XY Pokémon Playthrough Questions & Answers

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RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

ShinyVincent said:
How can you get Escavalier? I know that Karrablast + Shelmet (orso :X) can get it. But, need you to put them in Daycare? Or just fight with the Karrablast/Shelmet?
Trade someone either Karrablast or Shelmet, and then trade the other for the one you traded. Both will evolve.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

i got a level one shiny vulpix and it says
Nature: Timid
Egg Obtained: 12/4/13
from:a link trade
egg hatched: apparently 12/4/13
Where: Route 7
Characteristic: Alert to sound

is the "from a link trade" legit?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Sslie Zoommo said:
i got a level one shiny vulpix and it says
Nature: Timid
Egg Obtained: 12/4/13
from:a link trade
egg hatched: apparently 12/4/13
Where: Route 7
Characteristic: Alert to sound

is the "from a link trade" legit?

Yes, it's legit.
It just means that the Pokémon was traded with a random in game character.

(In B2W2, a girl on Route 4 asks to trade you a Petilil for a Cottonnee)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Prince Dedenne said:
Sslie Zoommo said:
i got a level one shiny vulpix and it says
Nature: Timid
Egg Obtained: 12/4/13
from:a link trade
egg hatched: apparently 12/4/13
Where: Route 7
Characteristic: Alert to sound

is the "from a link trade" legit?

Yes, it's legit.
It just means that the Pokémon was traded with a random in game character.

(In B2W2, a girl on Route 4 asks to trade you a Petilil for a Cottonnee)
yeah but was there an in game character who traded a shiny vulpix in an egg?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Ohh, my bad I didn't see it was shiny.
No, in-game link trades are shiny locked. So unfortunately that Vulpix is more than likely a hack :/
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Prince Dedenne said:
Ohh, my bad I didn't see it was shiny.
No, in-game link trades are shiny locked. So unfortunately that Vulpix is more than likely a hack :/

or does it mean the people just used instacheck?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Sslie Zoommo said:
Prince Dedenne said:
Ohh, my bad I didn't see it was shiny.
No, in-game link trades are shiny locked. So unfortunately that Vulpix is more than likely a hack :/

or does it mean the people just used instacheck?

I don't think it would say that if instacheck was used.
When instacheck's used, your just trading with a friend.
So it would probably say, received from day care couple.

EDIT: I was wrong (when trading eggs, it says - from Link Trade)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Looked at a few videos of people using instacheck to hatch shinys, and it turns out the "from link trade" is normal
when trading eggs. Well at least it's not 100% fake.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Sslie Zoommo said:
Looked at a few videos of people using instacheck to hatch shinys, and it turns out the "from link trade" is normal
when trading eggs. Well at least it's not 100% fake.

Ohh wow, I don't trade eggs so I wouldn't have known :/
sorry for the false info :(
*hitting head on wall*
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Sslie Zoommo said:
Looked at a few videos of people using instacheck to hatch shinys, and it turns out the "from link trade" is normal
when trading eggs. Well at least it's not 100% fake.

'from link trade' happens in all gens (gen 3 on, at least) when eggs are traded. It first became semi-well know with RNG abuse for shiny Manaphy in gen 4 (the egg is only shiny locked for the person who obtains the egg the egg via the Pokemon Ranger event. Once the PID is set, it can be traded to and hatched by another trainer it would be shiny for, thus bypassing the shiny lock yielding the coveted sky blue Sea Prince. RNG abuse would let the PID be predicted so a matching trainer ID could be found on another game.)

Unless someone went WAY out of their way to fake it (Hacking XY is not easy, or even that precise), that vulpix is legitimate and traded through SV abuse.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

I'm having trouble IV Breeding and I need help badly. From what I heard If you have 2 Pokemon in the Day-Care that have 4-5 IV's that you're trying to breed with Destiny Knot then the IV's won't overlap with eachother since one of the parents needs to have 31 IV's in specific stats that the other parent doesn't have in 31 IV's but I thought that overlapping IV's from both parents increases the chances of the offspring to inherit those overlapping IV's.

Also when I go to the Stats Judge to check on the IV's of my hatched Pokemon it's usually 3-4 IV's instead of 5 or 6 where it sometimes has relatively superior potential but most of the time it's above average potential. Am I also supposed to keep replacing the parents in the Day-Care with the first Male and Female I hatch regardless of how bad they are or until they have outstanding potential with 4 IV's while giving them the Destiny Knot and Everstone to them? I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Any advice and suggestions to help make breeding Pokemon into having 5-6 IV's is greatly appreciated cause I'm still kind of a newbie at this.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

When breeding with a destiny knot, one IV is always random. The rest are selected either from the mother or the father. The only way to ensure 4-5 IVs on all childern is to breed a 6 IV pokemon with a 5 IV pokemon (worst case is one perfect pair of IVs becoming random and the 5 IV parent's IVs being passed on).

Ideally, you could breed two 6 IV pokemon to have guaranteed 5 IV children with a 1 in 32 chance of a 6 IV baby (0 -> 31 = 32 possible values for the random stat)

To calculate the minimum perfect IVs passed on to a child from a given set of parents, add up the matching perfect IVs on the parents and subtract 1 (this accounts for one being replaced as random). As an example:


this means 4 pairs match (seen as x/31/31/31/31/x)
Subtract one to account for the rouge "random factor"
and your result is 3 perfect IVs minimum (x/31/31/31/y/x)

A 4 IV child is still perfectly valid (in the case of x/31/31/31/31/y or 31/31/y/31/31/x)
and 5 IVs are possible, yet unlikely (the rare cases of y/31/31/31/31/31 or 31/31/31/31/31/y)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Thanks for your help iSharingan, I did manage to hatch a few 5 IV Pokemon however some of them had 31 IV's in a stat I didn't want it in and I wanted to switch the IV's out so what I did was try to pass down the IV with the respective Power Item in the Day-Care instead of an Everstone while the other parent is holding Destiny Knot to pass down the other IV's although after a long period of time I still couldn't get it fixed to how I want it.

The end result was 31 IV's in everything except HP although I wanted to take off 31 IV's in Sp. ATK and switch it in with 31 IV's in HP since I was trying to IV breed a physical sweeper moveset that has Jolly Nature with 130 EV's in HP after training it plus with a 31 IV HP boost that would've made it a decent tank so to speak. I heard that in order to breed a Pokemon with 6 IV's you need two parents in the Day-Care with the exact same overlapping 5-6 IV's as long as the Mother has the Nature you want, any proof of this?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

There is a way to copie pokemon in X and Y, is this true?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

ShinyVincent said:
There is a way to copie pokemon in X and Y, is this true?

Copy as in clone? I've herd a few people have done it, but I don't think it's that easy.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

ShinyVincent said:
There is a way to copie pokemon in X and Y, is this true?

I've heard that if two people are trading, then at the last minute one of the players turns their 3DS off, then one of the Pokemon will be in both player's boxes, but the other will be deleted.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

The timing isn't THAT easy to hit, but yes, cloning is possible in XY
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

For Timing on the video they use an app, if it is 00.00.3:268 (some like that) she press the first 3DS off.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

When you play the Lotto, does your Event Torchic keep on giving you right numbers? It keeps on happening for me, but I haven't had all 5 matched yet.
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