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RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

I have 1 to throw in Julia coolo.

MR 619: Leafeon X for sale. Claydol for sale.

Muddy: No. I bought the Uxie X and I need to "repay" my debts. As in my dad got it. I have to sell it. :p
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

How much for x2 Leafeon Lv.X then?
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

Do you have any bite or gible?
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

Mr. 619: $56...$28 each.

Julia: At least 2 of each.
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

I'll PM you after I check my funds.
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

ok my:

2 x Toxicroat G

Your Girantina Ifds.

RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

I will trade

MY: 1 luxury ball ,2 cherrim sf ,2 honchkrow mt ,and 1 honchkrow lv.x sw

YOUR: 1 claydol ge
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

Muddy: I will be waiting :)

Nirvana: Ummm...that is only for sale. I want toxicroak...but anything else you want.

Rayquaza: Hmmm...if I can trade a JPN one.
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

Ok. Garchomp X, Garchomp Mt X1, Gabie X 3, Gible X 3. My:20$ and some random rares or trainers.
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

cml for shaymin and shaymin x
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

I have the Skunktank line in JPN, are you still interested?
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

Ok, cannot do that, not enough cash. Sorry!
How much per Shiny Duskull?
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

Julia: I would do Chomp X/Chomp/1 Gible/1 Gabite for $20 and I will put 2 more gible/gabite for any of my rare wants.

Tyranitar: $$$ is what I need for those.

Panda: how many Skuntank G do you have?


-3 Cyrus' scheme
-4 Galactic's base
-4 Toxicroak G
-3 Skuntank G
-2 Dugtrio GC
-2 Mightyena GC
-3 Energy Gain GC
-2 Honchkrow GC


Muddy: Let me see. I will get back.
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

Do you have any GC Blaziken?
If so, please let me know
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

Interested in Shining Raichu. How much do you value it at in trade?
Also, My sister collects Treecko items. Could i see a picture of the Treecko starter sets that you have, and how much do you value them at? (probably trade as well)
CML if you're interested in anything
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or d

CML for Claydol GE x2(trading).

I could give you 2 Scizor SF,1 Cradily(RH),and 1 Luxury Ball.
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

I have:

2 Cherrim SF
2 Scizor SF (RH)
1 Rare Candy (EM)
1 Luxury Ball
1 Raichu SF
3 Stark Mountain

What do you have off my wants?
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

How much for any of your Drapion LvX (don't care if guide book or not!)
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

Wiseman. said:
Muddy: I will be waiting :)

Nirvana: Ummm...that is only for sale. I want toxicroak...but anything else you want.

Rayquaza: Hmmm...if I can trade a JPN one.

a no thanks
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

TSL: Yes.

Flare: ummm...no. Have money?

ESP: I don't know. I think I am not going to CYL anymore, or anyones.

Muddy: It would be:

$17 PT1

$20 Guidebook


JULIE: $15 For shining raichu Trade value. $12 buy value. For treeko, I could throw in if you buy the Raichu.
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