Pokémon Spoon: The most epic game to ever walk the surface of the planet.

im definately going to download this game.
Its gonna rock if bacons doing the storyline, and its called pokemon spoon...
Ketchup and Mustard said:
Will the game work on all computer systems? Also, will it have any virus risk?
It will, we'll add as many viruses as possible :)
Ehhh, well, unless someone feel the desperate need to add a bunch of viruses to the program, I hope not.
Hopefully we can get this before the 5th generation XD...

Anyway, I think I know what you're saying. You just download the game, like click on a link, and it'll download. It won't... cost anything ... will it?
What about a military pokemon. Or an ant line. Or a giant panda. Ohh Ohh i've got it. A pumpkin y'know fire/grass.
Well, there aren't much better programs for pokemon games. Why would it have a virus risk, it'll be fine, only you will get the viruses.
BTW, Can I just call you Asuran on every forum you go on?:p
Ghost Poke Master said:

At the end there is a spoiler. It shows he used me idea :p :D woop
And you won't be getting any credit, MUHAHAHAHAH *cough*

Nah, I told you I liked the idea but that it still needed some work, and somehow a spoon is not meant to be a face, but, well, the snake part was ok, so I used that :p
Wow, that pokemon on the end actually looks quite cool O_O. I'll just post some things(You may remember from the chat room).

Purot: Rotten pokemon: It looks very much like a pumpkin. The anttennae serves an unknown purpose, but worries many elderly farmers, who tend to crush the anntennae and szpray fertilizer in its eyes. Quick Sketch

Plerot: Infected pokemon: 2 Purot combine to form this pokemon. They shared one already quite empty brain, and by killing the second purot, this pokemons I.Q drops to an amazing 0.5. It is so dumb, that whenever it learns something new, its brain overloads and spills through its eyes and mouth. Trainers find it a relaxing break to repeat their names in-front of it. Quick sketch.
Meh, they were quick ones, I might make more...
Wow, I can't wait for it to come out, It sounds great. Can you post another spoiler soon?
Did you see my Pokemon idea way back? If not, I'll re-post it.
Yes, Magma King, you may call me Asuran on every forum.