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Which deck should I play for City Championships?

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RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

I value my Crystal Lugia at about 35$~40$ since I gotten to know thats quit a bunch worth cO
Also because of 5 Facts:

1. It's german so there not as many as in english
2. The Edition is since more than 5 years out of print!
3. The Edition was rarly bought by people, so there aren't been drawn to many :p
4. Ebay list it also at this price
5. There many requests for this card
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Azelf Lv. X
Uxie LA

Raichu Lv. X

LMK. ^^
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Check my list for Dusknoir Lv. X. Let me know. Thanks!
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Magma: For how much?

Hunga: What on my list do you want for it? Keep in mind, I do not buy collection wants.

Yata: Check my update wants. I do not need Azelf LV X as I have already gotten it!

G2F: Okay, checking now. Done. Alright, it is kind of obvious I am going to play dusknoir due to my wants, so the Dusknoir LV X would have to get an impossibly good offer for me to trade it. BUT. I do want your Mesprit X and any Azelf LA or Uxie LA you have because I may play AMU for fun. CML for those and I guess I cannot trade the Noir LV X. Sorry :(
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Okay then.
Mesprit Lv. X
Uxie LA
Azelf LA

For your:
Raichu LV X

RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

CML for Raichu Lv. X. I got new stuffs.
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Well, I have updated my list, but Raichu LV X is gone if the trade goes through. SO see my new haves. Thanks!

(I need those wants PEOPLE!)
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

1 Mesprit Lv. X
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
2 Moonlight Stadium

For your:
Dusknoir Lv. X
2 Claydol (GE, JPN)

RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

No thanks. Dusknoir is valued more than mesprit LV X and 2 Claydol is WAYYY more than the other cards you have...

Dusknoir is also decked, making him harder to get.
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

I'm really not quit informed about the prices of your cards, so I want to ask if you could say prices for the following cards:

4x Buck's Training (Legends Awakened)
1x Luxury Ball (Stormfront)
4x Bebe's Search (Mysterious Treasures)
2x Quick Ball (Majestic Dawn)
4x Pokédex HANDY910is (Diamond and Pearl)
2x Roseanne's Research (Secret Wonders)
2x Night Maintenace (Mysterious Treasures)
1x Professor Rowan (Diamond and Pearl)

I won't sell cards, since it's oversea ^^ So don't worry :p
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

I Have Dusknoir DP But For What
And Hunga i'm dutch so maybe we could trade if you want my tradelist give me an email
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Bucks: $2 USD for the normal one, $3 USD for the RH, and $4 for the prerelease one.
Luxury Ball: I do not have this card. I want it.
4 Bebe's: I can only sell 2 at $3 USD each.
2 Quickball: $1.50 each
4 Pokedex: Only selling 3 at $1.50 USD for the normal, $3 for the only rev I have.
2 Roseanne: $6 USD each
2 Night Maintenance: $2 for the USA one, $1 for the German one.
Prof Rowan: Free.

J99J: I do not want Dusknoir DP, only SF.
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Hmm...Your cads look a bit pricey cO Sry to say so! What do you want for as much as possible from my wants? Since I suck at making offers because I don't know the prices 100%.
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

I all see is Crystal Lugia and all your ex and shinings.
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Hmm....Which off the Ex cards would you like for the named cards? Since I need them really badly...Please remeber we both have to shipp oversea...
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

I need all the LV Xs...make offers!
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Arg....You caught me in a unconftable position...Okay, I'll try, since it's my first real trade offer since 5 years XC

My offer is following:

Aggron ex 10$
Kaputops ex 10$
Aerodactyl ex 10$
Golem ex (german, hope this doesn't bother ya) 10$

Since you can variate the ex prices from 10~12$ I think it's quit fair.
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

No. I am sorry but those ex's go for like $3 USD each and I am sure most people would agree, because to players and collectors, LV X's are the real value.

RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Hm...Since you used ebay, I used it too, so I really think there more worth than 3$ since cards can only get more expansive, the value won't drop that fast! You need to remeber how long those cards are out off print and that those set's weren't quit popular, so the chance off geting lv x is higher than normal ex pokemon, but okay, it's your choice. Thanks anyway for your time.
RE: H: Raichu LV X,Dusknoir LV X, and more! W: Dusknoir SF #1 and need DUSKNOIR PROMO BLISTER BADLY! CML!

Not really, because they are out of print, no one really wants them too much, and they have nothing special about them, so....

But, if you can make a good offer I will trade.
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