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RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

*sigh* I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

Keep in mind that as of Gen. V, the three rarest types, Ghost, Dragon, and Ice, only have 27, 29, and 29 Pokémon to their names, respectively. (Ice has 31 if you count the Ice forms of Castform and Rotom, but it's still not a lot). Considering we only have 8 confirmed Fairy-types so far (10 if you infer that Wigglytuff and Azumarill will change as well), we seem to be on track to reaching about that same ballpark figure. Fire, on the other hand, is at the exact center in terms of rarity right now with 48 representatives. I highly doubt Game Freak is suddenly going to make Fairy jump to the middle of the pack, which is exactly what these lists of 30+ would do.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

DorianBlack said:
*sigh* I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

Keep in mind that as of Gen. V, the three rarest types, Ghost, Dragon, and Ice, only have 27, 29, and 29 Pokémon to their names, respectively. (Ice has 31 if you count the Ice forms of Castform and Rotom, but it's still not a lot). Considering we only have 8 confirmed Fairy-types so far (10 if you infer that Wigglytuff and Azumarill will change as well), we seem to be on track to reaching about that same ballpark figure. Fire, on the other hand, is at the exact center in terms of rarity right now with 48 representatives. I highly doubt Game Freak is suddenly going to make Fairy jump to the middle of the pack, which is exactly what these lists of 30+ would do.

I love this.

Everyone's always making these huge lists of retyped Fairies, and when someone says it's too much they just say 'Fairy needs to get on par with all the other types blahdiblah' when they don't realise that if their huge lists happened Fairy could easily become one of the most common types.
It would be nice if all the Pokemon that should get Fairy get it, but realistically, it won't happen.
I'm sure that GF would give Fairy to Pokemon who actually need it - Pokemon who have designs heavily influenced by Fairies (Clefairy, Misdreavus) should be the no.1 priority for Fairy type.

If they retype around 15 existing Pokemon, then that means they can make around 15 new ones. This gives a nice balance of existing+new. I know that there would be that one person who would bitch and whine that 'too many Fairies were retyped instead of new' and the other one who would say 'There should be more retyped Fairies, *insertpokemonhere* should be a fairy type instead of *insertfairytypemonhere*'
these 15 retyped mons could be something like
This way we get diverse existing fairies, plus a legendary.
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

zappy80 said:
CyberCat5555 said:
Here are some recently trademarked names that I found. That "Haribougu" (needle+cyborg) thing sounds amazing.

Fail it lists meowstick as a meowth evolution oh well probably misinformed about that.
I guess that pokemonfigures just misinterpreted/guessed what Meowstick is. He/she probably just confused "sounds too similar to Meowth" with "Espurr evolves into Meowstick" or something, but I really want his/her leaked info to be real.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Please, if they don't reclassify the Clefairy family to at least part Fairy, I'll be very surprised.

If Marill is now Water/Fairy, I totally expect Azurill and Azumarill to be part Fairy too. Same goes for Igglybuff and Wigglytuff. Ralts and Kirlia? Well, it's likely but it would be interesting if they were still pure Psychic and a male Kirlia has an option to evolve into either a Psychic/Fairy type or a Psychic/Fighting type.

Also I expect...
Togepi family
Chimecho family
Chansey family

Cherubi & Cherrim?
Snubbull and Granbull?
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Let me make something VERY clear.
Just because it's cute and Normal does NOT mean it's automatically a Fairy.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

My guesses:

Bellossom (Grass/Fairy)
Glalie (Ice/Fairy)
Milotic (Water/Fairy)
Mawile (Steel/Fairy)
Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable (Normal/Fairy)
Politoed (Water/Fairy)
Dunsparce (Normal/Fairy)
Alomomola (Water/Fairy)
Illumise + Volbeat (Bug/Fairy)
Misdreavus + Mismagius (Ghost/Fairy)
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Astra said:
My guesses:

Bellossom (Grass/Fairy)
Glalie (Ice/Fairy)
Milotic (Water/Fairy)
Mawile (Steel/Fairy)
Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable (Normal/Fairy)
Politoed (Water/Fairy)
Dunsparce (Normal/Fairy)
Alomomola (Water/Fairy)
Illumise + Volbeat (Bug/Fairy)
Misdreavus + Mismagius (Ghost/Fairy)

Why Glalie? I've seen it in many lists and it was even in the original one i posted but I don't understand the reasoning.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

I think it's for the same reason they want bellossom, milotic and gardevoir, because they have double-typed counterparts.
Personally, I don't think it's a valid reason.

I'd also ask why politoed, illumise and volbeat, also cherubi and cherrim, the chansey line and audino.
And let's not even mention snubbull/granbull, If someone is planning on posting something including them, please be so kind as to scroll up and see why those two should not be fairies, even despite the species, which doesn't mean anything.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

I don't even see anything remotely Fairy-ish about Glalie.
If anything, Dark or Rock would suit it so much better than Fairy anyday.

Bellossom's appearance could suggest Fairy, so that's not entirely unthinkable. Same with Milotic.

I'm thinking that Kirlia and Ralts will stay pure Psychic.
You get to the point of evolution, and decide if you want a Psychic/Fairy dual type, or a Psychic/Fighting.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

P.DelSlayer said:
I don't even see anything remotely Fairy-ish about Glalie.
If anything, Dark or Rock would suit it so much better than Fairy anyday.

Bellossom's appearance could suggest Fairy, so that's not entirely unthinkable. Same with Milotic.

I'm thinking that Kirlia and Ralts will stay pure Psychic.
You get to the point of evolution, and decide if you want a Psychic/Fairy dual type, or a Psychic/Fighting.

Unless it's a female kirlia, then you have no choice
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

leecario said:
P.DelSlayer said:
I don't even see anything remotely Fairy-ish about Glalie.
If anything, Dark or Rock would suit it so much better than Fairy anyday.

Bellossom's appearance could suggest Fairy, so that's not entirely unthinkable. Same with Milotic.

I'm thinking that Kirlia and Ralts will stay pure Psychic.
You get to the point of evolution, and decide if you want a Psychic/Fairy dual type, or a Psychic/Fighting.

Unless it's a female kirlia, then you have no choice

whoops, forgot that
Since Gardy now has a dual type, it would be nice to see the evo method of Gallage retconned.
It'd just be something like 'Male Kirlia evolve into Gallade at lv.30, females evolve into Gardevoir'
but that will never happen due to consistency reasons
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Well, today I was just thinking about which old Grass Pokémon could be retyped as Fairy and which new Fairy/Grass we could see. Looking at the list...
"Bellossom (Grass/Fairy)
Cherubi (Grass/Fairy)
Cherrim (Grass/Fairy)
Petilil (Grass/Fairy)
Lilligant (Grass/Fairy)
Cottonee (Grass/Fairy)
Whimsicott (Grass/Fairy)"
So, Whimsicott is somewhat of a logic retyping because like someone said here before, it's small Cottonee I can't see as a fairy nor a Fairy type so it should stay as only Grass.
In my opinion, Petilil and Liligant shouldn't be retyped. I think that eventual Grass/Fairy or vice-versa Pokémon should have a myth or mythological creature behind it's design/concept as I can't see those two in this category.
About Cherrim and Cherubi, the first can be retyped but the second no. But even so, I deeply think that both these two and Bellosom should stay a s they are, because of what I've said above. I hope that GF comes up with new Grass/Fairy types instead of retyping.

In regards to the other ones on that list, i can only agree with the Gen. I "pinkies" and it's pre and evolutions, Milotic, Grandbull, Luvdisc and Cresselia (besides the ones that are already confirmed as subject of change like Gardevoir and Marill.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Anyone else think Minccino/Cinccino could become Normal/Fairy?
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Jakeremix said:
Anyone else think Minccino/Cinccino could become Normal/Fairy?

Yes. They aren't the first that come to mind when I think of Pokémon that should be changed to Fairy-type (of course neither was Marill...), but if they get the type change, I would welcome it.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

P.DelSlayer said:
whoops, forgot that
Since Gardy now has a dual type, it would be nice to see the evo method of Gallage retconned.
It'd just be something like 'Male Kirlia evolve into Gallade at lv.30, females evolve into Gardevoir'
but that will never happen due to consistency reasons

They could get away with those kinds of retcons if 6th gen ends up not being compatible with 5th gen.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

AdamLambert said:
Jakeremix said:
Anyone else think Minccino/Cinccino could become Normal/Fairy?

Yes. They aren't the first that come to mind when I think of Pokémon that should be changed to Fairy-type (of course neither was Marill...), but if they get the type change, I would welcome it.

If they get it then there just has to be a Fairy type multi-hit move, so Cinccino can take advantage of that with Technician/Skill Link.

Altho for some reason I can actually picture them as Normal/Fairy types, even tho the only thing remotely fairy about their designs/origins is the cutesy thing
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

P.DelSlayer said:
If they get it then there just has to be a Fairy type multi-hit move, so Cinccino can take advantage of that with Technician/Skill Link.

Altho for some reason I can actually picture them as Normal/Fairy types, even tho the only thing remotely fairy about their designs/origins is the cutesy thing

And if they make it a multi hit with 25 power (like tailslap) then that's 187.5 damage with stab and skill link :O
Cincinno the dragonslayer
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

The entire Glalie line is based on Japanese snow/ice youkai, so actually I can completely see Snorunt and Glalie as fairy type.

Fairies do not all have to be cutesy things. The term was originally as broadly applicable as "demon" or "goblin," it could refer to almost any supernatural monster.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

P.DelSlayer said:
AdamLambert said:
Yes. They aren't the first that come to mind when I think of Pokémon that should be changed to Fairy-type (of course neither was Marill...), but if they get the type change, I would welcome it.

If they get it then there just has to be a Fairy type multi-hit move, so Cinccino can take advantage of that with Technician/Skill Link.

Altho for some reason I can actually picture them as Normal/Fairy types, even tho the only thing remotely fairy about their designs/origins is the cutesy thing

I think the bolded sentece sums up their chances to be fairies.
And this is coming from someone who loves minccino and cinccino, and would love if they were fairy type, but it's not gonna happen.

Besides, they don't need the fairy type to be dragon slayers, my minccino just demolished ghetsis's hydreigon without taking any damage. It was the stuff of legend.
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