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Which deck should I play for City Championships?

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RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! H: New LV X's and more! Need Gardy Evos, Regis, and Magnezone LVX. COME INSIDE!

Hmm...I would keep Noir X for now...is there any other LV X you are interested in? If not, I need your Azelf X as well as the Magnezone, thanks!
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

Other Lv. X that I'm interested in is your JPN Uxie Lv. X, but I don't value it as high as english Dusknoir LV. X.
And if I'd be getting Uxie, Azelf wouldn't be for trade since then I'd be making AMU... LMK if you can trade Uxie or Noir and I will make an offer. :>
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

I can trade Uxie...I could trade it for Magnezone. BUT! Do you have any money?
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

How much for two japanese claydols? I can also trade. I need them!
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

$20 USD...I would rather not trade them at all....Can you still buy the error TSD?
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

how much for sableye sf x3?? LMK thanks.
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

Will you CML for Claydol? I think you may have at one point, but I've updated my list somewhat.
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

Pacman: Alright! I need all Gardy evos...except to make it $2, I require 1 gardy. Also, if you cannot do this, $5 will work!

Mach: I know this sounds rediculous but only for Azelf AND Mesprit X. They are so hard to come by and I have only 2
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

Please CML for Regigigas LV. X, and I have from your wants:

The regis. :(

But, can we work out a deal? Thanks.
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

WR: My computer will not allow me to view your list, please List your LV X's...and do you have money?
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

Not both of them for one Claydol, anyway. AzelfX is worth more, about $30 vs. Claydol's $21. MespritX and Claydol are even though, so I'll trade them 2 for 2 if you can throw some things in to fill the discrepancy between AzelfX/Claydol
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

Sorry, no money atm... but I can do the trade you proposed (my jpn zone Lv. X for your jpn uxie Lv. X).
But, sending just 1 card is a bit of waste s I could add you these:
1 Regigigas LA
2 Regirock LA
2 Regice LA

For your:
2 Sableye
1 Tyranitar SF
2 Salamence SF

LMK. :)
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

Mach: Throw in like...?

Yata: No thanks.
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

How about Omastar MD, Dialga MD, and Milotic GE?
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

How about I add in 1 of each of those (all RH except milotic), and you add in Feraligatr ex UF.
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

First, I don't have Feraligatr Ex anymore.

Second, The throw-ins were only meant to even things out. Things still aren't truly even, but I figured I'd let it go since I just need those cards.
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

Well, IDK if I want to trade the claydol....I will LYK!
RE: Wiseman's Card FOUNDUE! Everything here is available to buy! N: Money and CC cards!

You should hurry, then. I get a lot of offers for AzelfX and MespritX, and as a rule I only hold reservations for 2 days, so at the end of the weekend, I'll start looking into other trades.
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