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RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

is Anything that corocoro reveals always on pokemon smash?
and its airing on the 10th or the 11th?
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

m7mad133 said:
is Anything that corocoro reveals always on pokemon smash?
and its airing on the 10th or the 11th?

Smash usually has information we get in CoroCoro.
But I don't know when it's airing, sorry. But CoroCoro usually leaks on the 11th/12th iirc.
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

m7mad133 said:
is Anything that corocoro reveals always on pokemon smash?
and its airing on the 10th or the 11th?

smash reveals stuff after we know it from corocoro. But it does sometimes hint at stuff we then see revealed 2 days later through corocoro leaks xD
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

Astra said:
Here's some more rumors to discuss. I think they're pretty interesting, and they talk about the newest release of Corocoro coming out on the 15th.

Sylveon is the Kashinfuu Pokemon, "Spring Wind". It is a pure-Flying Eevee Evolution, and is also 100% Female. Evolution method isn't stated exactly, but it evolves through its "bonds" with another Pokemon reaching a fever pitch. It further teases this by promising information on a new evolution mechanic in the future.

*The magazine expands on the Starters and Legendaries, with Species and Types:

Chespin is the Igaguri Pokemon, "Chestnut".
Fennekin is the Kitsunemimi Pokemon, "Fox Ears".
Froakie is the Kaeru Pokemon, "Frog".
Xerneas is the CHI (written out in romanji) Pokemon. Psychic/Ground.
Yveltal is the PSI (written out in romanji) Pokemon. Fighting/Flying.

Magazine has little speculative blurbs about them. Mentions how Chespin seems to be wearing a "hat", and wonders if it can be removed. Fennekin's blurb points out the fluff within its ears and questions if it's able to hear with all that fluff. Froakie's questions about the function of the clouds on its back, and wonders if it stores anything in it. Xerneas' points out the rainbow glow coming from its horns and asks what kind of power they contain, and Yveltal's mentions how its tail has a third hand on the end.

Next issue will apparently reveal the secret of Xerneas and Yveltal, and the meaning of CHI and PSI.

*There are three New Pokemon revealed advertising New Evolutions and Pre-Evolutions of older Pokemon alongside Sylveon, alongside their Sugimori Art and an in-game screen-shot:

Arutarosu [アルタロス], which is said to be the pre-evolution of Tauros. Normal. Species is Kengyuu Pokemon, "cow-puller", apparently from "kengyuusei", the "Puller of Cow Star". 19.7 kg. 0.9 m. Is a little brown bull, with only one tail, and ears instead of horns. Has a "cowbell" charm on its neck, a circular piece of metal with bull horns coming out the sides. The magazine indicates that it uses the cowbell to lead other Pokemon, and the in-game screen-shot shows musical notes coming from the bell in a battle.

Koorain [コーライン], which is said to be the evolution of Torkoal. Fire. Species is Sekitan Pokemon, "Coal", same as Torkoal. Very large Torkoal, with black "train tracks" lines running down its neck down its stomach, and around its legs. Has two "smoke stack" horns on the top of its head. Shell is larger, with two openings on both sides which are opened up like shafts, red fire seen inside. 291.8 kg. 2.8 m. Its in-game picture shows a red flame emitting from it in a fight against a Torkoal, Torkoal in the foreground, Koorain in the back, with the magazine pointing out the size difference between the two.

Yamemasu [ヤメマス], which is an alternate-evolution to Wynaut and a counterpart to Wobbuffet. Psychic. Species is the Kibaya Pokemon, "quick-tempered". Looks a lot like Wobbuffet, with a red zig-zag around its neck as its head is red, and it's got meaner looking (><) eyes as they're narrowing downward. Even the eyes on its tail look mad. Its arms are layered like a paper fan, and its swatting them. It's slightly skinnier, with its legs a bit raised and less flabby. 28.5 kg. 1.3 m. Its in-game picture has it swatting its arms at a Wobbuffet in battle in some kind of attack, and the magazine points out how it's able to attack on its own unlike Wobbuffet.

Okay, now this stuff? This reads like a real CoroCoro leak. The Sylveon info is plausible, if surprising (though Eeveelutions have always been poster children for new evolution mechanics). Torkoal and Wynaut are perfect examples of the types of Pokémon that are most likely to get new evolutions (the ones everyone always forgets exist). A Tauros pre-evo is a common fan concept, but the description and the fact that it isn't linked to Miltank as well make it seem legit. All in all, I'd be very surprised if this isn't how this month's CoroCoro turns out.

There's some interesting info here too. The reasoning behind chi and psi is pretty obvious, since they're the two Greek letters that look most like X and Y, though there may be more behind that. The Sylveon info is more interesting - the fact that it's the "Spring Wind" Pokémon hints that there might be more Eeveelutions this generation, as does the fact that it's female-only. Also intriguing (though probably coincidental) is the use of the phrase "fever pitch", which was used to describe an emotional state in Shadow Pokémon in the Colosseum series. The Japanese phrases used in both instances might be different, though. But it's fun to ponder.

Aquapulse said:
Ysmir said:
Speaking of, when does the new CoroCoro come out?

Officially, the 15th. However, it usually leaks few days before the 15th.

The scans are usually 3 or 4 days prior to the 15th, though they have been even earlier than that on occasion. And it isn't uncommon for descriptions of the scans to leak prior to the scans, either, like these seem to have.
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

Astra said:
Here's some more rumors to discuss. I think they're pretty interesting, and they talk about the newest release of Corocoro coming out on the 15th.

Sylveon is the Kashinfuu Pokemon, "Spring Wind". It is a pure-Flying Eevee Evolution, and is also 100% Female. Evolution method isn't stated exactly, but it evolves through its "bonds" with another Pokemon reaching a fever pitch. It further teases this by promising information on a new evolution mechanic in the future.

*The magazine expands on the Starters and Legendaries, with Species and Types:

Chespin is the Igaguri Pokemon, "Chestnut".
Fennekin is the Kitsunemimi Pokemon, "Fox Ears".
Froakie is the Kaeru Pokemon, "Frog".
Xerneas is the CHI (written out in romanji) Pokemon. Psychic/Ground.
Yveltal is the PSI (written out in romanji) Pokemon. Fighting/Flying.

Magazine has little speculative blurbs about them. Mentions how Chespin seems to be wearing a "hat", and wonders if it can be removed. Fennekin's blurb points out the fluff within its ears and questions if it's able to hear with all that fluff. Froakie's questions about the function of the clouds on its back, and wonders if it stores anything in it. Xerneas' points out the rainbow glow coming from its horns and asks what kind of power they contain, and Yveltal's mentions how its tail has a third hand on the end.

Next issue will apparently reveal the secret of Xerneas and Yveltal, and the meaning of CHI and PSI.

*There are three New Pokemon revealed advertising New Evolutions and Pre-Evolutions of older Pokemon alongside Sylveon, alongside their Sugimori Art and an in-game screen-shot:

Arutarosu [アルタロス], which is said to be the pre-evolution of Tauros. Normal. Species is Kengyuu Pokemon, "cow-puller", apparently from "kengyuusei", the "Puller of Cow Star". 19.7 kg. 0.9 m. Is a little brown bull, with only one tail, and ears instead of horns. Has a "cowbell" charm on its neck, a circular piece of metal with bull horns coming out the sides. The magazine indicates that it uses the cowbell to lead other Pokemon, and the in-game screen-shot shows musical notes coming from the bell in a battle.

Koorain [コーライン], which is said to be the evolution of Torkoal. Fire. Species is Sekitan Pokemon, "Coal", same as Torkoal. Very large Torkoal, with black "train tracks" lines running down its neck down its stomach, and around its legs. Has two "smoke stack" horns on the top of its head. Shell is larger, with two openings on both sides which are opened up like shafts, red fire seen inside. 291.8 kg. 2.8 m. Its in-game picture shows a red flame emitting from it in a fight against a Torkoal, Torkoal in the foreground, Koorain in the back, with the magazine pointing out the size difference between the two.

Yamemasu [ヤメマス], which is an alternate-evolution to Wynaut and a counterpart to Wobbuffet. Psychic. Species is the Kibaya Pokemon, "quick-tempered". Looks a lot like Wobbuffet, with a red zig-zag around its neck as its head is red, and it's got meaner looking (><) eyes as they're narrowing downward. Even the eyes on its tail look mad. Its arms are layered like a paper fan, and its swatting them. It's slightly skinnier, with its legs a bit raised and less flabby. 28.5 kg. 1.3 m. Its in-game picture has it swatting its arms at a Wobbuffet in battle in some kind of attack, and the magazine points out how it's able to attack on its own unlike Wobbuffet.

Exciting stuff. Can't wait to see what the next CoroCoro has in store. I really hope it contains none of these 'leaks' or 'rumours' and shock us all indefinitely with all three evolutions of the starters or something of that proportion. Wishful thinking.
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

Takuto said:
Exciting stuff. Can't wait to see what the next CoroCoro has in store. I really hope it contains none of these 'leaks' or 'rumours' and shock us all indefinitely with all three evolutions of the starters or something of that proportion. Wishful thinking.

The Gen. 5 starters' middle evolutions weren't revealed in CoroCoro until the issue that leaked just before the games came out, and we only saw the final evolutions ahead of time due to a separate, unrelated leak, so that's really, really unlikely. It's more likely that this is the info from this month's Corocoro, which could leak over this weekend, but probably not until Monday at least.

The information schedule has been a little odd this time around (the Gen. 5 starters weren't revealed until four months before the games came out, while with this new Gen. 6 it's more like nine), so it's hard to guess what future issues will show next, but if this issue doesn't have any information on the region and some of the human characters, the April one almost certainly will.
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

I imagine it's a bit early for a leak; they usually come on the 11th/12th iirc. So only about 2/3 days to wait!
Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

So I found this list I'm sure a lot of people have already seen, but it's basically from someone who claims to know which will get changed. What do you think about them?
Cleffa (Normal/Fairy)
Clefairy (Normal/Fairy)
Clefable (Normal/Fairy)
Igglybuff (Normal/Fairy)
Jiggylypuff (Normal/Fairy)
Wigglytuff (Normal/Fairy)
Snubbull (Normal/Fairy)
Granbull (Normal/Fairy)
Happiny (Normal/Fairy)
Chansey (Normal/Fairy)
Blissey (Normal/Fairy)
Togepi (Fairy)
Togetic (Fairy/Flying)
Togekiss (Fairy/Flying)
Dunsparce (Normal/Fairy)
Audino (Normal/Fairy)
Azurill (Normal/Fairy)
Marill (Water/Fairy)
Azumarill (Water/Fairy)
Alomomola (Water/Fairy)
Luvdisc (Water/Fairy)
Mawile (Steel/Fairy)
Vanillite (Ice/Fairy)
Vanillish (Ice/Fairy)
Vanilluxe (Ice/Fairy)
Bellossom (Grass/Fairy)
Cherubi (Grass/Fairy)
Cherrim (Grass/Fairy)
Petilil (Grass/Fairy)
Lilligant (Grass/Fairy)
Cottonee (Grass/Fairy)
Whimsicott (Grass/Fairy)
Volbeat (Bug/Fairy)
Illumise (Bug/Fairy)
Misdreavus (Ghost/Fairy)
Mismagius (Ghost/Fairy)
Cresselia (Psychic/Fairy)
Chingling (Psychic/Fairy)
Chimecho (Psychic/Fairy)
Gardevoir (Psychic/Fairy)
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

You forgot Mew and Mewtwo.

I'm having a hard time seeing some of these becoming Fairy-types; it seems most of the ones on the list are just Pokemon that have a single type. I remember when Dark and Steel types were announced, everyone was convinced so many old Pokemon would become either/or, but the only change was Magnemite/Magneton. Nothing else was touched. Here, I'm seeing WAY too many Pokemon on this list.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Togepi line is fail on the list.

They wouldn't change the secondary type to Fairy just to then change the primary one from Normal to Flying.

Either the line doesn't get Fairy type at all, or their Normal type changes to Fairy.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Mitja said:
Togepi line is fail on the list.

They wouldn't change the secondary type to Fairy just to then change the primary one from Normal to Flying.

Either the line doesn't get Fairy type at all, or their Normal type changes to Fairy.

I'm actually really wondering how they're gonna play Togepi if it does change.

Pure Fairy would be the 100% logical choice, but since Jiggles is a Normal/Fairy as opposed to pure Fairy it makes me think that they may only add on the fairy type to Normal pokes (as opposed to changing them outright)
so the possibilities are:
-Fairy/Normal -> Fairy/Flying
-Normal/Fairy -> Fairy/Flying
-Fairy -> Fairy/Flying

But overall I think we'll only see a few lines change. something like
-Azurill line (confirmed)
-Igglybuff line (confirmed)
-Gardevoir (confirmed)
-Togepi line
-Cleffa line (these can become pure Fairy, it makes the most sense for them)
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

P.DelSlayer said:
Mitja said:
Togepi line is fail on the list.

They wouldn't change the secondary type to Fairy just to then change the primary one from Normal to Flying.

Either the line doesn't get Fairy type at all, or their Normal type changes to Fairy.

I'm actually really wondering how they're gonna play Togepi if it does change.

Pure Fairy would be the 100% logical choice, but since Jiggles is a Normal/Fairy as opposed to pure Fairy it makes me think that they may only add on the fairy type to Normal pokes (as opposed to changing them outright)

so the possibilities are:
-Fairy/Normal -> Fairy/Flying
-Normal/Fairy -> Fairy/Flying
-Fairy -> Fairy/Flying

Yeah, it boils down to the question whether gamefreak would even change a pokemons existing type, instead of ONLY adding new ones.
Because the purist that they are, I take the fact Jigglypuff turning into Normal/Fairy as a hint that this is what they're doing.
And in that case, no luck for Togepi.
Blissey keeps Fighting weakness too.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

The simple fact that Darkrai is on the list is more than enough for me to call BS on this list. Plus this is an unnecessary amount of pokemon as well as very random pokemon at that!

Like seriously, I removed some pokemon off the list because I myself have speculated they could get the typing, but look at the remainder and try to figure out WHY and HOW they could pass off as Fairy type. It's pretty silly and I think the person that made this added some silly chooses like Sudowoodo just so people could somewhat believe it. I doubt GF would alter Legendaries unless a form was involved. I understand that Marill throws a wrench into what we expect Fairy type pokemon to look like but this list seems ridiculous.

Skitty (Normal/Fairy)
Delcatty (Normal/Fairy)
Munchlax (Normal/Fairy)
Snorlax (Normal/Fairy)
Togepi (Normal/Fairy)
Togetic (Flying/Fairy)
Togekiss (Flying/Fairy)
Buneary (Normal/Fairy)
Lopunny (Normal/Fairy)
Minccino (Normal/Fairy)
Cinccino (Normal/Fairy)
Audino (Normal/Fairy)
Phione (Water/Fairy)
Manaphy (Water/Fairy)
Politoed (Water/Fairy)
Alomomola (Water/Fairy)
Clampearl (Water/Fairy)
Gorebyss (Water/Fairy)
Huntail (Water/Fairy)
Luvdisc (Water/Fairy)
Plusle (Electric/Fairy)
Minun (Electric/Fairy)
Snorunt (Ice/Fairy)
Vanillite (Ice/Fairy)
Vanillish (Ice/Fairy)
Vanilluxe (Ice/Fairy)
Cherubi (Grass/Fairy)
Cherrim (Grass/Fairy)
Maractus (Grass/Fairy)
Shaymin-Land (Grass/Fairy)
Volbeat (Bug/Fairy)
Illumise (Bug/Fairy)
Kricketot (Bug/Fairy)
Kricketune (Bug/Fairy)
Sudowoodo (Rock/Fairy)
Uxie (Psychic/Fairy)
Mesprit (Psychic/Fairy)
Azelf (Psychic/Fairy)
Cresselia (Psychic/Fairy))
Gothita (Psychic/Fairy)
Gothorita (Psychic/Fairy)
Gothitelle (Psychic/Fairy)
Meloetta-Aria (Fairy/Psychic)
Meloetta-Pirouette (Fairy/Fighting)
Zorua (Dark/Fairy)
Zoroark (Dark/Fairy)
Darkrai (Dark/Fairy)
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

I updated the list a little and feel like they all make sense. Plus, if you add fairy to mew and manaphy, it makes all the pixie pokemon have dual types. I didn't put the others on here as changing psychic to fairy because it's just too unlikely.
Cleffa (Normal/Fairy)
Clefairy (Normal/Fairy)
Clefable (Normal/Fairy)
Igglybuff (Normal/Fairy)
Jiggylypuff (Normal/Fairy)
Wigglytuff (Normal/Fairy)
Snubbull (Normal/Fairy)
Granbull (Normal/Fairy)
Skitty (Normal/Fairy)
Delcatty (Normal/Fairy)
Happiny (Normal/Fairy)
Chansey (Normal/Fairy)
Blissey (Normal/Fairy)
Munchlax (Normal/Fairy)
Snorlax (Normal/Fairy)
Castform (Normal/Fairy)
Togepi (Fairy)
Togetic (Fairy/Flying)
Togekiss (Fairy/Flying)
Dunsparce (Normal/Fairy)
Buneary (Normal/Fairy)
Lopunny (Normal/Fairy)
Minccino (Normal/Fairy)
Cinccino (Normal/Fairy)
Audino (Normal/Fairy)
Azurill (Normal/Fairy)
Marill (Water/Fairy)
Azumarill (Water/Fairy)
Phione (Water/Fairy)
Manaphy (Water/Fairy)
Politoed (Water/Fairy)
Milotic (Water/Fairy)
Alomomola (Water/Fairy)
Luvdisc (Water/Fairy)
Plusle (Electric/Fairy)
Minun (Electric/Fairy)
Mawile (Steel/Fairy)
Snorunt (Ice/Fairy)
Glalie (Ice/Fairy)
Vanillite (Ice/Fairy)
Vanillish (Ice/Fairy)
Vanilluxe (Ice/Fairy)
Bellossom (Grass/Fairy)
Cherubi (Grass/Fairy)
Cherrim (Grass/Fairy)
Petilil (Grass/Fairy)
Lilligant (Grass/Fairy)
Maractus (Grass/Fairy)
Shaymin-Land (Grass/Fairy)
Vulpix (Fire/Fairy)
Ninetails (Fire/Fairy)
Volbeat (Bug/Fairy)
Illumise (Bug/Fairy)
Kricketot (Bug/Fairy)
Kricketune (Bug/Fairy)
Misdreavus (Ghost/Fairy)
Mismagius (Ghost/Fairy)
Uxie (Psychic/Fairy)
Mesprit (Psychic/Fairy)
Azelf (Psychic/Fairy)
Cresselia (Psychic/Fairy)
Chingling (Psychic/Fairy)
Chimecho (Psychic/Fairy)
Gardevoir (Psychic/Fairy)
Meloetta-Aria (Fairy/Psychic)
Meloetta-Pirouette (Fairy/Fighting)
Mew (Psychic/Fairy)
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

I don't know about you guys, but I feel like this list is still waaay too long. If all these Pokémon were changed to Fairy, it would be too sudden of a change in gameplay. Way too drastic. I understand that we want the Pokémon series to progress and to be updated, but this is really like using a sledgehammer to kill a fly!

At the very most, this is a list of Pokémon who might possibly be changed to Fairy. It's conceivable for some of them to change, but definitely not all of them, in my opinion.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

This list is far too long. Some don't even make all too much sense. Darkrai? Lol but I do agree with a few of them.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

The one Pokemon I would have to think should be a Fairy overall: Whimsicott. It has a small cute body, loves pulling pranks (Like some Fairies may do), floats on the wind and lets not forget that Whimsical is what it is based off of. So yeah.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

DarkPhoenix said:
The one Pokemon I would have to think should be a Fairy overall: Whimsicott. It has a small cute body, loves pulling pranks (Like some Fairies may do), floats on the wind and lets not forget that Whimsical is what it is based off of. So yeah.

JorgenVonStrangle said:
Fear my Whimsy!

Anyway list is fake. I hope Mismagius really gets fairy type though.
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Hmmm.... you found this, eh? That's not how I recall it :p ...


There's no way this list can be legit. For one, what's with all the Normal/Fairy types? Wouldn't it make more sense to just retype some as pure Fairy-type?

Would Castform and its type changing gimmick really work with a secondary type?

What's up with the Togepi line?! Wouldn't it make more sense to make Togepi either Fairy/Normal or just pure Fairy-type then to make Togetic and Togekiss Flying/Fairy?

A lot of these changes don't really make much sense if you ask me. I mean, why the Mincinno family? What's so fairy-like about a chinchilla? Or the Kricketot family, a bunch of crickets and grasshoppers?
RE: Pokemon Rumored To Be Retyped As Fairy

Since you guys said it's far too long, I tried shortening it and added cottonee and whimsicott. I'm still iffy on Vulpix and Ninetails. That makes 56 pokemon to be retyped.
Cleffa (Normal/Fairy)
Clefairy (Normal/Fairy)
Clefable (Normal/Fairy)
Igglybuff (Normal/Fairy)
Jiggylypuff (Normal/Fairy)
Wigglytuff (Normal/Fairy)
Snubbull (Normal/Fairy)
Granbull (Normal/Fairy)
Happiny (Normal/Fairy)
Chansey (Normal/Fairy)
Blissey (Normal/Fairy)
Togepi (Fairy)
Togetic (Fairy/Flying)
Togekiss (Fairy/Flying)
Dunsparce (Normal/Fairy)
Audino (Normal/Fairy)
Azurill (Normal/Fairy)
Marill (Water/Fairy)
Azumarill (Water/Fairy)
Phione (Water/Fairy)
Manaphy (Water/Fairy)
Politoed (Water/Fairy)
Milotic (Water/Fairy)
Alomomola (Water/Fairy)
Luvdisc (Water/Fairy)
Plusle (Electric/Fairy)
Minun (Electric/Fairy)
Mawile (Steel/Fairy)
Glalie (Ice/Fairy)
Vanillite (Ice/Fairy)
Vanillish (Ice/Fairy)
Vanilluxe (Ice/Fairy)
Bellossom (Grass/Fairy)
Cherubi (Grass/Fairy)
Cherrim (Grass/Fairy)
Petilil (Grass/Fairy)
Lilligant (Grass/Fairy)
Cottonee (Grass/Fairy)
Whimsicott (Grass/Fairy)
Shaymin-Land (Grass/Fairy)
Volbeat (Bug/Fairy)
Illumise (Bug/Fairy)
Kricketot (Bug/Fairy)
Kricketune (Bug/Fairy)
Misdreavus (Ghost/Fairy)
Mismagius (Ghost/Fairy)
Uxie (Psychic/Fairy)
Mesprit (Psychic/Fairy)
Azelf (Psychic/Fairy)
Cresselia (Psychic/Fairy)
Chingling (Psychic/Fairy)
Chimecho (Psychic/Fairy)
Gardevoir (Psychic/Fairy)
Meloetta-Aria (Fairy/Psychic)
Meloetta-Pirouette (Fairy/Fighting)
Mew (Psychic/Fairy)
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