Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 2 - Play your opponents!

RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

Is there any way I can possibly join as an additional replacement?? I wanna see how the haymaker of old stands up to the new and more powerful cards. XD
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

Won a mirror match against Numair.
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

Zyflair Beats me 2-0 GG.
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p


I would like to say, that I do not think it is fair for anyone to be able to "replace" a person who was banned from the forums~

If he was banned, then I should just get a "bye" and move onwards~

The reason I am saying this, is not because I don't want to face anyone for the first round, but because that is how all tournaments that have any legality would handle a situation like this~

So anyways, you have my opinion~
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

Ok, can i join
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

I hate to argue against you Kurama but I strongly disagree. Any way to get more people into the tournament will make more people happy.
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

I agree that getting more people into the tournament would be great, but if you want to treat this like an official tournament, then you do not have any other choice~ I do not know any official tournament that would do that~

With that being said, the main reason I want a bye, is because the round started a long time ago, and I do not want to be rushed into a match against someone at the last second, because not only is that unfair to me, but also unfair to the replacement~
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

^Second that.
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

Whatever. I give up. I beat LW by 1 prize because I misplayed. But I still won. I guess that counts in the end. GG.
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

I lost to Celebi. (I just hate that I lost to a deck that I hate).
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

I guess Ariadosguy didn't get my PM I sent him a while ago...

Ariadosguy, please answer my questions regarding my match for this tournament~

Thank you~
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

By the way, YOU ONLY PLAY ONE GAME!!! Just to let you all know. lol

Kurama, I'm not sure which way to go on this argument. While it doesn't make sense that I shouldn't let new players in, I am aware that's what official tourneys do...

I'm not sure...
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

Ariadosguy said:
By the way, YOU ONLY PLAY ONE GAME!!! Just to let you all know. lol

Kurama, I'm not sure which way to go on this argument. While it doesn't make sense that I shouldn't let new players in, I am aware that's what official tourneys do...

I'm not sure...

That is true, but if you were going to replace the person who was banned with someone, it should have been done long ago, because now, the round is almost over, and I still am still not even sure whether or not I am facing anyone~

If you would have replaced my opponent a week ago when the tournament started, I would have been completely fine with that~
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

Okay, I'm sorry I am not letting anybody in. Kurama has TEH BAI!!!!!!

Pokekid Brandon has not joined the network, I shall PM him now...

EDIT: Wait, he has joined the network - My bad.
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

How many battles have actually been done? Maybe you should keep records and put a deadline on the first round.
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

Ariadosguy said:
Okay, I'm sorry I am not letting anybody in. Kurama has the BAI!!!!!!

Pokekid Brandon has not joined the network, I shall PM him now...

EDIT: Wait, he has joined the network - My bad.

Thank you Ariadosguy~

Yeah, what is the last day of the first round anyways? lol
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

I know. There are no records and no deadlines. Lol.
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

No Australian WILL EVER post records or deadlines.

RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p


I don't want to rush anybody, basically. I am missing a few people (Lenny, Jamtok, etc.) so I want to wait for them until I post the results.
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - And haha zyflair and Celebi I managed to fix the title :p

Zyflair said:

You keep using that word...I do not think it means what you think it means.