Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Starry Trails

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Intrigued, Alex used his psychic powers to go flying up and toward the source of the sound. Once he was over where it had come from he lowered his altitude to get a better view.
King stands up, and brushes the dust off of his shoulder. He looks around. Fortunately, he crashed into an open room. He looks outside. He thinks he sees a bush rustle. "Probably just the wind, or my imagination," he chuckles. He sees the Metagross hovering above. "Good, I can ask him my questions after I find out what happened here," he says. He looks around. "Is somebody hurt?" As an afterthought, he says, "that sounded like that Blastoise." King begins to search the house.
Shades ears rotated. He heard a cry from a nearby building. Then... A crash? Shade looked toward the sound and saw a building with a hole in the wall. He looked to his left to see that the Nidoking was completely gone. Shade looked at the hole in the wall and blinked. ~It couldn't have been that Nidoking character, could it?~ Shade thought in his head. Well, no matter. Shade began to walk toward the building.
King proceeds to search the house. It must be the Blastoise's house. It was massive.King looked up. On the ceiling was a dark spot. "That is not good," King says, and begins to run towards a set of stairs. He climbs, but it is arduous. His body is bulky, and he doesn't fit easily. Eventually, he gets up. He looks in the room, and sees Blastoise lieing on the floor.
Shade managed to reach the building. He stepped through the immense hole in the wall and looked around. The building was huuuuuge!!! ~it must be an inn or something.~ Shade thought. He looks at the ceiling and sees an odd discoloration to it. It looked like a blood stain, or maybe it was another hole. He walked under it and saw the blood. It dripped down on one of his claws. "... Well thats interesting." Shade said.
(Woah, hold on. Patrick, I'm not the owner of this RP, but on behalf of the owner, I request you to please not post after every other post until you hit the 3 post limit. You need to let others respond to the situation so that the others (like me, for example) aren't 3 posts behind.
And I don't think Zyflair said the Blastoise was downed...by saying that, patrick, you're technically god-modding. So I think we should wait for Zyflair to post before you decide what happened to his character. Besides, I don't think he ever said that the Blastoise left the area where he collected the coins, so how would King know where the house is, if he even had one?)
Though Ranald heard the sound at the same time as everybody else, the Conkeldurr was too occupied with Shade to jump into action. Though when he saw the Zangoose jump into action, his doubts were eliminated on the spot. The Zangoose was okay, even after a ferocious battle with a Seviper...though he wasn't complaining, he did question the situation, though now wasn't the time. He had to get to where the cries were. He used his arms to push himself back up onto his two feet from his one and his knee. After balancing himself, he made his way towards where he heard the cries, and presumably, where everyone else did.
Serina eyes opened wide in the responce to the scream. She looked over the town. She could since a burst of Aura seeping from one building. She leans forward. Everything felt like a blur, her heart raced. In a second she had reached the house to find other pokemon there. She never did speak around these pokemon, but she needed too.

"Is everything alright!"

She bellows at the others, hoping her assistance wouldn't be needed.
Ooc: Pokefan, it is not my goal to do that. I simply post when I need to add something, and typically I have a lot to say. Last time, I was hoping to spur some conversation however because everyone was being quiet.
(Holy cow, you people made way too many assumptions. I wasn't planning on a house, but to heck with this. >_<
If you people jump on me like this again, I'll find something to make this be more orderly, even if it'l make this RP a bit less pleasant.)

In the small room where everyone went in, there was no blood, no water, but quite a bit of money. The Blastoise laid unconscious on his stomach, scattered gold coins all over near his head, a cracked wooden box in front of him. The dark room indicated nothing of who did it or what happened, but it definitely seems that someone brought the box down on the Blastoise's head.
Ooc: Sorry. I will do less assuming. My appologies. I was about to edit my post and say I was probably assuming too much anyways. I looked at things the way I would imagine them, but I won't do that anymore. Also however, notice that I didn't say there was blood. I just said stain.

In general, my bad, sorry.
OOC: Yeah I figured so I was kind of following everyone else and then just... messed up. Sorry. I deleted my post.

I don't think Myzer will take part in this, as it would probably be in his nature to ignore the scream.
(Thank you, Zyflair.
But Patrick, do you realize that, as Zyflair said (or at least implied), people will be left behind if you post as often as possible. Please, if nobody else, do it for me. I'm not angry, I'm just asking.)

(I, personally, am going to wait for a little bit before continuing to post. This is a bit too chaotic for me at the moment.)
(Sorry, I will try to post less, but add more detail. Let me edit this post for a moment.)
King says, "So. Someone dislikes Blastoise besides me. That's no suprise." King chuckles to himself as if this were some kind of joke. He looks around. "Should we investigate, or should we stay out of this? Me, I want to look into it, but I don't have much to start on." King thinks to himself. He believes it has something to do with money, seeing that the weapon might have been the cracked money box on the floor. He begins to think of suspects. The only person he saw with the Blastoise was the Vaporeon, but there didn't seem to be any problems between the two. It could have been a second party, but he didn't know of any other crime in the area save the Seviper and Shade's fight, which was unlikely to be related due to the fact that they have instinctual rivalry. King is stumped. He moves to sit, but there is little room in the room, and he simply can't sit down.
Miku heard nothing out of the ordinary, so slowly proceeded into the house, and upstairs. She made sure her weapons were close at hand(paw? XD), and noticed the unconscious Blastoise, then the money laying everywhere. Well somebody's not very clean, she assumed. She just stood off to the side, and waited for somebody to make a move, as she tried to piece the puzzle together in her head.
Serina walks into the house to find a passed out Blastoise. It was obviouse that he was struck with the coin box.

"Hmm, this is interesting...."
In an investigation, all of the necessary details at the scene will be described by the GM. If the GM does not mention a table, then it means either there is no table to check, or that the table wouldn't have anything of use. Think carefully about what the GM has described and appropriately take actions to inspect each item. Inspecting will possibly bring essential details from the GM to provide clues.
King looks down at the coins. Are these the coins that we had to pay earlier? If so, then this most certainly seems related to that Vaporeon. I might want to track her down. King looks down at the Blastoise, who has recieved no attention whatsoever. "Hey! Blastoise! Get on your Feet!" King barked.
There was about twenty coins or so on the ground, though there was defintiely at least thirty passengers that were on board the carriage. The Blastoise remained out of it and didn't respond the King's shouting.
With no response from the unconscious aristocrat, King stormed out. He nearly cracked several floorboards as he squeezed down the steps. King walks towards the inn to rent a room and sit down to think. He wondered why so many odd things were occurring. Why had the Blastoise charged tax? It didn't seem like he was dumb enough to charge just for the money. Why was he unconscious on the floor. And then King realized. The Vaporeon wasn't there. That's quite odd for a bodygaurd. King stopped in his tracks, closed his eyes, and listened.
Alex touched down and entered the house, as did a few others. He then climbed the stairs and saw the Blastoise lying down, knocked out, with the coins scattered on top of him. It was clear to him that the Blastoise was assaulted. The question was, who did it? Alex could think of many suspects.

1.The Nidoking. He had fought against the Blastoise's bodyguard and was especially opposed to paying. King wasn't anywhere near the incident at the time. It was possible that he had more expertice in magic than he was letting on and he had used his powers to attack the Blastoise from a range; highly unlikely but possible.

2.Any of the other Pokemon in the carriage, except for maybe the ones he had seen as the incident occured, namely the Zangoose and the Conkeldurr. At first glance it might seen odd that they had not taken the money, but whoever had done it must have known that Blastoise's cry would bring someone running and fled without all of the money.

3.An inhabitant of the town. As Alex knew nothing of any of the residents in the town nor of the Blastoise himself he could neither prove nor disprove this is any way.

4.The Vaporeon. Much like the citizens of the town, Alex knew very little about this Pokemon, so he could not prove or disprove this either.

It didn't tell him a lot, there were too many suspects and no good way to determine who had done it. The Blastoise could tell them when he woke up, so Alex sat in a corner of the room, unsuccessfully trying to make his prescense unknown, as he awaited the reactions of the other Pokemon.
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