.
Re: RE: PlasmaKlang

littywitty said:
Serperior said:
I don't think too many decks need to go too far out of their way to tech a Bouffalant or at least something non-EX to take out Klinklang.

Husdon, we have landed.

... it's Houston. As in the city in TX.

But besides that, Bouff can be a lot of slot investment for some REALLY tight decks.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Bouffalant also doesn't really get the job done. It doesn't even OHKO Cobalion EX and it get's OHKO'd in return, since Cobalion EX goes through Eviolite and Bouffalant's ability.
Blah said:
Bouffalant also doesn't really get the job done. It doesn't even OHKO Cobalion EX and it get's OHKO'd in return, since Cobalion EX goes through Eviolite and Bouffalant's ability.

Aspertia stops Cobalion. But I don't think Bouffalant would get the job done either.
Bouffalant itself may not be a sure solution against PlasmaKlang, but it at least provides support against other decks that are EX heavy.

And on the regular I honestly forgot we had one. The idea is alright, but it takes three turns for Fire Blast to get fully charged up. PlasmaKlang players will Catcher that thing before you even get a chance to attack.
Okay so I built a kinda "rogue" PlasmaKlang deck, running Lugia EX and Regigigas EX, and no Cobalion NV since I don't have any yet lol. But it definitely needs them along with more Skyla (which I need to get more of) because it always seems to be hard to get Rare Candys for some reason. But yeah here it is I wanna see what advice you guys have:


3x Klinklang PS
1x Klinklang BW
3x Klink PS
1x Klink DaE
2x Cobalion-EX
1x Lugia-EX
1x Regigigas-EX
2x Durant PS (Call for Backup)
1x Emolga DrE


2x Colress
1x N
1x Skyla
1x Professor Juniper
4x Rare Candy
2x Pokemon Communication
2x Pokemon Catcher
2x Escape Rope
2x Great Ball
2x Heavy Ball
1x Level Ball
1x Eviolite
1x Random Receiver
1x Scramble Switch ACE SPEC
1x Colress Machine
1x Hypnotoxic Laser


12x Steel
4x DCE
4x Plasma Energy
2x Colress
1x N
1x Skyla
1x Professor Juniper

This is scary. Take out the Colress, add 3 more of both N and Juniper, and 2 more Skyla.
Also, you don't need Eviolite, it doesn't help against HTL. You have way too many energy and also too many pokemon, and not enough Catcher.

Try this:
4-0-4 Klinklang (DE Klink, 2 Plasma Klinklang, 2 BW Klinklang)
2 Cobalion NVI
2 Cobalion EX

4 N
4 Juniper
3 Skyla
3 Bianca
3 Heavy Ball
2 Ultra Ball
4 Catcher
4 Rare Candy
4 Switch
1 Computer Search

11 Metal Energy

Ths is only a skeleton, but it should get you started. I play mine a bit faster than normal with 3 Pokedex and 4 Ether. But that's my preference.
Keeper of Night said:
2x Colress
1x N
1x Skyla
1x Professor Juniper

This is scary. Take out the Colress, add 3 more of both N and Juniper, and 2 more Skyla.
Also, you don't need Eviolite, it doesn't help against HTL. You have way too many energy and also too many pokemon, and not enough Catcher.

Try this:
4-0-4 Klinklang (DE Klink, 2 Plasma Klinklang, 2 BW Klinklang)
2 Cobalion NVI
2 Cobalion EX

4 N
4 Juniper
3 Skyla
3 Bianca
3 Heavy Ball
2 Ultra Ball
4 Catcher
4 Rare Candy
4 Switch
1 Computer Search

11 Metal Energy

Ths is only a skeleton, but it should get you started. I play mine a bit faster than normal with 3 Pokedex and 4 Ether. But that's my preference.

Thank you, I will take your advice for sure and maybe try those Elixirs too :D
I don't bother with the Noble Victories Cobalion. It may be a non-EX attacker, but Cobalion's first attack is never guaranteed a ton of damage. It could be something of a surprise attack when you Shift Gear Energy around, but it can be situational. In addition to the bajillion Switch and Keldeo-EX around, Cobalion's second attack that supposedly locks the opponent from attacking isn't all that helpful. Guard Press is nice, but I prefer attacking T1 for 30. It at least gets damage on the board. I'd consider the Promobalion over the NV Cobalion because of its Ability. 110 for three Energy for a non-EX attacker that can be Heavy Balled for...sign me up. I haven't tested it yet, but it seems like a pretty good idea if you get PlasmaKlang out to stall for time so you can start swinging for huge damage. Because it's only Darkrai-EX deck viable, I'd only run one.
I actually like regular Cobalion because it can do decent damage for two energy. It can help you out of some bad spots if a non-ex attacker clears a lot of energy off of your field.
I love the NV Cobalion. Unless you run Mewtwo, Cobalion NV is the only way to kill a Blastoise or a Hydro Pump Keldeo with a ton of energy, which is a pretty big problem when they can get 8 energy and KO your Klinklang. And considering that Terrakion and Bouffalant are 2 big cards people use against Klinklang, and they've got some hefty retreat, Iron Breaker is good to make them waist Switches. Speaking of Terrakion, Cobalion trades prizes with Terrakion much better then the EX.

I run a 2-2 split of the EX and NV ones, and I really love them both almost equally. They work so well together, mostly because they cover each others weakness's.
Cobalion NV has helped me out of very tight situations and has won me a few games. I can't really imagine dropping it for anything.
Is Giant Cape considered in the "any other effects on the defending pokemon" I understand it blows through eviolite etc, but since the pokemons health is now +20, does that attack force it below the +20 just for that attack?
Linadra said:
Is Giant Cape considered in the "any other effects on the defending pokemon" I understand it blows through eviolite etc, but since the pokemons health is now +20, does that attack force it below the +20 just for that attack?

No. The attack says the damage is not effected by any effects. The damage goes through Eviolite because Eviolite directly reduces the damage. Giant Cape is only an effect on the Pokemon it is attached to, and does not effect the damage done by Steel Bullet. So a Garbodor with 100 base HP, and 120 after Giant Cape is attached, will survive a hit from Steel Bullet.

I hope this makes sense. :)
Cobalion NVI is one of my favorite cards in the deck. It can do more damage then Cobalion EX early game (usually), and the stop they're non-EX pokemon from attacking. This is terrible for Blastoise since they don't usually run Switch So even if they Rush In, they cannot switch back to their attacker without discarding energy.

I run 2 of each NVI and EX.

What Klinklang line do you prefer in thes deck? I run 3 DE Klink, 1 BW Klinklang, and 2 Plasma Klinklang with 3 Rare Candy and never have any problems getting set up by T3 at the latest.
The Klinklang line imo should be 4-1-3 or 4-0-3 with DEX Klink, DEX Klang (If applicable), and PS Klinklang. But for some reason people like BW Klinklang too...