XY Pokémon Playthrough Questions & Answers

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RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

FoxFire said:
With all the changes and improvements to breeding in G6, have they created any way to influence what gender you get on your bred Pokemon? I'm trying to breed a female Fennekin, and that 1/8 chance has not been coming up.

Funny you say that, ive been masuda methoding for a froakie and out of a whole box, only 1 female, would be nice for breeders if something like a heartscale made it like 90% chance being the same gender as the one holding it

Question for ya'll, what should I do for my next pokemon Y run? I usually trade over low levelled pokemon for competitive and train them like that but I wanna try something else, maybe a monotype or a wonderlocke, give me your opinions
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Spartansn1p3r said:
Question for ya'll, what should I do for my next pokemon Y run? I usually trade over low levelled pokemon for competitive and train them like that but I wanna try something else, maybe a monotype or a wonderlocke, give me your opinions

You could do either a mono-type run or a solo-run with only one Pokémon. I myself have been doing a Scraggy / Scrafty run, and it's been really fun. ^-^ hey dat rhymes well
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Does anyone know where I can get another Soothe Bell? I traded mine by accident when I was trading on the GTS or with a friend. Also if someone has a spare what do you want for it? Please PM me. Thanks XD.:)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Pineapple X said:
Spartansn1p3r said:
Question for ya'll, what should I do for my next pokemon Y run? I usually trade over low levelled pokemon for competitive and train them like that but I wanna try something else, maybe a monotype or a wonderlocke, give me your opinions

You could do either a mono-type run or a solo-run with only one Pokémon. I myself have been doing a Scraggy / Scrafty run, and it's been really fun. ^-^ hey dat rhymes well

Thanks for the recommendation, im doing a protean froakie solo run right now and im having a blast, just breezed through the 5th gym like nothing, ill probably do a scraggy/scrafty run after this due to watching Hoodlumscrafty's Vs Solo run challenge with Kingnappy.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

I have a question... I was under the impression that same species, different OT would result in two Pokémon getting along very well. I had my Female Frogadier and Male French Frogadier mate but had to breed a new one since the natures are not ideal. The new female which has 4IVs instead of 2 and has Modest however... only gets along well.

I mean it doesn't make a huge difference since I have the Oval Charm but I'm wondering why it went down. Is it like daughter mating with father that's causing that? Didn't think the game would be that smart...
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

MrSquarepants said:
I have a question... I was under the impression that same species, different OT would result in two Pokémon getting along very well. I had my Female Frogadier and Male French Frogadier mate but had to breed a new one since the natures are not ideal. The new female which has 4IVs instead of 2 and has Modest however... only gets along well.

I mean it doesn't make a huge difference since I have the Oval Charm but I'm wondering why it went down. Is it like daughter mating with father that's causing that? Didn't think the game would be that smart...

It's because both parents are different species. The OT has the be different and the species must be the same for them to get along very well.
Froakie and Frogadier are different species.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Keeper of Night said:
MrSquarepants said:
I have a question... I was under the impression that same species, different OT would result in two Pokémon getting along very well. I had my Female Frogadier and Male French Frogadier mate but had to breed a new one since the natures are not ideal. The new female which has 4IVs instead of 2 and has Modest however... only gets along well.

I mean it doesn't make a huge difference since I have the Oval Charm but I'm wondering why it went down. Is it like daughter mating with father that's causing that? Didn't think the game would be that smart...

It's because both parents are different species. The OT has the be different and the species must be the same for them to get along very well.
Froakie and Frogadier are different species.

It says frogadier and frogadier
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Keeper of Night said:
MrSquarepants said:
I have a question... I was under the impression that same species, different OT would result in two Pokémon getting along very well. I had my Female Frogadier and Male French Frogadier mate but had to breed a new one since the natures are not ideal. The new female which has 4IVs instead of 2 and has Modest however... only gets along well.

I mean it doesn't make a huge difference since I have the Oval Charm but I'm wondering why it went down. Is it like daughter mating with father that's causing that? Didn't think the game would be that smart...

It's because both parents are different species. The OT has the be different and the species must be the same for them to get along very well.
Froakie and Frogadier are different species.

...!!! You're joking! They count pre-evos as different species!? I thought as long it was the same type of Pokémon... Well that makes perfect sense... Although I'm surprised you picked that up cause I totally forgot to mention the new female was not evolved... Now I just need to evolve her then.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Spartansn1p3r said:
It says frogadier and frogadier

It says his first couple were Frogadier. When it said that he replaced the female, I had to assume he didn't evolve it. :p
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

How do I get the capturing spree medal? I caught 53 Pokemon today and still don't have it. I just caught over 50 Pokemon on route 3. Why don't I have it? I have used Game sync to update it XD. Thanks.:)

EDIT: I got that medal Finally. I just bred 100+ eggs in the day care to get it and I also got the Egg Elite and Hatching Aficionado Medals as well.:) I should note it takes about 7 hours to get both of these medals.:)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Does leveling Pokémon at the Day Care hinder they're stats in anyway or does the Pokémon still level and gain stats as it would in a wild battle?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Momaster12 said:
Does leveling Pokémon at the Day Care hinder they're stats in anyway or does the Pokémon still level and gain stats as it would in a wild battle?

It Levels and gains stats, but doesn't get EVs, like you would in a wild battle.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

I have a question about Mewtwo, I'm planning to capture it but before that, I need to work on my strategy. I'm wondering if Mewtwo can be capture by normal pokeballs? Or should I use different pokeballs? See, I have zero experience with Mewtwo, this will be my first time capturing it.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Well its capture rate is 3 so it is a low chance if you are using ordinary Poke Balls. If you don't want to use your Master Ball, I'd recommend using Dusk Balls because they are 4x effective when used at night or in a cave. You also might want a Pokemon with either a sleep inducing move or a paralyzing move.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Since breeding became so much more easier in X and Y, I decided to give it a shot with a Trapinch, but I'm having some issues...

Currently, both parents are Trapinches. Their IVs are 31/31/31/x/31/x and x/31/31/x/31/31 (I don't need the special attack). However, none of the babies have had 5 perfect IVs thus far, which I thought was odd considering the IVs of their parents. In addition, all of the babies should have perfect attack, defense, and special defense because of the parents, but this hasn't been the case. Some of them have only had two perfect IVs, so I'm wondering whether or not I have the right understanding of the Destiny Knot.

Yes, it passes down five IVs total from the mother and father, and up until now I thought that the sixth IV was selected at random and the offspring has a 50/50 chance of gaining the mother or father's IV in a certain stat. Do I have this wrong? The only explanation I could think of was that, for example, both the mother and father's attack IVs are included in the five IVs passed down, or possibly the IV passed down is transferred to another stat. I didn't think this was the case, but maybe I was wrong?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Well if you look at each IV individually that a baby can get we get this:
HP: 31 or x
Atk: 31
Def: 31
SAtk: x
SDef: 31
Speed: 31 or x

So you can see right at a glance that only three stats can be guaranteed to be a 31, but that is if it passed all six stats. It only selects five different stats which means the lowest you can get will be 2 perfect IVs.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

King Arceus said:
Well if you look at each IV individually that a baby can get we get this:
HP: 31 or x
Atk: 31
Def: 31
SAtk: x
SDef: 31
Speed: 31 or x

So you can see right at a glance that only three stats can be guaranteed to be a 31, but that is if it passed all six stats. It only selects five different stats which means the lowest you can get will be 2 perfect IVs.

Got it. But I am able to breed a baby with 5 perfect IVs with these parents, right?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

You are, but the odds are about 1 in 10 if I'm doing my math correctly.
HP: 5 / 6 * 1 / 2
Atk: 5 / 6
Def: 5 / 6
Satk: N/A
SDef: 5 / 6
Speed: 5 / 6 * 1 / 2
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

How many Pokemon do I have to leave in the day care before I get the day care medal? Forgot what it is called. It is the one where you have to leave many Pokemon in the day care before you get it. Thanks XD.:)
Where is Meowth in Pokemon X and Y?

Has anyone seen one of these critters in the games yet?

they are my favorite Poke of all time and I really want to get one to pet in the PokemonAmie thingee!


whoops looks like i made another posting error, sorry mods!
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