RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going! & a new shiny)
I'm back. For a third time =)
I need new EV'd pokemon for my Wi-Fi team. Here it is.
Your nickname: Ensiger
Your FC: 1119-1499-7593
Pokemon 1 Species: Mudkip
Pokemon 1 Nature: Careful
Pokemon 1 desired EV spread: 64 Def, 252 Hp, 192 Sp. Def (already has 60 def, 100 Hp, and 100 Sp. Def)
Pokemon 1 desired move set: It'll already have it.
Pokemon 2 Species: Bronzor
Pokemon 2 Nature: Relaxed
Pokemon 2 desired EV spread: 252 Hp, 36 Atk, 156 Def, 64 Sp. Def
Pokemon 2 desired move set: Explosion (when it's a Bronzong), Gyro Ball, Earthquake, and Stealth Rock