merrrrrhorse said:
There typings aren't Bug. They are Bugs..but not typed as bugs. Know what I'm saying?
bugs were never too impressive to me, besides the Venipede line.
I think we need more ground types.
Anyone have an official count of how many new pokemon we have and what categories they fall under type wise?
So far we have:
Fairy (10): Flabébé, Floette, Dedenne, Spritzee, Aromatisse, Swirlix, Slurpuff, Sylveon, Carbink, Xerneas
Normal (8): Helioptile, Heliolisk, Furfrou, Fletching, Litleo, Pyroar, Bunnelby, Diggersby
Fire (7): Fennekin, Braixen, Delphox, Fletchinder, Talonflame, Litleo, Pyroar
Flying (7): Fletching, Fletchinder, Talonflame, Vivillon, Hawlucha, Noivern, Yveltal
Water (6): Froakie, Frogadier, Greninja, Skrelp, Clauncher, Binacle
Rock (6): Amaura, Aurorus, Tyrunt, Tyrantrum, Carbink, Binacle
Grass (5): Chespin, Quilladin, Chesnaught, Skiddo, Gogoat
Psychic (5): Delphox, Espurr, Meowstick, Inkay, Malamar
Dark (5): Greninja, Inkay, Malamar, Pangoro, Yveltal
Dragon (5): Noivern, Goomy, Sliggoo, Tyrunt, Tyrantrum
Fighting (4): Chesnaught, Pancham, Pangoro, Hawlucha
Electric (3): Helioptile, Heliolisk, Dedenne
Bug (3): Scatterbug, Spewpa, Vivillon
Steel (2): Honedge, Doublade
Ghost (2): Honedge, Doublade
Ice (2): Amaura, Aurorus
Poison (1): Skrelp
Ground (0)
Not counting Mega forms